Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)

Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)”.
Would you look at that? The alternatives to typical earbuds these options continue to expand, and today we actually have two from a company called shocks, formerly known as aftershocks, which I believe was responsible for my introduction into bone conduction technology and wireless earbud Alternatives. So you have this one: the open run Pro now, as the name implies open run you go for a run. Your ears remain open, but you’re still hearing your audio. This one goes around the neck. There’S a neck band portion available in a couple of different colors, but then there’s a new model and, as you can see, that’s indicated in the top right corner here.

This is the open run Pro Mini. This has been sized down for a snug fit, which I think would be something that a fitness type would be looking for. I mean you see this guy he’s a little bit. Sweaty he’s definitely been running.

Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)

Maybe uh lifting snug, fit’s gon na be something that you want. It’S also going to be ideal for smaller head sizes. Unlike traditional headphones shocks, signature bone, conduction technology, innovates, the way people hear sound, open, run Pro Mini features, an open, ear design that keeps you aware of your surroundings and delivers all-day comfort. So it’s twofold right I mean the main focus here.

Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)

Is that your ear canals your eardrums remain available to external noises? The other side of it is some people are sensitive to having stuff in their ears. These sit on the outside ninth generation bone conduction Tech, so they’ve been at it for a little while turbo pitch technology for enhanced bass. Dual noise, canceling mic for Clear calls, that’s another one. If you’re one of these people that you have to frequently have calls video conferences – and things like this, this may be comfortable to wear for extended periods, so you can use it for your clear calls, titanium frame for secure fit didn’t realize the frame was titanium. This is a nice little graphic image that showcases the scale difference of the mini to the pro I’ll; try them both out and see, which is more optimal for myself, Quick Charge, capable 10 hours of music and ip55 water resistance, blue and pink. Whatever suits your style.

Bone Conduction is Back (Shokz OpenRun Pro Unboxing)

Nice little carrying case comes with it. Some paperwork is in here as well. I know that’s your favorite part of any unboxing video little magnetic connector to keep things charged up. It’S a USB a on the other end.

So you have this little section right here and it just slapped on. I mean that I love when a charger kind of Finds Its Own home via magnets. It’S a nice little hard shell carrying case this is going to protect them, though, which is nice funky. The way those sit up in there but they’re nicely housed now remember this is the mini and the way that these are worn. This unit is gon na sit in front of your ear canal over the top as you’re, seeing there and certainly a snug fit. For me, you know I can imagine wearing these while playing basketball.

You still want to hear the ball. You want to hear the surroundings you’re a little nervous that people might be watching your terrible performance and you’re like I want to hear them if they’re chuckling and I can listen to my music and still know about it. Now, when you look at the front section, you can see some grills there, one on the front and one on the rear one on the bottom. Here we have a microphone tiny, little dot right there, okay, so I’m gon na put the bigger one on I’m getting audio dialogue, welcome to shocks, battery medium without having to look in an LED or something. It’S telling you what the battery life is. Now I’m gon na go ahead and connect to it, so we’re paired up very nice minimalist looking app. If I click on EQ modes here he goes standard balanced frequency for listening to music, vocal, enhanced intermediate frequency for listening to spoken voice. Ah, this is if you’re listening to audiobooks or podcasts, I’m going to keep it in standard for now volume play pause next track. Multi-Point pairing is available. If we go into settings here, cold winter walking. Oh, I’ve heard this one before a little more bass on this. One really has a little kind of vibration to it. I was getting into it a little bit. Let me do uh some spoken word.

Let me just try and load up some blue later over. Here. Change to the vocal, oh wow, it’s quite a bit different. It’S quite a bit different like it’s louder, so you’re definitely going to want to use the EQ.

If you you know, are primarily listening to podcasts and audio books compared to music. This is it’s an alternative. It’S a legitimate alternative. This is a different audio solution from earbuds or headphones you’re gon na know right away, if you’re a candidate for this product, depending on how important it is that you are aware of your surrounding how much you’re looking for enhanced Comfort like whether or not you find Earbuds to be irritating headphones to be bulky or hot, these will free up your ears, it’s like a different product category and they serve an independent purpose, which is like full transparency while still listening to something with without anything in your ears.

Now I don’t know if I prefer the mini versus the open run Pro. I probably have a large sized thing going on here relative to the general public, we’ll get Mo to try them on as well, and he can let me know which one he prefers. Some of this comes down to whether or not you want a more casual fitter, a more snug fit like this one. Is it’s right there, it’s right on the back there. So, since this is a cooking show, we have a standard Pro, that’s already been set up, and this showcases your difference in scale. It’S actually significant when you look at it there on camera kind of nice that we finally have some size options here. Not everyone is built the same way now this leaves a little gap for me. You know what I mean like see, how I can kind of lift that up and down there across the back, but he has way more space than I do his his distance.

His neck, I think he has a different neck setup than I do like that’s a thick area on me, whereas this guy may be less so so you can see that’s the way the picture is drawn for him on the standard model. If you compare it to the Mini model, you can see, this is tighter for him, but it’s not right up against now Mo. Did you wan na? Well, let’s just see, what’s going on here, now see that’s right up against your neck too, while he’s really rushing through this right now, what was he stressed out? I don’t like being in front of the camera, he’s just flying right, I like being on the other side, so you like The Snug fit. Well, I mean the concept: is that like I’d, be running with this right? Is that what you’re doing these days, The Minis for me? Are you doing a lot of running these days where you going Mo running away Mo, says he’d go for the mini? Obviously this depends on your head size. So if you know, for example, when you, when you wear like a fitted cap, if you know you have a smaller size, head, you’re, probably gon na gravitate towards the mini a larger size, you’re gon na go for the pro I could get away with either, though It’S important to note: I could wear the mini. It’S just gon na be a little bit tighter on me.

A volume is underneath minus and plus a little bit of a texture there, black pink, blue and beige in the pro model and then either beige or black. In the Mini model, both available now I’ll have the relevant links down in the description, if you’re interested so definitely go check that out foreign .