Blackberry Playbook Tablet – First Look

Blackberry Playbook Tablet - First Look

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Blackberry Playbook Tablet – First Look”.
Hey guys mkbhd here back with another high definition, video and today we’re going to be taking a look at the blackberry, playbook and today, in fact, we’re looking at the playbooks ad put out by blackberry not too long ago. Now the fact that it is an advertisement may put some of you guys off, but it is very, very telling and a lot of the things about the playbook first thing i’ll tell you is that it does have a one gigahertz, dual core processor, a seven inch Screen and does have a 1080p three megapixel video camera on the back and a front facing high definition, video camera on the front. A lot of the things you’ll see here in this commercial have nothing to do with the tablet itself, but the animations are very reminiscent of something we’ve seen in the galaxy tab or the ipad. This is because it’s running rim’s latest version of the blackberry tablet interface. Good call ram, also rim selecting to have their own operating system dedicated to this tablet means they’re opening up also to developers to develop applications for this tablet, so we’ll go over that in a second something you’ll see showcased a lot here in this ad is that It’S very business driven because of the ability to multitask. You can run multiple applications at once and that’ll surely be enhanced by the one gig of ram and the dual core mobile processor it has inside of it. So you see a lot of these animations are really smooth.

You’Ll, see flash content as it is. Flash loving and you’ll see a whole lot of other things on that high resolution screen that you wouldn’t typically see on something like the ipad or the smaller galaxy tab. It also appears that you’ll be able to pair your current blackberry phone with the blackberry tab, which makes sense, as things like that are already going on with ios devices and with android. Here at the end of the commercial.

We get a really nice 360 view of the tablet and a whole bunch of things. Rem is showcasing, including the camera position there. On the back. You can see it offers an uncompromised browsing experience that is, enterprise ready with rem’s tablet os and that they’re advertising it. As a professional tablet looks to be a really nice competitor to the other tablets out, there it’ll be a great addition to the tablet market and it will nice be it’ll, be nice to see you know how they price this and what it’ll really bring to the Market in the future, so this has been mkbhd with a quick look at the blackberry playbook, as shown by rim. Thanks for watching this video and we’ll talk to you guys in the next one, peace .