Bixby Speaker Impressions!

Bixby Speaker Impressions!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bixby Speaker Impressions!”.
Hey what is up guys? I’M could be HD here and welcome to another video. I’M sure you’ve already been aware that the smart speaker market has been heating up a lot over the past couple months and year and a half. So we got Google assistant in the form of Google home in that smart speaker and we got series smart assistant in a home pod. But today we have a bit of an exclusive for you guys. Our first look at samsung, smart assistant in the form of a Bixby home, the Bixby smart speaker, so we’re gon na give it a shot.

We already know I mean Samsung’s, been doing great with hardware, especially on their phones. We kind of just give them that they’re top-notch, but it’s the software where we start to have some questions. You know Bixby. You probably saw that virtual assistant comparison, video didn’t do so hot, but it’s been a couple months. There’S been some updates, so let’s give this another shot. So the box is pretty simple, pretty inviting I feel like in this day and age. If you’re gon na be putting a smart speaker in someone’s house, you kind of have to make it inviting to not have them freak out about it, but if we take it out, it looks pretty good. We got some some Bixby blue, these blue accents, but uh. It’S nice and dense, it’s weighted, it’s pretty clean. Honestly. It looks like a pretty good smart speaker. There’S are these buttons at the top and they’re blue? I guess there’s no screen kind of like Google assistant or home pod. They all have that little screen at the top, but you don’t really use that when you’re across the room. So that’s not I’m not taking points off for that. So we’ve got to get past this beautiful hardware and see if, if Bixby is all about it, because that’s what makes or breaks a smart speaker if the assistant actually does its job so uh hey Bixby. What’S your name, my name is Bigsby. Okay, so I mean that’s, I said the name in the question, but that’s cool it got it all right, hey Bixby! What’S the weather, the weather refers to day-to-day temperature and precipitation activity, okay technically correct, but I was more looking for like the weather here right now. Hey Bixby, what’s the weather in New York City right now it is currently 50 degrees in cloudy in New York, City.

Bixby Speaker Impressions!

Okay, so you’ve got to be a little more specific, but it gets it right. So that’s that’s! The simple default question of the weather. So basically, we know there’s a long list of things that can probably do like set a timer. I look up information on Google. We kind of wanted to be able to do also the more novel things like answering more random questions. Google uses the knowledge graph.

So hey Bixby: how far away is the moon far far away yeah, I think most would have most would have given an answer in like miles/hour kilometers or something but you’re, not wrong. Bixby you’re not wrong. I don’t know. Most of them can tell jokes so uh, hey Bixby, tell me a joke, knock knock who’s.

There. Aren’T you glad, I didn’t say banana haha, you kind of forgot half of that they don’t all have to have good jokes. That’S that’s! Not a big deal that that’s a missing feature: um.

Okay, so you know that’s Siri like what they think of Google and vice versa: hey Bixby! What do you think of Siri? Dad? Okay, at least hey the mute switch, is very responsive. I think it’s a play. Button, it’s still gone; okay, maybe something a little less triggering for you. Bixby uh, hey Bixby, just do a trick.

Okay, pick a number between one and two. Okay. Is your number one? No? Actually, okay, now that’s started going out ho for a second, but I think Bixby home can still redeem itself as a legitimate, smart, speaker cuz. It’S still it’s able to answer questions right. So I have a press release from Samsung here says they’ve, interestingly built in a fail-safe to make sure it definitely answers complex questions, which I mean that’s what it comes down to we’re asking a jokes and stuff, but it can still save itself. So, hey Bixby. What’S 37 times the square root of 94? That’S a tough one: okay, Google, what is 37 times the square root of 94? That’S that’s cheating! Fifty eight point, seven, two! Eight! That’S that’s cheating! No! It’S not alright! Maybe uh! Maybe we asked a little too much of it.

Maybe just a phone call, maybe that’s that’s the simple, hey, Bixby call Mandy. Okay, playin call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, stop no stop all right. This is something home pod can do. This is something Google assistant can do: hey Bixby turn the studio, light blue, okay playing blue by Eiffel 65; sorry for getting both of those songs stuck in your head today.

Okay, I at this point I’m trying to I’m trying to figure out if it’s really a smart speaker like if there’s, if there’s anything this does better than home, pod or Google assistant. That would be great. I think the one thing Samsung mentioned is it has a removable cable, which you know, that’s good, it’s kind of hard. Actually, okay, that’s not that was mmm. They thought about it.

They tried they tried, that’s what it comes down to Samsung tried they. They wanted to make it a little more portable than Google, home and home pod. So if you manage to remove the speaker correctly, it has built-in battery and they push the limits. With this battery, it’s gon na be sitting around on a countertop for a lot, so they said they put in a sixty thousand milliamp hour battery, which is pretty massive, pushing the limits for a small form-factor like this. So ideally, it should be able to last up to Oh okay.

Bixby Speaker Impressions!

This is a hopefully you guys by now know this April Fool’s Day. This is your yearly reminder not to take anything you read or watch too seriously. I mean if they made a smart speaker and totally better than this right for sure anyway. Catch you guys, the next one peace you .