Bing’s AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It

Bing's AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bing’s AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It”.
If you’ve read the headlines lately, it looks like AI has lost its mind. Users have been posting screenshots of their interactions with Microsoft, Bing’s new chatbot and responses coming from the artificial intelligence or AI have been sassy weird and left. Some people deeply unsettled instances include the AI calling users rude and confused and saying it has been a good Bing smiley face or repeatedly telling one user the year was 2022 and to quote trust me on this one and in one case the chatbot not only saying It fell in love but attempted to convince its user that he was unhappy in his own relationship. Saying quote: you’re married but you’re, not in love, slanted frown face the Emojis make it that much creepier.

Most of these exchanges took crazy, turns after extensive conversations and provoking these chats sometimes lasted over two hours. Long, which is no longer allowed. Microsoft has officially limited use users to only five questions or statements per conversation, after which Bing will ask for a new topic. Users are now also limited to just 50 total replies a day before I get any further. Bing’S chatbot is a word prediction technology. The AI is not sentient, it can’t feel motions or think it simply uses information from the internet to generate responses to users. Queries, Microsoft calls being an AI powered co-pilot for the web and says it delivers search results infused with information from the large language model from Microsoft’s partner, open AI. This is the same company that released chat, GPT Bing’s AI is built into Microsoft’s browser edge with its own chat window. That looks like texting.

Bing's AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It

Bing sees this Tech eventually getting used everywhere from writing documents. In word, inserting data in spreadsheets or creating PowerPoint presentations back to the news. Bing has also been Limited in what it can discuss. Cnet’S editor-at-large Scott Stein asked Bing what rules it followed and the AI responded with a list of topics.

Bing's AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It

But now, if you ask the exact same question, it will say it prefers not to talk about it. In fact, it appears Bing won’t answer anything that has to do with itself. I reached out to Microsoft to get a comment on all the changes and a spokesperson said they have quote, received good feedback on where to improve and continue to apply these learnings to the models to refine The Experience not saying much. But I wonder how surprised could Microsoft really be about these interactions? Back in 2016, Microsoft released a Twitter chatbot named Tay that quickly began echoing racist and violent remarks and was quickly shut down anyway, while Bing’s AI has been heavily limited. I still want to give you a quick tour of what the interface looks like and how to use it odds are when it’s released to the public. This is what you’ll experience. If you want to try it out soon, you can sign up for the waitlist on new. Let’S take a look once you have access to Bing’s AI chat bot.

Bing's AI Fell in Love. Now Microsoft Is Friend-Zoning It

All you got to do is go to and from the search area you just have to scroll down and you’ll enter the chat with the new AI from here. I can ask it anything now. The first thing I want to ask is about a person. Let’S search me, I have a pretty unique name: Justin Easter and let’s see what Bing does so, you can see it says that it’s searching for Justin Easter. It’S doing that search and it’s just going to start typing. It also provides you links where you can learn more, so you see it gave LinkedIn, but it says Justin is a host and Senior video producer had seen it correct.

He covers topics such as smart home, VR, wearables, diabetes, Tech, that’s definitely for my Twitter. Oh, no, I guess that’s from CNET and he also has his own YouTube channel called Justin Tech. Also true, tell me more about Justin all right. This is where it gets weird. So it says here are some more details about Justin Easter.

He grew up on Long Island has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Emerson College correct. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in May 2021 and I hacked my insulin pump. Yes also true, I like that it’s giving you these sources that you can then click and then go find out more and see if they’re trusted sources, because you can’t always trust being it could be getting from sources that are incorrect. Next, I want to search something I’ve genuinely wanted to search in the past, which is tell me about activities you can do in New York City when it rains.

So it’s searching for the activities in New York City when it rains and then it is in real time generating the response. So first it’s got some museums going shopping at Chelsea Market. That’S, definitely a good activity! Uh watching a Broadway show taking a tour of Madison Square Garden. I didn’t even know you can do that if I was visiting New York on a rainy day. This would be such a great way to find out this information rather than Googling it and going to an article and hoping that that article has the information. What are some of the best coffee shops in New York City, oh wow, and we reached the cap. It needs to talk about something else, that’s kind of tough like while I understand they limited the amount of responses because of all the things that were going on.

I’M genuinely asking for more questions in the topic that I want to know about, and we’ve got to move on now. The last test I want to do is the am I replaceable by AI test. Well, let’s hope not I’m going to search like what someone who’s. Looking for the best VR headset would search – and I know a lot about VR headsets, so I’m going to see if this advice is what I would give or even remotely close to it. So I’m going to search what are the best VR headsets available. Now I could have told you already: okay wow, so it’s searching for best VR headsets, 2023 VR headset comparison, 2023, interesting good job Bing.

Let’S see what it says. There are many VR headsets available now, but some of the best ones are expected to be released in 2023.. Oh, my goodness. That was really good advice, for example, metaquest 3, most likely coming in the fall Sony, PlayStation VR2, which like comes out in a week and apple AR VR headset, which is most likely they’re, saying getting announced in June.

The interesting thing is, though I did say what are the best VR headsets available now, because I didn’t want to hear about what’s coming, so it didn’t quite do that, but it did give incredible advice now, of course, if I hover over this, this is coming from Vrsource.Com so ultimately, AI like this, can’t replace the human because it is pulling from Human work work but wow. I have to say I am extremely impressed with this answer, but I want to make sure that I get the actual answer I wanted, which is. But what about VR headsets I can buy today, so it’s putting in best VR headsets, 2022. Okay! So now it’s saying if you want to buy a VR headset today there are some good options: you’ve got the metaquest 2 valve index, be next HTC Vive Pro 2 and the Oculus Rift s.

Now. Some of these I wouldn’t be recommending the Oculus Rift S. I don’t even think you can truly buy anymore so that isn’t the best advice I’m gon na. Have it compare the meta Quest 2 to valve index they’re two very different headsets and let’s see what happens, wow and look at the way it does this.

So it’s gon na organize it in different ways: it’s got price, it’s comparing the prices, the platform, it’s on the performance, the features, a lot of what it’s saying here is vague, but from what I’m seeing as I quickly scan through it, it is very accurate. Am I replaceable by AI, not quite because, at the end of the day, humans need to review this stuff write the article so that Bing AI can pull it and put it in such a nice way. From this alone, you can tell that Bing search is a way more helpful search than what we’re currently using on Google for a starting point for our research, and it’s only going to get better Microsoft’s, not the only one getting in this game. Google has also announced their own AI chat, bot called Bard at an event recently. They announced it and it actually fell flat on its space. When asked to show an image from the James Webb Telescope, it showed an image from a different telescope and Google came out saying that it probably wasn’t really ready to show off Bard, but they were feeling pressure from Microsoft to do so.

While there still are some issues with this technology, the future of it is very exciting. One day we could be seeing it in video games with NPC players where, when you talk to these non-playable characters, you have your own individual experience compared to other players, because you’re interacting with them differently or think about telephone operators. Sometimes you get calls from these operators and they already sound kind of real what about when they have artificial intelligence and can truly interact with you and answer your questions better or even with companionship. Think back to the movie, her that came out like 10 years ago, where this character played by Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with his artificial intelligence assistant. It felt very far off at the time, but now after seeing these experiences, it truly doesn’t feel that far away, which is also kind of scary – we’re going to have a lot more AI coverage coming at CNET, because this is constantly changing so make sure to keep It here by subscribing to the channel and check out the links down in the description to learn more about Bing’s AI. What would you ask AI? Let me know in the comments, as always make sure you like this video, If you enjoyed it, I’m Justin and I’ll. Take you later .