Big News…

Big News...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Big News…”.
Okay, so guys this has to be my biggest channel update of all time, so welcome to mr. who’s, boss. 6.0. Okay, so I said this was a big one and I have a piece of news which auntie is going to change this entire channel and I’ll get on to the end just a moment. But first of all can I just say we absolutely destroyed our target back in September time. Actually, to be honest back at the beginning of the year, I set a target for 300,000 subscribers and we’ve gone ahead and absolutely wrecked it, because we’re now at three hundred and thirty, three thousand, maybe even more by the time I’ve uploaded this video but yeah thanks A lot guys, your support, has been incredible.

Like I’m reading, every single comment and honestly, some of them just make me melt, I can’t believe the support you guys have given me, especially with the recent hacking that happened to my channel, which was really scary. For me, the number of you guys that message that tweeted me that followed me on Instagram that commented it was all. It was really really special to me. So thank you.

So much and speaking of that we’ve got the 2017 goal, which is, let’s just say. It’S a little bit more ambitious because if you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that the goal for 2017 is 1 million subscribers and yeah. That’S almost scary. It’S a bit intimidating, but I’m confident that we can do it after seeing the support that you guys have given I’m I’m more confident than ever that if we persist, if we really get that grind going, we can achieve 1 million subscribers okay and so that big Piece of news, which I suppose kind of relates to the 2017 target, is that after I finished my final year of university, which is happening around May June time this year, I’m going to become a full-time youtuber, and I never thought in my life that I would Say those words, but it makes me so so happy to tell you this so for an entire year at least I’m going to be dedicating my life to YouTube, I’m going to be filming all day, I’m going to be producing daily content and the quality will just Skyrocket, I’m going to go to every single exhibition, every single conference I’ll be at MWC CES, all of them and I’ll literally just be living my dream, and it’s all thanks to you guys. So I want to say a huge huge thanks. It mean so much to me that I’ve been able to do this and also be excited because really cool stuff is going to happen so something else which is really important.

The setup – and I know a lot of you guys – are really excited to see it. I’M super excited to show it too. I really really can’t wait. I’Ve got a custom-built desk over here loads of cool stuff on it. I guess this is kind of a bit of a teaser for those you guys watching this video and it’s seriously like it’s probably going to be the best video I’ve ever made.

Big News...

But the only thing is: is I’m just waiting for an electrician to basically drill some sockets in for some reason when they built the desk, they didn’t put any holes in it. So cable Mandarin right now is honestly awful, like I’ve got a little Pacman lamp over there, I’m using that to hide cables right now bit of a desperate situation. So as soon as I’ve got that sorted, I’m gon na film the video make it badass and then send it out to you guys. So I hope you look forward to it.

Big News...

Okay, so another thing which I think I kind of left you guys in the dark. A bit about was my upcoming intro, so I know a lot of you guys, like the Khan intro, but I just think it’s time for a change. I’Ve had this since I was on about 180,000 subscribers and we’re at 330 now we’ve basically doubled it.

So I basically contracted our guy to do it and long story short his PC blew up. So I didn’t really know was happening. He didn’t really know what’s happening, you guys didn’t really know what’s happening, but yeah intros in the works, probably another three weeks or so, and we’re gon na have the most kick-ass intro.

I’Ve ever had on this channel so yeah guys that pretty much does the channel update. I really appreciate you watching. Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to me and with that being said, I’m mr.

boss and I’m signing out .