Big Data as Fast As Possible

Big Data as Fast As Possible

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Big Data as Fast As Possible”.
Like many of you, I enjoy my privacy on the internet, so the constant advances over the last few years and the ability to collect massive amounts of personal data about me have not really sat that well, but is the industry’s favorite big buzzword right now, big data. All bad or are we painting and otherwise, potentially very useful tool for the advancement of society in a bad light because of one aspect of it? First, let’s discuss what Big Data actually is. There are many wildly different definitions of Big Data, for example, while we individuals might define it as an intrusive threat to our society and the overall anonymity of the Internet corporations might see it as a revolution in data processing and computing. But there are at least a few things that everyone can agree on: wikipedia defines Big Data as any collection of datasets, so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. I mean that doesn’t sound so threatening right.

So essentially, Big Data is just a collection of data, so large that each individual becomes an insignificant number where whoever is in possession of the data often actually can’t make meaningful conclusions about any one person from it and many times. Actually, the term Big Data is misused. It’S turned into a marketing buzzword with software and IT companies stating that their systems are running full of challenges that big data provides, which is a great way to say absolutely nothing about the product, while still managing to seem important or relevant in the current market. On top of that, as much as many of you guys might not like to hear this privacy advocates tend to misuse the term as well.

Big Data as Fast As Possible

They act as though big data only describes user data compiled by sites and services when big data actually encompasses many more types of data like scientific and business data sets, for example, meteorological data from weather stations and market data from financial exchanges all around the world. Now, before you burn me at the stake for being a secret NSA operative for defending the idea of big data, I mean how sniffing I could afford miles of Lambo right, certainly not from that YouTube money. Let’S chat a little bit about when big is an issue. Websites that collect and store data about their users for marketing purposes can keep a massive amount of your personal information on hand for an indefinite period of time and most of the time, the data is not as well secured as they’d like for you to believe her. Personally, I’d like to believe it was in addition to that. Even deleting this information from public view often has no impact on their ability to store it on their servers.

Big Data as Fast As Possible

So, yes, it’s possible that that one embarrassing picture of you from 2008 will live on in the depths of Facebook servers forever. This, coupled with the massive amount of information sharing, voluntary or otherwise, and data interception that agencies like the NSA, carry out, means that your regional government, or I mean really any other types of nefarious characters, could potentially have every move you’ve made online on file. Now. For me personally, even though I don’t do anything illegal or even questionably legal on the Internet, if someone were to go through every bit of information from the years that I’ve been using it and cherry-pick certain things to paint me in a negative light, I’m sure I Could end up looking like a pretty bad dude, so let’s make a quick connection here to solidify the ideas that we’ve discussed.

Big Data as Fast As Possible

Torrenting is something that we all know can have an extremely positive impact on the world. It’S one of me greatest forms of information sharing, but whenever we hear anything about torrenting, the topic revolves around piracy and its other unsightly aspects. Discussion about big data is quite similar.

It’S not in itself a bad thing. It’S a driving force for a lot of great innovations in the science, technology and medicine, and yet for the most part, we only hear about the negatives, the main one being the lack of control that we have over our online data and the amount of control that Large corporate entities do have over it, so don’t blame Big Data for creating the need to protect your privacy online, blame the companies who collect, store and, most importantly, use it inappropriately. Speaking of blame, you know whose fault it is that we have the resources to make this great episode of fast as possible, Coolermaster, so a big thanks to them for sponsoring us and if you guys, have a PC that isn’t run as well as it could.

Maybe because of overheating – or maybe it doesn’t have some of the features you need like a front mounted USB 3 port on your case, checkup their lineup of great value, coolers cases, power supplies and even mobile accessories, they’re good guys, and we really appreciate their support up In here, anyway, guys, that’s it thanks for watching this video like or dislike it accordingly and leave a comment. If you have suggestions for future episodes of fast as possible. Also we’d like to take a moment to thank life hacker for the article that inspired this particular episode.

You can find a link to it in the video description. Don’T forget to subscribe, guys and I’ll see you again next time. .