Best TV for PS5 2024!

Best TV for PS5 2024!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best TV for PS5 2024!”.
Thank you to one plus for watching a portion of this video has over over 200 million TVs were worldwide. I bought the 2023 was a pretty busy year, but over the holidays. I finally found time to sit down and play the games that I’ve been wanting to play, I’m able to finally start Spider-Man 2 on my PlayStation 5 and over the last few months. All the ads I’ve been seeing are like TV deal TV deal TV deal. They forget, most people probably have TVs.

Some discounts on groceries would be nice, but you find yourself in the market for a new TV, it’s kind of hard to pick which one sort of the old way of being like I’m going to just spend the most money. I can that’s give me the best TV is no longer true, and over the past year I’ve been busy cuz. I’Ve reviewed a lot of TVs and I’ve broken down different Technologies in the TVs I’ve compared mini LED to OLED and different types of OLED. All those will be linked down below and sometimes the best TV for for movies or shows not always the best TV for for gaming.

So I’m going to do the hard work for you here are some of the best TVs to hook up your next gen console to so matter. What time of year it is to get a new TV, the TV technology that keeps getting better and cheaper, usually a good combo, is LED and Q LED TVs. But in case you don’t know, the Q and Q stands for Quantum do layer over the panel. Essentially, it’s a layer of Nano particles that glow when you shine light on them, it’s going to give you a brighter more vibrant, colors uh.

It also used to be a premium feature a few years ago, and it’s now really common place on most LED TVs, as well as many LED TVs and I’ll get into what different acronyms and different companies use to distinguish. Qled techs Min LEDs a little later on, but for now I just know that most Q LED sets basically just boost color, vibrancy and brightness, just because less expensive does not mean that they are bad TVs so often times depending on the size of the TV. You can find these things for around the same price as like a PS5 big caveat here. Is prices of TVs, change, seemingly every minute, so the prices that I’m quoting here may not be the price by the time you go to actually get your set, and there were a lot of really great, LED and OLED sets that came out in 2023 with more On Horizon that I’m excited to see in 24, the one I spent the most time with was the LG QED 880. I think overall uh the LG QED 80 might be one of the best examples of traditional Led Tech still advancing and doing a lot of really great things. A few caveats too for LED and qleds.

If you sit bit off to the center uh, the picture tends to get a little bit washed out. The blacks aren’t going to be perfectly black there’ll, be some blooming at high contrast areas, kind of things like that, but for most people, you’re going to be sitting. Probably in front of your TV and won’t even really notice, these issues LED sets for gaming, for a lot of people are probably the perfect device and they’re even better if you’ve got them in a darker room, if you’ve got them in a really bright room with A lot of sunlight – I want say the picture – is going to look washed out.

Best TV for PS5 2024!

It’S just going to look not as bright so there’s a lot of positives with LED sets tend to be the cheapest, and you get a lot of TV for the the dollar, but they’re, certainly not perfect, where these do fall. Short on uh is some of the technology inside of them. If you want 144 HZ, gameplay and you’re, considering an LED or QED TV then make sure to check out whether or not your TV can support it.

Best TV for PS5 2024!

Some of them can only display up to 60 HZ, but thankfully this year, you’re starting to see more and more LED and traditional qled sets get that sweet, sweet, HDMI, 2.1 Port. So you get support for that 120 frames per second, all for generally less money. I’Ll put some recommendations down below too in the description for sets for this category think our the best bang for your buck all right. So now we take a step from regular, LED and shrink it to mini, LED and TV brands, for some reason have seemingly gone out of their way to make the marketing of these TVs and their acronyms the most confusing of any TV technology LG calls it CED. Samsung calls it Neo, cqed TCL calls it od0 and Sony who’s known for insanely long names calls this one mini LED. Thank you.

You Sony, then, like I mentioned earlier when you add in qet Tech, on top of mini, LED you’re, getting a whole new set of acronyms, making it more confusing again I’ll, put all the suggestions in the description and the breakdowns, what the acronyms mean for what, but Essentially, regardless of the acronym, the tech is more or less the same. Mini LEDs can be more expensive, but you get a lot of features for that price. It’S taking the technology of LED TVs and shrinking those rear panel LEDs into mini LEDs, but that translate to is not only A Brighter Image but an image with more local dimming zones.

This will create less blooming around objects on a dark background and do a much better job, representing blacks, extremely dark versions of gray. So much so that a lot of time, it’s going to fool your brain you’re, going to think they just look black anyway, similar to sort of OLED sets, and all of that means you can watch movies shows more importantly, game in brighter rooms. Without that picture, getting washed out and with these sets you’re also getting sort of way higher grade features you’re getting things like multiple 4 K, HDMI 2.1 ports, which can do 120 frames per second game Optimizer help you reduce latency and sort of turn on things like Vrr, better HDR color representation, better contrast, ratios and depth to the image now like I mentioned, I watch and test a lot of TVs throughout the year, but of all the sets I’ve seen.

Best TV for PS5 2024!

I think the Sony x95 K is still the best representation of mini LED in 2023. I’Ve seen people argue otherwise, but for me I think it came down to how the set looked out of the box typical complaint. I have with LEDs that they’re actually too bright for most room, especially for gaming.

You typically have to go deep into the settings to fine-tune the picture and with enough tweaks, some mini LED TVs can actually challenge OLED sets the price for mini LEDs can still be pretty expensive, but, depending on the brand time of year, this prices are really coming Down coming down fast, I’ve been saying it for a little bit, but I think next year will be the year of mini, LED with the picture quality high level of brightness. Great contrast, those vibrant colors, when you’re, adding qled to them as well mini LED, is going to be the right mix of technology and price. I think for almost every consumer and certainly for gamers all right and speaking of screens uh. I’Ve got the OnePlus 12 here, but there’s something you haven’t seen not quite yet. Well, I can’t show you everything yet this can do.

I do have three pieces of good news. Let’S start first one the Flagship killer back. Ladies and gentlemen, the OnePlus 12, the base 256 gbt of storage, 12 gabt of ram that obviously are higher versions as well. There’Ll be a 512 gigabyte and 16 GB versions, um being powered by the Snapdragon 8 gen 3 processor.

So the latest processor, from Qualcomm camera, is pretty pronounced a 64 megapixel sensor in there three times optical zoom, the 6.82 in display is great, looks beautiful, but the big story it can reach 4500 nits of peak brightness. Second piece of good news: OnePlus 12r, is a beast 2 packing pretty close to Flagship specs as well, and the third piece of good news. I was saving this one for the end, for those of you checking out still watching. I get to talk about this uh while I’m going to be co-hosting a live stream with one plus.

When you get to learn everything about this phone. Actually, this coming Tuesday January 23rd, I will be in Dallas. I have a link down below where you can watch it, but also because it’s a live stream be able to ask me questions what I think about wireless charging coming back. How does the phone feel uh? Why are my dad joke so funny? Whatever you want to ask me, I will be there to answer your questions.

All information you need will be down below all right, so this is where we’re going to get to the higher end of the price points getting into the world of OLED and cutie. Oled sort of the so-called kind of kings of the tech. In fact, when I was trying to purchase a new set for my house, I went back and forth between W OLED and thetically Superior ctid OLED. I ended up going with W OLED and I bought an LG G2.

I came like that close to going with the Sony, cue OLED, but the one main thing that’s holding it back is at the time was screens didn’t go over 65 in now. That was then. This is now uh cutie OLED TVs are now available in larger sizes, but of course it also comes with a much larger price tag. There’S also the newer LG G3 we’ve actually got here in the studio, that’s even better than what I have at home, which makes me a little bit sad, but also comes with a premium price with it and with those premium price tags. You expect technology inside those TVs to be the best and kind of I think, that’s mostly true.

So with it being OLED, you get perfect black levels, cuz just turned off, and your perfect contrast ratio with almost no perceivable blooming at all and a bright vibrant image that elevates the feel experience of anything you are watching, whether that’s a movie show you know, or A game now keep in mind older oleds are known for suffering in brighter rooms. They kind of get washed out. That’S not really the case anymore kind of feel, like a broken record every time I have to mention that in a video but ultimately I’ll be able to stop at some point but I’ll current gen oleds get bright enough and they’re, not all super expensive.

So there’s some models out there like the Sony A8L that offers all the things you love about current gen oleds and gives you sort of all that stuff at a much more reasonable price when it comes to gaming you’re going to want to get the best visual Experience possible out of the OLED sets you’re going to be hardpressed to find an OLED out. There doesn’t have at least one 4K 2.1 HDMI ports, ton of IO and all the other higher end game, optimizations or game menu features you can think of, but that doesn’t mean oleds are perfect and I think of the picture you get out of OLED sets. It is the best, but it might not be the best recommendation for all Gamers. So w OLED and C OLED both suffer from image retention and burnning under extreme conditions, and just because you get an old does not mean you’re going to have any of these issues.

But just know that potentially it could exist, especially if you play games with the stagnant HUD dur graphic for a really long period of time, all right. So all those are TV sets technologies that are available. Now, let’s talk about what’s coming so at CS this year, there’s to be a big Focus across the board in TV Technologies and by big, like I mean in size, expect to see some absolute gigantic sets from LED mini, LED OLED, even micro OLED sets, and I’m Talking sets that can go as big as a 115 in is going to be really big and really bright. Additionally, I also expect a lot of these TVs to have a big like AI Focus like everything else in the world right now. Much of that will sort of work in the background on these TVs, the AI will sort of optimize scenes better. We should be able to see it used to better help tune your TV as well Mak it easier to get the best image out of those sets. Micro led the magical unicorn of TV Technologies is also finally starting to look like it might be coming to more consumer friendly prices in 2024, but time’s going to tell as a year goes on all right. So going back to what I said in the intro. Just because it costs the most doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be the best for gaming. I think the best overall TV technology for gaming is still mini, LED for now you’re getting the best mix of Technology picture, quality, gaming features and price and honestly you’re not going to go wrong with any of them as much as I love my LG2 right now, If I was buying a new set today at the beginning of 2024, I would look at mini, LED you’re, getting incredible value, value, bright, colors and the black levels. A sweet spot of OLED comes so close to matching what OLED can do with mini LED. It is really impressive: whatever TV you get, whether you go with traditional, LED or cutie OLED make sure you check to make sure it’s going to fit for what you need and no matter what set you buy.

Happy gaming .