Best Tech Under $100: September 2016

Best Tech Under $100: September 2016

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Tech Under $100: September 2016”.
What’S up guys welcome to best tech under $ 100 over the next two weeks, I’m going to go a little bit crazy on videos, I’m going to make best tech, Android, apps, just tons of other cool Sh, and I hope you’re going to love it now, with This best tech series we’ve got a little bit of a twist because three of you guys are going to win an item of your choice, so check the description for that. So just before we start this video. If we can get 1,000 likes. That would make me really really happy so that further do well.

Let’S go so starting up, we’ve got the sound magic p30s and these are a bomb-ass pair of headphones costing anywhere between 45 and 55 dollars. They produce not only beautiful sound quality, but surprisingly strong build quality. Now they do look pretty flimsy, but they will surprise you in their quality and they’re, exceptionally comfortable, an isolated good amount of noise and they sound absolutely fantastic BC and rich.

It’S also a thoughtfully designed product with a removable, cable and a surprisingly durable hard case. So next up, we’ve got the world pen scam X. Now this was originally priced at 150, but on some sales can be hard for 100. Now it’s a bit of a weird one, but I have to say what it can do is pretty awesome. So basically, this is a pen style object which can scan written text whether it’s in a text book a journal and newspaper. You can use it to instantly transfer written text straight on to your phone into a editable format.

Best Tech Under $100: September 2016

You can automatically translate text from and 2 up to 27 languages on top that, if you’re ever stuck on a word, you don’t know what it means simply give it a scan and your smart phone will automatically look the word up in your preferred dictionary. Now the software is a little bit archaic, but it’s very functional and the pen is not exactly the best built, but it doesn’t really need to be you’re, hardly going to be throwing it around the place. So then we have the plasmatic X, which is probably the greatest sounding, lighter I’ve ever heard in my life. Now these range from $ 50 to 75 denier. You go for. It uses dual beam technology to basically reach a rather warm 900 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’s also flameless wind proof and USB rechargeable.

So it needs no fuel and that’s like a double-edged blade, because it also means no harmful chemicals. No butane or other things, which you don’t really want to be inhaling so number four is a WD. My book no hard drives, aren’t exactly the most interesting tap product out there, but these ones are insane value for money so for $ 100 or just over. If you want four terabytes, you can get yourself a three terabyte WD my book now by no means is this going to give us. Sd transfer speeds, but it’s pretty fast. It’S very reliable.

Best Tech Under $100: September 2016

It has some of the lowest failure rates and it’s got USB 3 and heaps of storage for the price you’re paying. I also think the design is quite minimalist. It fits well in pretty much any set of environment, but it is a little bit prone to scuffs.

So the last bit of tack is really odd. This is the James donkey double-oh-seven, which is a god-awful name for a gaming mouse, but that’s what it is and contrary to how it sounds, this thing performs fantastically its own omec for both left and right handed users. It’S programmable, it’s got built-in LEDs, but the best bit is that it’s interchangeable and it comes with a load of parts. It’S honestly, a sight to behold and you’d be expecting that with a price like $ 65 and you’re getting this much stuff, but it would be of terrible quality, but it just isn’t. Each piece is made with aircraft light precision and it fits directly onto the mouse.

Best Tech Under $100: September 2016

In exactly the right position using magnets and pins, the mouse has a fairly high sensitivity. The only thing I do wish is that it had a matte finish in other colours apart from black, so guys that was my best tech under $ 100. I really hope you enjoyed it.

If you could, some feedback would be really really appreciated, and on top of that, don’t forget to check the description for the giveaway rules. I mister who’s, the boss and I’m signing out .