Best Tech At CES 2019

Best Tech At CES 2019

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Tech At CES 2019”.
What’S up folks how’s it going, this is waj hope you guys are all doing well. So, for the past week i’ve been at cs 2019. This is my first ces ever so it’s pretty exciting and definitely overwhelming. There’S some uh.

Definitely some interesting products that came out this year, nothing mind-blowing, but i want to share some of the things that kind of stuck out to me. The first thing i want to talk about is zotek now uh they’re, really famous for these uh miniature pcs. That they’ve been building for many generations uh and obviously they have excellent gpus and all sorts of different hardware.

But what’s new for 2019 is their mech mini it’s a platform. That’S going to be roughly measuring about 10 by 5 inches super tiny. It’S going to be pretty well equipped with an 8700k processor and an rtx 2070. It’S going to have killer ac wi-fi, so it’s definitely going to be a powerful little system. They’Re experimenting with a couple of different color options and hopefully uh the release date will be somewhere around q1 or mid 2019.. Hopefully, fingers crossed we’re gon na get this into our office and do some testing on it now.

Best Tech At CES 2019

Next, i want to talk about the thermaltake level 20.. This case actually won a innovation design award for ces 2019.. It’S super large, very impressive, looking and thermaltake is really known for these kind of uh, ridiculously large over-the-top bills, and this is uh no exception to that rule.

Best Tech At CES 2019

You have a three-chamber design, so you have a separate compartment for your motherboard cpu graphics card. Then a compartment for your psu and then another separate compartment for a large radiator or storage drives in addition to that, chassis thermaltake also introduced the level 20 gt, which is a more sensible scaled down version of the level 20 and probably my favorite case of the Show so far has to be the a500 and s500 cases from thermaltake a very clean looking design. The a500 is a all aluminum external design looks very clean. Minimalistic has four millimeter glass side panels, and this is going to be a great platform for anybody that wants a understated or really clean, looking pc and then perhaps wants to experiment with some water cooling. There’S plenty of room and expansions available on this platform and the price point for both the a and s 500 should be fairly competitive as well now move forward gigabyte announced their aorus 27-inch tactical gaming monitor.

Now this is kind of different from every other gaming monitor out there in a couple of different ways. Firstly, you have a custom overlay configuration, so you can put in certain overlays on top of the game that you’re playing, even if the game doesn’t allow it. You can also overlay information by your frame rate, gpu and cpu temps, and the panel itself is a 10 bit panel, rated at 144 hertz and it’s a quad hd resolution. What makes this monitor truly unique is the aim stabilization mode, which essentially adds or subtracts certain frames from the game in order to minimize the recoil effect that you get from certain guns, giving you the ability to shoot more accurately and to reload faster and to start Shooting again, that could give some players some huge competitive advantage and there’s no way to really detect whether somebody is using this mode. Since all these features that we’re talking about is built in to the monitor itself, there’s no command specific to the operating system or the cpu gpu.

Best Tech At CES 2019

Anything like that. It’S a completely separate entity. So, in a lot of circumstances, this is definitely going to be banned from competitive gaming environments, but if you’re online uh this could be the cheater monitor to get now. Next, i want to talk about a product that actually came out uh earlier 2019, but didn’t really get a lot of attention, but it’s made a lot of a headwind this year at ces and that’s the semtex smart desk. This is basically an all-in-one desk platform that has a triple 24-inch. Touchscreen monitor display, has a leap motion. Controller integrated for touchless gestures also has a phone and document scanner built into the desk. The desk itself is a sit stand.

Motorized configuration has an integrated keyboard, trackpad and even a built-in qi wireless for charging your phone now, the pc is actually mounted underneath the desk itself, so when you’re using wi-fi, essentially you only have one cable that goes in to the power and that’s it making this Desk look very clean, very seamless and fairly minimalistic. Now the pc configuration itself for the top range model, you’re looking at an 8700k processor and a gtx 1060 and at 5300. That’S definitely not a tremendous level of value, but keep in mind that they’re kind of aiming for a more corporate demographic that want a one turnkey solution and that’s why, for that same price, there’s actually going to be installer that’ll, come into your workspace and assemble the Desk and show you how to use it, and everything like that, so it’s definitely not aimed for most of your average consumers more for the corporate environment, expensive, but pretty nonetheless, now move forward in terms of tvs, which is basically a big highlight when you enter in The main convention center itself, because people like to look at big large, pretty displays and ak tvs, are all over the place.

You turn one corner. You turn the next somebody’s going to want to sell you an oled, 8k display and really there’s no innovation there. But what’s really cool samsung introduced their micro led technology, which is basically a modular tv design they’re going to start with a 75 inch version of that? But essentially the goal here is uh to make a tv. That’S any aspect, ratio, any resolution and any size.

So basically, you have these eight by eight uh led modules that have a local dimming capabilities using more traditional led base technology. Now the manufacturing and the scalability of this is quite expensive and kind of tricky uh at this stage of the game. But essentially, this could be definitely some interesting future propositions for people wanting to finally make their wall a tv and the whole key thing that makes this very compelling is that it is a seamless integration between these blocks or 8×8 modular micro led panels. You don’t see any seams and it looks uh completely.

Like a giant tv on your wall uh, we saw a big demonstration of it with a 200 plus inch, a wall, a tv display and hopefully down the road. This will one become affordable, feasible and something that everyone can eventually use and something that’s very intriguing for me, specifically, so definitely watch what’s going to happen with micro led tv technology in the future. Now last thing: let’s talk about gpus. We saw a lot of rtx 2060s from both zotek and gigabyte they’re actually going to come out on the 15th of january.

So we’re going to have a review for the 2060 very very soon and just yesterday, amd announced their brand new radeon 7, which is basically going to be their rtx 2080 competitor. It’S a 7 nanometer architecture has about 38 40 stream processors, 16 gigabytes of memory and about one terabyte, a second memory, bandwidth uh. The launch date is around february the 7th, i believe so we’ll, hopefully have a review of that card very very soon as well. So definitely some exciting stuff. Nonetheless, in terms of real innovation, any standout products that came out this year, just like everything else these days, everything is incremental, upgrades, definitely love to hear your thoughts. Let me know if you found anything interesting on ces this year and if you did love to hear your thoughts in the meantime, give us a thumbs up.

I want to thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you for your support. Without you, i certainly wouldn’t be here right now and we’ll see you real soon take care. .