Best Smartphone You’ve Never Heard of #3

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #3

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Smartphone You’ve Never Heard of #3”.
So welcome to episode number 3 of the best smartphones you’ve never heard of a series where I find some amazing phones from slightly lesser known companies and let me give them a whirl myself so with that being said, I really hope you enjoy the video and, let’s Get started so the phone in question is that you me max and what the company’s done here is basically taking their flagship. Goomy super fern downgraded it a tiny bit and then sold at a much cheaper price. So as you’d expect, then it’s got the build quality of a much more premium device. It’S got smooth metal all the way around and some beautiful shampoo edges, it’s not the thinnest or the lightest firm, but it feels premium far more premium than the price would suggest, and it looks great too, and it’s a bit worrying that this is becoming somewhat of A tradition, but I managed to drop the phone three times during the process of this review and guess what not a scratch. The camera has a 13 megapixel sensor this time manufactured by Panasonic and of a surprisingly good there’s plenty of detail on there.

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #3

It’S pretty much pushing those 13 to the max and even handles HDR scenarios quite well yeah. The colors are a little bit washed out the photos like a bit of vibrancy, but that can always be tweaked. The good thing is is that it actually handles shadow and light at the same time, quite well on the downside, the shutter speed is not the fastest, so if you don’t hold the phone still you’ll get this really odd. Looking blur effect, the screen is great. It’S a 2.5 D, curved 5.5 inch, 1080p panel apologies. If that was a mouthful. The screen is also which is quite nice, to see fingerprint and scratch resistant it’s bright too, but unfortunately, just as a little bit too much glare, which makes it quite difficult to see in broad daylight, but everywhere else, it’s perfect internally. The uma Max is not a slouch in the slightest we’ve got the Helio p10 combiner 3 gigabytes of RAM and Samsung’s latest and greatest flash storage. What this means is you’ll get a pretty much slick, 60 frame per second performance on every game. Apart from the most demanding ones, games like modern, combat and Suicide Squad, they don’t run badly but they’re, just not quite maxed out flicking through the UI, not even a hitch and speaking of the UI, it’s grey, I loved it.

On the software side of things were basically running stock, Android 6.0, which, admittedly, is not the latest version, but the thing is: there’s just nothing else on here. It feels almost like a Nexus device which is awesome on top of that they basically bundled in nothing. I had really high hopes for the speaker. I thought maybe this could be the point where they completes an almost perfect device, but unfortunately it just doesn’t quite have the volume or the bass that I was wanting.

It’S not terrible, though, on the left, we’ve got a dual SIM card slot and if you want, you can replace one of those SIM cards with a micro SD card up to 120 gigs, which complements the already 16 gigabytes inside of it. I was really impressed with a fingerprint scanner, it’s using second-generation technology and has a really fast unlock time, but also it’s slightly recessed, which means you can feel around and know exactly where it is. One thing, I would say is the company’s not exactly done an amazing job hiding the antenna they kind of got all the way around the phone on the bright side. The LED notification is awesome.

It can be changed to any color to match the notification you’re given but weirdly it’s placed on the bottom of the phone and I kept thinking it was the home button to end on a bit of a high. The battery life is awesome at 4000 milliamp hours. You can easily push yourself into the second day I was finding. If I was conservative, I was getting two days of full usage, which is amazing, so there we go guys.

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #3

That is the Uni max. It’S not perfect. The speaker could be better. It could have more inbuilt storage, but overall, as a phone as a complete all-in-one entertainment package, I’ve seen very few smartphones come close. A combination of the slick software, powerful processor and great screen make this a formidable smart phone. I must use the boss and I’m signing up you .

Best Smartphone You've Never Heard of #3