Best Gaming Setups from Reddit – Episode 4

Best Gaming Setups from Reddit - Episode 4

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Gaming Setups from Reddit – Episode 4”.
All these setups are getting better and better as we continue to climb the ladder of the battle station. Subreddit welcome to episode, 4 buckle up and, let’s begin season, 9 Tech Source mouse pads are officially here boys and girls. As you can see, I’m rocking a brand new Cyber and white, which is also available in Black. We also launched cyberjunk in black and red, as well as a white and blue option. You can find them, along with our other popular designs at store.

It’S funny. I said buckle up in the intro, because the first setup literally is inside of a bus. We have a real life battle bus. Ladies and gentlemen, this guy’s living the dream he’s already set for the zombie apocalypse.

Can you imagine cruising through the zombie infested Wasteland in a bus like this? He pretty much has everything he needs to survive. He’S got a nice bed, a cozy little fireplace and a pretty decent dual monitor setup to pass the time when he’s not being chased by zombies, looks like he makes music judging by the full-size midi keyboard and the guitar he’s got hanging on the side of the Bus, if this guy can mount both his speakers inside of a bus, there should be no excuse for any of you that want to do the same. Apparently, everything is powered by solar panels by the looks of it, but in the comments he did state that he’s using a 300 generator, that’s able to power everything for eight hours on a single gallon of gasoline. That’S not bad! But what about your internet speed right? Like you have to either be using satellite Wi-Fi or be connected to a hotspot some, but even then I feel, like a connection, isn’t going to be stable enough.

I don’t think the setup is practical at all for Competitive Gaming, with all the lag and disconnects now for story driven games, RPGs, maybe even Diablo 4. I feel like this setup would be perfect but um. I feel like it’s mostly used for browsing the web.

Best Gaming Setups from Reddit - Episode 4

A little bit of work and listening to music honestly, I love the concept and I think this is a much cheaper option than buying a full-size, RV or even leasing one out. But I’m here to rate the actual setup and not the bus and there’s really nothing exciting about the setup. It’S very basic, very cookie cutter, so my rating, for it is a hard five out of 10, but for the overall concept of the battle bus, I’m gon na give it a nine.

This next setup from Mac nerd is a whole other Vibe. I love the Vintage steampunk theme he was going for and I think he did an excellent job putting it all together. It actually feels like I’m looking at a photo from the 1930s, but the legroom the leg room kills it for me. I’M sorry man like, is it really necessary to have all that stuff underneath your desk? You have a keyboard and a monitor on the right side, which I have to assume. I just have to is what you’re, mainly using with the setup right you’re, not using the CRT as your main display, but you have a bunch of crap underneath the table that prevents you from sitting directly in front of it. I’M not sure how practical this setup really is. It feels like mac nerd, put in a lot of thought in the design aspect and not enough in the functionality. Unfortunately, I mean I love that I’m able to teleport in the early 1900s, but I think this setup could have been executed better. Judging by the title this post, it looks like this was built during the pandemic, or I guess it could have been built before there isn’t really any details for that. The setup itself is really clean.

I love the subtle contrast of the solid gen countertop against the white Alex units. I think he’s done a really good job. Staying consistent to the theme I mean, even the frames of the paintings on the wall are in white. I love this guy’s dedication. There’S symmetry. There’S a little bit of Personality, clean Cable Management. The speakers are tilted upwards. He knows what he’s doing here. This is not an amateur by any means. I love that he also skinned his ssds and the GPU vertical bracket in white carbon fiber.

Remember back in the day when I used to Skid my ssds for my PC builds you guys man. That brings back so many good memories. I don’t think I’ve used the 2.5 inch SSD and build in like over five years. I’Ve always stuck to m.2 form factor but anyways, a very clean setup. No doubt well done this. One is one of the better corner desk setups I’ve seen he did a really good job, taking advantage of the corner space, which is something a lot of people. Don’T really do when they have an L-shaped desk. I love that he hooked up an extra monitor up there with a set of speakers to watch content or even play on its consoles, and since he used that corner space, he basically has extra room on the adjacent side to do whatever he wants. So it looks like he used it to build a workstation, there’s a printer tablet and a pre-built PC. It looks like, but yeah excellent use of space there.

Best Gaming Setups from Reddit - Episode 4

I’M also happy to see that he used something other than Alex units to support both tables. Well, he technically still used two of them, but the ones in the corner are actually wall shelves from Ikea. They are called ekit or ecat, and if you stack two of them on top of each other, they become the same height of an Alex unit. So you can technically use these to support your countertop.

Best Gaming Setups from Reddit - Episode 4

Maybe an idea for some of you guys watching that want to build a setup and you you don’t want to go with those overused Alex drawers, but just be mindful of the Dust since they are open. You’Re gon na have to do some maintenance on it and also they’re more for displaying things rather than storage. So keep that in mind too. I don’t know when I saw this setup, but it popped up on my Ig feed many many years ago and at first I thought this was a render and that this dude was using a massive super ultra wide monitor. But when you look closely, it’s actually a super ultra ride in the middle sandwiched by 227 inches see. This is why you need to have the PC on. So we can see the wallpapers. It would have been really helpful here, but can we just appreciate how Flawless this setup looks? Boys and girls perfect application of the 3dr panels, covering the entire wall side to side with perfect cutouts for the massive TV up top all monitors are beautifully aligned with no gaps in between Immaculate Immaculate, Cable Management with wireless peripherals and a badass view from up top.

This battle station is nothing short of a masterpiece, truly fantastic work and, of course the dog is always extra points automatic here’s, another really cool Corner setup, but this one has a really nice view. I’M surprised he doesn’t have any Shades. I would imagine the setup would be unusable during Peak daylight with all that sun glare. But aside from that, the setup also has good use of space, looks like Rory cut an Ikea caribly countertop in half, and you use that to create a workbench on the other wall. Very nice there’s also a pegboard up top to keep things nicely organized and to prevent the desk from getting cluttered yeah. I, like it Simple and Clean straight to the point, nicely done another really clean Ikea setup with zero RGB.

We got dual monitors a couple of pegboards up top to keep his gear organized and an sff PC to power. It all not much else to really talk about here. Unfortunately, the chair is blocking off the keyboard and the sensor of the desk, but yeah great work from what I can see. Ah here is the infamous Hot Wheels setup.

So this is what a meme came from. I always wondered where the meme originated from and now I know honestly. I think this setup would have been a thousand times better if the owner did a sleeper build inside of that case or if it was custom made. Even if you just did a paint job, it would have been really cool to see. But if you look at the manual over there on the right side, it looks like this entire setup was sold as a complete kit.

So all you did was bought it put it on his desk and took a picture, no effort, this next setup by El Rio van button. Why did I say: Putin like that Putin has 13.8k votes, why? Why is that so funny to me? So this setup got 13.8k upvotes and it’s another really clean Ikea setup, just like the one we saw from earlier today, although this one is more on the minimalistic side for some odd reason, the first thing I noticed is the freaking nail in the wall. Why does this bother me so much? I feel like I’m cursed, you guys the smallest most pointless things bother me and it didn’t used to be like this. I didn’t care about. You know cable management or symmetry over the past 10 years.

I’Ve kind of slowly transformed into this perfectionist monster and sometimes it’s a curse. Wow this next setup really puts the rust in rustic. I don’t know how I feel about that. Look.

To be honest, I feel like it’s just too much. It’S not only the distraction, but isn’t it bad for your health too, or am I thinking about mold, I’m gon na? Do a quick, Google search one minute later? Okay, apparently rust is not harmful to you. I was thinking about mold, but I still don’t like the look. There needs to be a nice balance of interior design, mixed with tech, in this case it’s a bit extreme but to each their own. Everyone has their own preferences, of course, but I do approve the monitor layout though I love the bottom Matilda displays. I just wish he flipped the ultra ride to eliminate the bezel, and I would have gone with the speaker stands instead of using an old pair of speakers how much of a boss, you got to be to use an old pair of speakers as your speaker stance. Oh, you know what this was actually submitted six years ago. I’M sure this guy has learned a thing or two by now Reams. Why does that name sound familiar? Oh, it’s the same guy from earlier with the Flawless setup. What a transformation! My Lord! It looks like two setups that longer two completely different people: it’s crazy to see how much his taste has changed over three years. Very impressive. We’Ve definitely come a long way.

Oh man, we haven’t seen a closet set up in a while. You guys it’s always a treat when I come across one, because these setups are one of the most creative and unique things I’ve seen on the subreddit, and this one from tayari tiri is no exception. You know it’s one thing to take out your closet doors. Remove the hangers and toss in a desk with a couple of monitors, but it takes another level of commitment to create an entirely new space. You went ahead and added a Fresh coat of paint, a couple of wall shelves and he built a fully functioning setup in here, like it doesn’t even look like a closet anymore. It’S an extension of his bedroom. I just love how everything is cohesive. All the colors blend in beautifully and there is a nature element as well.

I just don’t like how the right speaker is blocked off by the right martyr and the cable management could use a bit more love, but otherwise it’s a fantastic closet battle station at first. I was blown away by this setup because it’s got a very strong presentation, but when you take a step back and digest everything, you can’t help but feel a bit underwhelmed. The setup is very top heavy. The bottom half of the setup seems neglected, and I say this because my guy is rocking a pretty expensive PC.

I mean – I don’t know the specs in here, unfortunately, but it is water cooled with a 480 millimeter radiator water cooling is not cheap. On top of that, he’s walking a pair of monkey banana studio monitors which are over 600 bucks. I think they’re close to 700, so he’s definitely got the moolah but decided to settle with a cheap, 50 dollar Ikea lin-min tabletop.

Why? Now I’m not bashing on Ikea? They still got some of the best furniture and countertops you can buy for your own home and set up, but surely this setup deserves something a little bit nicer or sturdier. It also looks like he’s using a cheapo red dragon gaming mouse I mean this setup just seems so unbalanced to a point where it’s almost comical. There wasn’t any actual budgeting that went into this setup. You can tell that he blew all the money on the PC parts and the speakers had more thought went into the gear selection and the execution.

This would have been a phenomenal setup, there’s so much potential here and look. I know he doesn’t have that much space to work with, considering that there’s a couch next to them, but come on we’ve seen some crazy compact setups on the channel right there. There’S no excuse here. Look I’m harsh because I have a passion, I’m harsh, because I care I want people to succeed. I want people to get better if my reaction to their setups lights, a fire underneath their butthole and they come back swinging with an improved setup.

Then I feel, like I’ve, succeeded at my job: okay seriously, what the hell guys we’re really taking two steps forward and one step back. Do you know how many setups I haven’t even showed in this article because they were below average or they were a meme? How do these setups get this many votes? Are they sympathy votes? Do they vote on stuff like this, because it makes them feel better like I want to understand. Reddit is such a bizarre place for me and I don’t think I’ll ever understand what goes on in here.

This belongs in the dumpster subreddit. If there is one I’m sure there is one there’s a subreddit for everything. If Waste Management reached out to me and wanted to sponsor a dumpster themed setup on the channel, I would look at this picture for inspiration and I’m not even joking. I get that it’s a meme, but surely meme setup should have its very own. Subreddit too right like what’s what’s this doing polluting the battle station, subreddit more like dumpster station subreddit? Am I right? Okay, that was a terrible joke.

I’Ll take the L on that one. The setup looks like it belongs to Dr Brown. From Back to the Future. I don’t I don’t know why, but I somehow Envision this is what his workstation would look like.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you. We are back. We are back right off the bat.

I love the brick wallpaper on the wall. It sets a very nice tone for the setup. It just feels weird transitioning from a dumpster setup to something which actually looks good, but anyways yeah looks like the ultra is mounted against the wall with very clean cable work. Despite him using a glass desk and looks like uh, one thing I would recommend, though, is to paint the white raceways a brownish color, so it Blends in better with your wallpaper, but it’s nice to see that you actually use raceways for the setup and for the Pc the small 240 millimeter AIO, not filling the entire 360 slot on the case, somewhat bothers me, but not as much as the green trash bin.

On the bottom like why green you could have gone a black brown Graven. I think if you’re gon na throw in some green stick to plants, but still a very clean glass setup wow, this next setup has 14.5 K votes and a pretty damn impressive view. You know I’ve always wondered how much it would cost to rent one of these out if you guys live in a skyscraper and you’re watching this video. Let me know what the average starting price per month of these are, and is it a higher price depending on how high the elevation is? I’M curious, like I would imagine the higher you are the more you would have to pay right because you get a much nicer view, but yeah back to the setup. I do love that he has both gauntlets with the Infinity Stones on each side of the desk. For Symmetry, and then we’ve got a giant, I think McLaren Lego model in the middle I mean he’s, got the desk space for it. So it’s not like it’s crowded or anything. It also looks like it’s a Macbook powered setup as well, with a 34 inch Ultra wide, monitor, there’s, definitely no gaming. Here, it’s mostly a workstation. I mean with a view like that. Do you think he’s got time to play games, it’s all work and no play here. The only gaming he does is on the PS4.

That’S hooked up to the TV very impressive setup. Nonetheless, alright. That is it for part 4, ladies and gents. If you guys are enjoying the Reddit React videos, let me know by tossing a like and make sure you subscribe, because we still have a ton more setups to look at before reaching the number one slot on the battle station subreddit. Thank you guys. So much for watching as always and I’ll see you very soon in the next one I have 60. Oh, that came out of nowhere. .