Best Budget Tech – November 2016!

Best Budget Tech - November 2016!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Budget Tech – November 2016!”.
So we’ve done quite a lot of videos recently on tech costing $ 50 tech costing $ 100, and a lot of you guys have been commenting saying that what you really want to see is budget tech, tech that you can go out, buy and not worry about. So, let’s get started so we’re going to start things off with the t90 Gaming Mouse so coming in at just over $ 15. It’S got a surprisingly solid, build quality. It’S got seven different, colored LEDs inside of it, and whilst the lighting isn’t perhaps the most consistent around the mouse, it does have a lot of different modes to play with.

Best Budget Tech - November 2016!

We’Ve also got some quite handy. Gaming features inside the mouse at 8 custom weight. So you can use that to adjust how heavy it is and how much stability the mouse has it’s good for left and right-handed users and there’s a little custom button on the side which, for a single click of that reproduces, a double click. Next up is the k-6 telephoto lens for a phone or a tablet, and these things haven’t really taken off, perhaps because of their size. Perhaps because most people don’t really need to zoom in that much, but with a fixed zoom of eight times and an aperture of f11, you can actually get some pretty interesting shots.

Best Budget Tech - November 2016!

Now it fits onto most devices pretty well with a built-in clip. That’S kind of attached to it, but if your phone’s cameras towards the edge of the phone, it can feel a little bit unsteady and looking at the kind of images we can get from a normal image like this sticking on the telephoto lens, you can crop that In eight times, without really using too much detail, you do get that kind of circular effect where the lens cuts off and the image does blur around the edges too. But nonetheless, it’s quite interesting. Next up is a pair of earphones called the h m7 and powered by a nine millimeter dynamic driver, we’re getting extreme levels of detail.

Best Budget Tech - November 2016!

Quite a nice bright, sound signature and an enveloping amount of bass. There’S almost no sub bass present, but I bet you that’s more. Their intended something to rob than a mistake, it makes them a more easy listening experience and as a nice little bonus, they cut off almost all the background noise.

So next up we have the aaalac side drop and play wireless speaker and for those you who’ve not been introduced to induction technology. As long as you have your phone’s NFC on, you can play music through your phone and just drop it onto the speaker and all of a sudden as if by magic, the sound transfers to the speaker, whilst you’re not really getting any increase in detail. What you are getting is a huge amount of bass and a lot more volume.

This thing can output at about four times the volume of most smart phones. It doesn’t feel like much in the hand, but I assure you it is very loud. Then we have the Luc’s which for some is going to be a genius invention and others honestly, a bit of a foolish one, but essentially it’s a flashlight for your smartphone and I know you’re thinking. Phones do tend to already have flashlights built into them, but this one plugs into your headphone, socket it and it’s far far brighter it’s not actually powered by the phone. It’S got a little switch and built onto it, and it’s chargeable by microUSB having four separate lights on it. Actually illuminates objects much more clearly, it gives them more definition and a little bit more of a natural lighting experience bringing them out much more than the background.

Now I very rarely look at cables on this channel because I know they’re just not that interesting, but this one is quite special. Deem’D is the magic cable. It essentially has not only a micro USB slot, but turning it around a lightning connection, so it can actually yeah.

You heard that right plug into both iPhones and Android phones. At the same time, this one-of-a-kind cable is honestly really quite impressive. To look at you just have to make sure you get it the right way around.

It doesn’t have that sort of double-sided feature of the Lightning connection so guys there you have it that was best tech under $ 25. I really hope you enjoyed the video and, if you did be sure, to give it a thumbs up, because these videos take me really long to make I’m just a who’s. The boss and I’m signing out .