Best Android Games – September 2016!

Best Android Games - September 2016!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Best Android Games – September 2016!”.
So September start of school what a great time to be spending 12 hours a day stuck on your smartphone well after this video, you might just be doing that because this is my best android games of September 2016 without further ado, let’s get started so the first Game is the rather unfortunately named BIGBANG and whatever it might sound like this is actually a beautifully made top-down shooter, which has some incredible, mechanics and rivals the best on the platform. When you start to match your team will be pitched against another team and both will be losing water very quickly, and what you have to do is to try and capture the water tanks to keep your level up, and the first team to run out is the Loser and what’s great about the game, is it not only has great shooter mechanics, but it’s also introduced tower defense into it. For that added layer of strategy, you’re not only defending against the other team, but also against a set of rogue enemies, called the walls which released on both players. On top of that, there are an insane amount of power-ups to get and the attributes of your weapons are randomly generated. So there’s just an insane amount of depth here now, the next one, I’m not too sure how to say this I’ll go for C Bay.

Is a simple game, in fact: it’s a really simple game and that’s one of its maintance strengths. The goal in C bay is to keep your motorbike upright, while he traverse terrains of increasing difficulty – and yes, that’s been done before, but it’s never looked this good seriously. Guys this is minimalism at its finest. This is what a whole horde of games try to achieve. You can look around just by tilting the phone, and this creates a really authentic feel to it.

Best Android Games - September 2016!

The bike can break in different parts that genuinely feels natural and enhances the gaming experience new metal therus we’ve got dare CX one of the most sophisticated strategy games ever to release on the market from level 2 you’ll be scratching your head wondering what the hell is Going on and while you’re dying in 10 seconds, essentially, it is a nail-biting ly, difficult, turn-based strategy game set in the day on ZX universe, the graphics are awesome and the mechanics simple but solid. If you thought the first few levels are hard about a couple of hours in you’ll, be looking at levels like this and wondering what the hell your life has come to. Next, we have lost me, which basically hinges on one simple mechanic: your character always moves forward, but will turn clockwise at any location.

Best Android Games - September 2016!

It’S stopped in there’s a whole series of levels in various different locations and the design of this game is one of the most impressive I’ve ever seen. It’S not necessarily the most graphically demanding, but the charm is unreal. Now, although the game looks like it might be designed for five-year-olds, it also has a skull, crushing difficulty, which makes actually completing levels even from an early stage, just really really reward.

Best Android Games - September 2016!

So next up, we have Riptide GP renegade. Now the Riptide games have had a bit of a history on Android devices and they’ll originally release just to showcase off Nvidia’s new Tegra processors. So that gives you an idea of how the game looks, and in one word it is good. There’S a detailed world that blurs past you as you speed across the water, the water effects themselves are really quite impressive. Some of the best you can get on Android and everything runs along at a smooth clip, but now, with this game, it’s much more than just a boat racing, graphics, showcase, they’ve, developed a whole game around it. We’Ve got a career mode, we’ve got character, progression unlockables as well as development of your vehicle. The next game is hitman sniper, which essentially takes the best bit from hitman the sniping and whacks it on your mobile phone. So you can play it anywhere and after it, when I open the app, I was stunned by the graphics. The game looks really really good. Unfortunately, on the downside that doesn’t mean even the highest end devices struggle with it, and it doesn’t help that the optimization is not exactly the best out there. Having said that, this could just be the most developed sniping experience you can get on the go.

You have to think about diversions you have to think about who saw the attack, so you’ve even got to think about how to distract other people around the subject. You’Re trying to go for – and I tell you very few things come close to the level of satisfaction. You get when you score a slow-motion headshot from 5,000 meters away, there’s not a huge amount of customization, but there is also an armory where you can upgrade your weapon and make it stronger. So game. Number 7 is super stickman golf number 3 and I’ve pretty much been a loyal fan of the series since the day after the first game came out, even though they look so simple and they’re only in 2d. I’D say these are the best golfing games.

You can get on Android and I’m happy to say that the third game takes what number 2 did and makes it even better. Now, there’s a huge amount of courses each organized into different tours, but this time you can even get card backs. The cards actually contain inside they’ll, give you things like costumes, things like helmets to wear and all of these make meaningful contributions to how you play on the field. You can unlock different powers for your ball, like it might stick to any surface or a hat.

That might, for example, shoot your shots further. Now the game can get really really challenging, which is good and whenever you can shoot yourself a shot like this. It makes your day a game. Number eight is Mars Mars, and this isn’t quite as detailed or Faraz the games there’s no career mode as such, but it’s a great time-waster.

In fact, this is one of the hardest games. I’D say I’ve ever played on Android. As you can see, failure is something that you kind of grow used to. There are characters to unlock, but you are essentially doing the same thing with each one. Just in a slightly different setting.

You’Ve got a launch from one pad and try and land yourself safely on the next one and it’s much harder than it sounds so. The next one is flip, diving and I’m a little bit late to the table on this one. But it’s still a hell of a lot of fun and if you haven’t tried it worth a spin, quite literally, the game is to safely land in the water without belly, flopping back flopping and performing just the right amount of flips, depending on the level you’re on And also the clip gets higher and higher.

So if that doesn’t already sound hard, just look how your character behaves. It uses ragdoll physics and honestly, it’s almost like a comedy show watching it happen. Also, you can constantly unlock new levels, new moves, as well as new characters which keeps things refreshing so the last game on the list – and this is not usually my type of game – is magic rampage.

It’S a dungeon crawler and it’s really really hard. You will die. You will die a lot.

You’Ll probably die three times within a minute, but that’s what makes the game really fun? It’S got short sharp levels that to the point which is great for mobile gaming. Oh, did I say you die you’re, constantly picking up new weapons and there’s also a shop to buy some pretty powerful ones of them. I say so myself, but the grind to actually get them is unreal.

There’S a pretty beefy set of achievements and more dungeons on the game, then you’ll ever be able to explore so guys, that’s it for me for now. I really hope you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to whack that subscribe button, and I will keep you up to date with the latest tech content. I mister who’s, the boss and I’m signing out [ Applause ], you .