Benjamin’s AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille

Benjamin's AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Benjamin’s AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille”.
Uh first off, who are you and what did you bring to make a fair Leo in France, I’m a French maker. I guess – and I brought my in-famous artificial nose that was featured uh a couple of years ago in night magazine. So I know that can be trained to recognize virtually any smell absolutely, and that was the nose that was on the cover of the magazine, yeah yeah, and here it is here. So what does this project do for the people that maybe didn’t see the magazine, so it is like it uses like off the shelf sensors like super inexpensive, gas centers, and it’s an Arduino kind of kind of device right and you can just train it to recognize.

Benjamin's AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille

Smells, and so it can be either really lame, like you figure it out, figure out like different Spirits. That’S what I didn’t initially like figure out the difference between whiskey, vodka rum whatever or you can do something way more useful for things like I don’t know like you have I lost Mia because Kobe fits you really bad. Then you can train the nose to recognize uh spoiled food right and when you open your fridge and you feel like drinking juice, you don’t really know whether the juice is still good right. So you can train it train the nose too. Oh, that’s interesting to alert you and be like okay.

Benjamin's AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille

You might not want to drink that, so you could train it to smell the spoiled food. That’S really cool food is another one right I mean you can always have a smoke sensor in your in your kitchen. Yeah – and it will tell you when things get really really bad, but when the food Burns it’s it starts with the smell right, so you can first pick that up before it’s given something to like to go into flames, that’s really cool. Now, you’ve got some here. Some some units that we could look at can we just look at it here sure yeah. So it’s uh, so it’s the wheel terminal, it’s a wheelchair and also like an Arduino, really really small, um microcontroller, it doesn’t have lots of memory, doesn’t need it actually and um. So, based on the version, I guess you would have then gas sensors. So, for that guy, the gas sensors are actually within the nostrils, there’s actually two for better electricity for this one. You can see it here and yeah like we’re talking less than 100 US dollars for, for the world thing right less than 100., it’s actually better without the enclosure, because the sensor gets closer to the source, yeah the smell Source right. So speaking of source. Is this an open source project? Everything is open source and that was kind of my point. Like my, I had this realization where, like I knew nothing about AI when I started with this and in nearly a couple hours, I had really good results studied to have something that was literally a nose, and I was like how come I. As a software engineer, I I didn’t know that was possible, so I really want it from day one to have everything open source, so the the bill of materials, the software, the even the 3D enclosure design like everything’s there for reports too perfect and Kia lab yeah, Not UK 11 another KLM right now, Caleb Kodama yeah, yeah yeah. So it’s a kid based out of LA county in in the US. His whole project was to figure out how to diagnose pneumonia using this kind of device. How to diagnose pneumonia.

Benjamin's AI Nose Knows : Maker Faire Lille

That’S fantastic pneumonia! Where you can actually pick up pick up some markers in the the breath which um yeah, which you did so that’s way more useful than smelling whiskey and softer? If someone’s watching this, you know back in the States or something and they want to learn more. Is there a website where they can learn more yeah? I guess would be GitHub like if you, if you just Google or like search search for the artificial nose by Benjamin, that’s what I’m Benjamin like the GitHub landing page will will be where you will find most uh pointers to like how to how to build it. How to download the code how to tweak the code? If you feel like it, you don’t have to like KLM. They didn’t write a single line of code, it’s just like just used it and trained it on a different thing.

That’S fantastic! So people should just Google Benjamin artificial nose and then they’ll find it wonderful perfect. Thank you for talking to us. .