Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness

Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness”.
Hello, I’m Robin Vincent and welcome to multi music technology. Today, I’m gon na offer you up a Quick Start Guide to happiness with the behringer rb8. You’Ve just got this awesome drum machine. You’Ve got it out of the box.

What the heck do you do now, because there are a few little things to overcome, and hopefully I can show you exactly what they are get you making your first pattern and having a wonderful time, yeah. The AL of the box then comes to us like this. Oh, and the first thing you want to do is make a sound, so you’ve got a trigger button here, so you press that nothing happens. So you go okay, so there’s no level level right. So all of the knobs come out of the box.

All turned fully to the left, every single one, so you want to turn the master up and you want to turn the level up on all of the instrument sounds. It has a little orange indicator, which I guess suggests where the level should be, but you’re gon na want to turn them all. The way up, aren’t you and maybe a little bit down on the hi-hat. That seems like sensible, then turn all the tuning knobs up tone – knobs just set them all to about somewhere in the middle, then hit your trigger and hit your trigger button. Don’T still no sound! Well, that’s because the first instrument, the first sound that selected is accent which isn’t a sound is not a sound accent, boosts the volume on a step that you said it to. So, let’s try the kick drum now. We’Re talking great bass, drum kick drum.

Let’S make a patent so we have our we have. We have our pattern. Steps thing here, 16 steps. No, no! That’S not working! Okay! Well, let’s set it running. No, it’s not running just got this little flashing right here; okay, so we’re in song mode.

Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness

Let’S try pattern mode pattern mode, nope that doesn’t turn on lights either and again, there’s nothing. Nothing going on right. Okay, not pattern way, then tries step mode, hey step mode. Look you’ve got white lights going on okay. Here we go. No, we don’t right.

So okay, what’s happening here, is that in order for steps to stay, have to have it in record, put it in record and then they stay now. If you take it out of record and just leave it in play, you can take things out temporarily, but they’ll always come back. If you want to remove a step, you have to have it in record so for adding and removing notes. It must be in record great, let’s put a snare in closed, hi-hat, open, hi-hat great! Is that a clap? Now, if you want you can put stuff in using the trigger button provided during the cord get out of record, you can just play long, but it’s better than that.

You can use note repeat, which then repeats the selected drum sound. Now, if you have this in record, it doesn’t record anything once you’ve got note repeat on everything you do is step repeat that repeats either one step, two steps, four steps or eight steps. So it’s wherever it is it’s here. The next thing you want to do is mute and solo stuff, so selecting youths everything flashes that isn’t selected. So we want to mute out that snare and kick I just hit it and they then stay lit. Please select to let it go again. Solo is similar. Now, here’s a good tip, which is that if you have soloed stuff and then go into mute, you can’t mute it out because it’s so load, so solo overrides the mute. So, if you’re kind of confused as to what’s going on come out of both and you’ll see that if these are lit, it means that some things are muted or solos. They go back into solo, so you’re now mute is working that I’ve taken the solo off. Go back into mute Gracie. Does that make sense? The other thing is accent. So if you set accent, you can now boost a couple of bits. So if you create your pattern, you start getting a little bit into it.

Of course, the next thing you wan na use is their filter. Now one very important point to make before we talk about the effects section is that if you are listening on headphones, you are not going to hear it, because the headphone socket output of the back here bypasses the effects section it’s before the effects section. So if you’re listening on headphones you’re, just not going to hear it, I have no idea why they did that they say it’s something to do with monitoring so that you can monitor the sound before the effects. I guess, but it just it destroys the use of this first sitting around with a pair of headphones on and having a bit of fun.

You can’t listen to the filter or the wave designer. It only comes out of the main output. So if, like me, you’ve got your rd8, you stuck it on the floor.

You stuck some headphones in and started playing with it. You are gon na spend an hour trying to work out why you can’t hear this you’re going to go through all the settings. You’Re going to miss stuff about, and it’s going to frustrate you because it just doesn’t work headphones, no filter, no Wave designer so send it going send your filter on and nothing happens, nothing, nothing. Nothing happens at all, nothing. The reason why nothing happens is because the filter is attached to the wave designer these things act together and in order to get the filter to work on stuff, you have to send it to the wave designer.

Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness

How do we do that? Well, you press send and it’s exactly the same as mute and solo. You select the tracks that you want to be going there. Now the wave designer acts upon the stuff that’s going through it. You get a signal light which is extraordinarily helpful, but if you want to bypass the wave designer which is either sort of smoothing things down or boosting things in a lovely way, speaking it’s 12 o’clock and that’s essentially bypass so now, whatever it is, it’s gone here That I’ve selected and sent here I can now filter or high-pass.

Behringer RD-8 Quick start guide to happiness

So this is kind of good and bad because it means that I can choose what it is. I want to filter, let’s take the bass and snare out of this. So I’m just now filtering the hi-hats, but I’m probably gon na want the bass and snare to be involved in the wave designer to give them a bit of boom and maybe not the hi-hat. So much, but then, if I do that, I can’t then filter the hi-hats. Do you see what I mean so in order to use the filter it has to go to the wave designer. So if you want to use the way design on just a couple of things, you then can’t filter everything else. You can’t use the filter separately from the wave designer, so there you go. You are now ready to rock one more thing. If you turn it off and turn it on again, your pattern is gone. It’S all gone, it’s all raised and you have to start again. You want to learn how to save patterns in Gary the manual cuz. I don’t know so yeah.

It’S a whole bundle of fun and I hope that my little guide has just pushed you down the road to getting started and, in the meantime, go make. Some beats. .