Begone, Edge! – Microsoft’s Monopolistic Practices

Begone, Edge! - Microsoft's Monopolistic Practices

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Begone, Edge! – Microsoft’s Monopolistic Practices”.
( fire cracking ). I remember the early days. Do you [ Narrator ] For years the cruel, William Gates III reigned as the undisputed king of Internettia, but then from the dark continent came two brave warriors: “ 99 %, no more.”. They cried And banished him to the fiery bowels of Mount Anti-trust from whence he came., But the monopolistic king wasn’t truly dead only sleeping., And now that he’s returned with an edge sharper than before our suffering will be truly great. And –. What are you doing? Oh I’m making a video about how Microsoft’s back to their pushy ways of trying to force us to use their browser and like anti-competitive and like antitrust, that sort of thing., And I’m also telling the people about our fine sponsor Hetzner [, Both ] (, cheering ) Hetzner offers high performance cloud servers for an amazing price with their new U.S. location In Ashburn Virginia.

You can deploy cloud servers in four different locations and benefit from features like load, balancers, block storage and more. Use code LTT22 at the link below for 20 bucks, off. (, Upbeat, Music, ). Anyone running Windows, 11 right now knows the pains of Edge all too well. Wan na open a PDF follow a link or view just about any type of image file Until you’ve changed out the default browser for every single one Windows, 11 is going to default to Edge., It apparently wasn’t bad enough in Windows 10, when edge not only installed itself as part of a windows update but then set itself as the default browser and pinned itself to the task bar.. Now, if you like edge more power to you., It’s certainly an improvement over Internet Explorer, but I’m not into it.

Begone, Edge! - Microsoft's Monopolistic Practices

The default search engine is Bing More on that later.. The default vertical tabs take up up a ton of screen real estate.. Yes, we know you can hide them, but even hidden they’re bulky. And you can’t uninstall it. Even if you wanted to., Then in 2020 they added some shopping extensions to the browser that would price match for you And add coupons or promo codes to online purchases., Which sounds great. But you didn’t add: ask me first.

Begone, Edge! - Microsoft's Monopolistic Practices

And then more recently, there’s been controversy surrounding integration with zip a buy now pay later service. That has been criticized as predatory for the way that it might tempt people to spend money that they do not have.. Now don’t get me wrong having a web browser on your PC right out of the box is a better customer experience than a few decades ago.

Anyone still got an an A.O.L. C.D. lying around. No All right.. The problem is that windows has been the dominant operating system for so long that Microsoft gets ample opportunities to leverage it for an unfair advantage., And that is why we need antitrust laws now, more than ever To demonstrate we’re gon na do a fresh, install of Windows. 11, to show you just how bad it is.

You can find the links down below for the parts we’re running on our test. Bench. One moment please..

Lately, It seemed Microsoft, has aggressively ramped up their efforts to make their store. The one stop. Shop. Windows comes with edge, their browser.

Begone, Edge! - Microsoft's Monopolistic Practices

And Edge defaults to Bing their search engine.. As for why that matters to them., You need to look no further than Google’s business model to understand just how valuable your search data along with your location, the apps you use, the games you play can be to a company like Microsoft. There, it is. There’s your Tailored experience and advertising ID. Take it all., You will anyway., Then once you hit the desktop, we can make jokes about how edge only exists, so you can download another browser And most people do it., But because of Microsoft’s position they can force you to open it. At least once to do that. And when you do you’ll notice, it’s front and center top left right. Here..

The new startup wizard prompts you to give it a crap ton of data. Stay up to date by regularly bringing in browsing data from other browsers.. What that’s the default, They know they can’t make you keep it So they’re gon na take your browsing data from elsewhere.

How about we say no. Express yourself. Do you like light or dark mode? What colors do you like, Like? I got ta wonder what am I telling Microsoft When I say look, I really like the bubble gum, color scheme.. This actually was not nearly as bad as it used to be. Well kudos, but not that much kudos.. Now that I’ve got another browser, I don’t need edge anymore., So I’m gon na go ahead and just remove it.

And then right, uninstall, — Repair.. That’S my only option like an average user is not gon na know that you have to change dot HTM to default. To a browser., This could only be like this to make it more difficult., Let’s go ahead and just search for something and perfect.

That launches an Edge even after you’ve changed your default browser.. So, unless you’re willing to put the time and effort into absolutely purging Edge and anything that it relies on from your system, you’re going to end up using it once in a while, even if it’s just out of laziness., And is that so bad? I mean it’s not like it doesn’t work.. So is this even a problem And has it always been like this To answer those questions? We need to go back in time. In time in time in time., Hey there buddy.. It’S me favorite, Canadian, YouTuber, guy. Boy.

I sure do love chopping, wood, craftin’ and Okay.. That’S gon na get annoying fast.. Anyway. The point is back. In 2007, Opera software filed an antitrust complaint alongside the European union, complaining about Internet Explorer being bundled with Windows.

Mozilla and Google quickly joined forces with them. And in response, Microsoft offered to basically add a toggle switch to turn off or on, I.E. But that wasn’t good. Enough. By late 2009, they agreed to instead add a browser choice screen giving users the option to pick what they’d prefer. Hey. That sounds kind of familiar buddy..

You know you’re right 2007 Linus it does. In 2001. The United States also won an antitrust case against Microsoft.

For you guested it monopolistic practices, including bundling internet Explorer with their O.S. and making it impossible to uninstall. After all, why should I waste time and money buying Netscape Navigator when Explorer is already right? There. Now Netscape had already switched over to a free model by 1998, but the damage had already been done.. Internet Explorer had 99 % market share. Making matters worse. Microsoft lied When they said that removing, I.E. would make windows run slower.. Their evidence ended up looking rather fraudulent to put it mildly.

And they even altered the API to favor Explorer over third party browsers.. The good news, though, is that this was the first time that Microsoft had engaged in this kind of manipulative nonsense., I’m just kidding.. All the way back in 1994 Spyglass Inc created a unified version of the mosaic browser that could work on any platform.. This was then licensed out to resellers, who sold either an unmodified version or one that utilized their code. Base.. One of these became internet Explorer.. The original deal with Microsoft called for base quarterly fees plus royalties from any internet Explorer revenue.. But how could there be any royalties when Microsoft would just bundle the internet Explorer product with windows for free, very clever Mr. Gates., But the lawyers didn’t seem to think so. Since Microsoft ended up settling with Spyglass for 8 million after they threatened legal action., That’s a lot of money for you to not learn your lesson at all..

Have you noticed that none of the things that Microsoft was punished for or agreed to have actually been implemented? In windows 11, So let’s talk about why Microsoft is so determined for you to use the web browser that they would treat multimillion dollar fines and settlements as just cost of doing business.. We live in a world where data is as good as gold and the more people using edge or by extension, Bing. The more data Microsoft can accumulate. And if they make it harder for the consumer to avoid their software. That is the very definition of anti-competitive and monopolistic behavior.. Now to be fair.

According to, Google Chrome actually has the highest market share by a long shot at roughly 69 % at the time of filming, with edge sitting at a meager sub 8 % nice.. But, what’s not so nice is the way that edge is bullying their way into the runner up. Spot. Chrome got to first place by being a strong competitor and running creative ads like this one.

Microsoft, strong-armed rather than sweet, talked leaving us where we are today. And there’s more to this than web browsers.. You probably don’t remember Novell or WordPerfect, but there are leaked memos from Gates in 1994, trying to hinder competition again.. We should wait until we have a way to do a high level of integration..

That will be harder for the likes of Notes and WordPerfect to achieve and which will give Office a real advantage.. We can’t compete with Lotus and WordPerfect/Novell without this. In 1996, Novell assigned rights to Caldera, which sued Microsoft and won $ 280 million, which to remind you, taught them absolutely nothing.. Now, let’s be clear, Google and their Chrome browser are not the white Knights that it might feel like we’re, making them out to be.

They’re owned by Alphabet Inc, who has been involved in their own set of anti-trust lawsuits and have been accused numerous times of monopolistic Practices, tax avoidance among other things. I mean just about every browser – is running on chromium now. The basis of Chrome and Chrome is the most widely used browser by a long shot., But that’s a story for another time.. Maybe once they’ve surpassed Microsoft in terms of market cap., Now these days, you’ll see Mr.

Gates doing philanthropic work with charities and nonprofits, but don’t let the PR fool you.. He and, by extension, Microsoft, got to where they are today by ruthlessly sabotaging and tricking the competition.. So, the next time you see someone using edge because it’s already there. Remember this classic Simpsons line lampooning Bill.

Oh, I didn’t get rich by writing a lot of checks., (, laughs, ) Nope.. A better way to get rich is to receive checks like the one I got from our sponsor Grammarly Thanks to Grammarly for sponsoring this video communication online through email, Slack or Discord, can easily be misinterpreted and can become a huge time block.. This is why all working professionals need a tool like Grammarly. Grammarly is an all in one writing tool that helps you with grammar and spelling suggestions., Simply install the free, desktop, app log in and start typing baby. There’s also Grammarly premium, which provides more in depth feedback On your writing. – So you can understand, we recommend checking out the tone, transformation and clarity tools.. They help you by rewording, phrases to make you sound more confident and they remove unnecessary jargon to help you get your point across more clearly. Work, smarter, not harder., Go to today and sign up for a free account and get 20 % off a premium.

Grammarly subscription. Anyway, thanks for watching., If you guys enjoyed this video check out the TechQuickie we did about how everything thing is just chromium. Now, .