Beginner Gaming PC Build – NZXT BLD Kit!

Beginner Gaming PC Build - NZXT BLD Kit!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Beginner Gaming PC Build – NZXT BLD Kit!”.
Thanks to nzxt for sponsoring this video all right, let’s see what happens. Oh cables are plugged in flip the switch, and here we go. No building your own pc is like often like a rite of tech passage as a geek and it’s the fastest way to learn. Like what a computer is and how it works, and i’ve now over the past few years built a few computers myself, but i am far from like a linus or an austin.

Beginner Gaming PC Build - NZXT BLD Kit!

In fact, they’re up here, i am like very far at the bottom, something i enjoy something i like to keep learning about. So before i get to what this is and what it can do, i’m doing this in a lot of videos, because i’m just humbled the fact that i’ve been able to do this for so long and a way to say thank you guys for watching the videos. Thank you for the support.

Beginner Gaming PC Build - NZXT BLD Kit!

Thank you for nzxt for for sponsoring this video we’re gon na give away a 500 american express gift card to anybody in the world. Just leave a comment down below about what you would do with your own custom computer and leave your social handle in the comment we’ll let it run for two weeks and we’ll pick a winner at random. But all the information how to enter will be in the description.

Beginner Gaming PC Build - NZXT BLD Kit!

So while there are a lot of people out there who want to build their computer totally bespoke, there’s an equal amount, i think who can’t build their own computer. Don’T have the time to do it or don’t know what to do to even build their perfect pc and that’s where something like nzxt build. Kit comes in it’s kind of the perfect compromise all right, so what nzxt has put together here, i think, is a pretty great idea so, like i said, i built a few pcs in my day, um by no means an expert, but when you’re first like getting Into it, it’s really daunting and for those in the community that build pcs regularly, you are experts.

You’Ve done this many many times and you’ve gone through kind of the growing pains, but it’s daunting for people who are just starting they’re sort of intimidation from the tech community, determination on all the parts and a lot of times. That leads people to just go and just buy a pre-built computer. There are thousands upon thousands of parts to choose from cpus gpus motherboard cases.

You have to worry about supply chain issues. If you want to camp out to get certain gpus what you can get, it can just generally be daunting way. On the other hand, though, if you still just want a pc, you can just go to the pre-built route. You just go to the store, go online and buy the computer. You want already assembled literally plug it in turn it on.

It works great a lot of times when it’s more expensive and it’s harder to get exactly what you want, because the parts used are often mid-range. You can go higher, but then the price obviously goes higher with it, and you can very quickly find yourself paying 15-20 20 more for the same parts. If you were just to build it yourself. So with this you’re getting the kit that you want all the parts are shipped to you and you get to build a computer yourself and it’s pretty cool when you go to their website. If you choose the starter, pc or the streaming pc, you can pick what you want your computer to do, and what you’re going to get is all of the parts to build your computer so you’re getting the experience of building a computer with the benefit of kind Of having a safety net or having someone that can kind of hold your hand through certain parts and again as somebody who is not an expert but has built a handful of pcs, i kind of want to see how somebody who has never built a pc could Do this so be kind uh, here’s robert rosenfeld, he is the lead face over at the apple circle, he’s a mac guy, incredibly tech savvy, but has not built a pc before so we’re going to see how somebody who hasn’t done pc builds but sort of does Know tech can do with the nzxt build and we’re not going to do a tutorial step by step. We’Re just going to kind of pick in the highlights uh of the build and give kind of a genuine reaction for how it went so.

I’Ve had the privilege and safety net of building pcs with some of the the best on the internet. You’Re, your austins, your terrance, and i built one myself off camera so again, no means an expert, but i do have more experience than you do you do. The extent of my computer building is uh, going on the apple website, clicking a couple buttons and then it just shows up at my door. So it’s a little bit different, but why have you never built a computer? You know, i guess it’s one of the pros and cons of the apple ecosystem.

Is it just kind of works or just kind of you know it’s all there for you. So that’s just sort of been it. I’Ve never really been in the pc ecosystem.

So this is fun, so we got it open. So it all comes in this kit. Obviously nicely labeled.

Here we got our motherboard in box a so i’m assuming everything goes nicely easily labeled for us novices artifact pieces like a map and they have like a little pyramid on the back uh copy of windows. The oh, so important windows license alberta. Here you go there. You go the map for building.

I like those graphics, it’s very nice. I pretty simple that’ll, be for you, oh so i didn’t do my homework. They do have some really nice sort of build guide videos on their youtube channel that i did reference and they do a kind of great job explaining how everything works together. We should say two: these aren’t like nzxt like pc parts. These are real parts.

You could get you know online if you were building your own computer, they just put all together uh in a box for you, so here’s our psu very nice, nicely labeled. Oh, we got here liquid cooler, very nice cracking m22. Best of all, we are going to need a graphics card so uh.

Actually this is a 3060.. It’S pretty solid. I’M gon na do some crypto mining and gaming.

With that nice surprise all right, and then i guess this is probably the case right. So, move that take this so nzxt offers a few different models depending on what task you’re. Looking for, like i said, you’ve got two build kits the starter series and then the streaming series for those interested in.

Obviously we want to do some live gaming and more streaming on each of these builds, or maybe the parts that like excel specifically for that task, unless you get going with your new pc kind of faster instead of having to troubleshoot. So the kit we have here is the streaming plus series. So with this kit, you get the rtx 360 ti amd 5 5600 x, 16 gigabytes of ram uh amd 3.7 gigahertz, six core one terabytes. In other words, this is not the fastest computer in the world, but it is definitely not slow. This way here, upper left, okay, fingers crossed wow. So it’s a day later we were going through and installing everything we were missing, the i o shield um.

So we called nzxt actually overnighted us one. It was really quick and easy. Now we have an io shield. We couldn’t have this build happen without an issue that would have looked absolutely horrible, so we’re gon na put this in and pick up where we left off. Let’S do it so with nzxt one of the benefits as well. Is they oftentimes have these graphics cards in stock which, if you’ve been searching for them, uh, could be a huge benefit. Honestly, i’m probably going to use this for crypto mining and some light gaming, which is awesome. So who is this, for? I think this makes an awesome awesome gift instead of having to track down every part and hope it arrives in time. You just get this kit and you’ve got a really great pc ready to be built. It could also be for someone with kids. Now my oldest is eight, but they were like 10 or 12. I think this would be sort of an awesome sort of kit to give them, given the experience of building a computer, the pride sort of using their own two hands to build something and teaching them about computers and tech uh.

As you go today, i’m excited i’m gon na hope. It boots we’ll see how uh could i find your instructions all right? Let’S see what happens. Oh cables are plugged in flip the switch, and here we go.

It’S lighting up, fan spinning all right. I see the fan spinning there all right see if we get something on the monitor, it’s loading, something so that’s good getting devices ready. I think that’s part of one.

That’S the windows font right, okay, [ Applause, ]. We did it so it’s done and it’s built. So robert your first pc bill: what do you think it was a lot of fun? I definitely feel like now that i went through this process and sort of had someone like nzxt sort of hold my hand throughout the process. I definitely feel more confident now that, if i was to want to tinker in here, do some upgrades do a whole another pc build. I know the lingo, i know sort of where different connectors plug into and different parts of the other word. I feel a lot more confident now it was nice to sort of have someone sort of lay out a very clear guide on how to do things step by step, and i’m just happy that it booted up.

It’S like it teaches you the fundamentals of like building a computer and then from there you can do whatever you want. You could try to build your own. You could do another one from nzxt, but it does teach you the basics and does a really nice job with it. So we’ve got it all up and running.

We have wi-fi working, we’ve got to run some software updates. Most importantly, try some games and personally see how well it mines all right. So there it is in relatively no time. Uh we’ve got a working pc with everything we need uh, that’s something i could do together with my kids. This boils down to this works exactly as advertised if you are intimidated by building your own computer, if you don’t want to deal with the long wait times of building your own computer, if you sort of want a bespoke computer but don’t want to just buy it From one of the big box, retailers, this is a really good way to go and it delivers on what it promises and it delivers as advertised. If you want to check out ndxt or check out different, build options or pick one out for you or even pick. One of their pre-built computers, which they do offer a link to them down below .