Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone “enhancement”…

Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone “enhancement”…”.
So today I have an interesting product, that’s making a bunch of claims this showed up and I was like I got ta test that out. I just I don’t know it’s a screen protector that claims to enhance your battery life, improve your signal, strength and reduce the amount of radiation coming out of your smartphone into your face. That’S a lot of claims for a screen protector. It’S from tech, armor they’ve got a little image here: 15 minutes of cell phone use this guy’s half dead, as you can tell silent threat the jury’s out on this whole radiation situation. Their new screen protector is going to push the radiation out the back of the phone by blocking it from coming out of the front.

Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone

But honestly, the thing I’m most interested in is this: increase. This improved signal strength with improved signal strength. You can also often realize better battery life as well, in fact, they’re saying up to 40 % longer battery life. So in this article I’m gon na take some signal, strength, readings on this iPhone 10 right here.

Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone

Prior to installing the screen protector, then I’ll install the screen protector and take the readings again in order to see if it actually does improve signal strength and gets around 30 bucks. Maybe Willie do can give us the big number. 30 bucks. Did I nail that I just test? Okay, it’s 30 bucks.

Be VERY skeptical of this smartphone

It does all these other things now you guys may remember. I did a video in the past about a case enhance the battery life. What happens is when you lift it up and slide it you’ll notice. It lines up with the antenna on the iPhone pretty much as expected, it feels pretty substantial.

Actually, it’s already nerve-racking, I’m already starting to get paranoid here about installing the screen protector, although I feel like I’ve gotten better at it over the years device cleansing wipes all right. So there’s this special mode. You can go into on your iPhone. You could try this yourself type in star three: zero, zero 1 cache, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hash star and then dial it, and it brings you into this field test mode.

This gives you all kinds of information about your phone now. The key stuff for us is in the serving cell measurement right here now. Our signal strength lives right here, our SRP zero. You can see we are at minus 108 in this case, since it’s a figure, the lower the number, the better the signal you can see it fluctuating a little bit.

This is LTE. This is on the Rogers Network. Our SRP one represents the next closest cell tower. The thing to do now is to install the enhanced tech armor screen protector and see if it can boost that up at all still 117 115. Nothing like a nice fresh display. It actually is pretty easy to install part of that’s because it doesn’t attempt to go around the curve. Alright, so the screen protector is installed now, let’s launch back in 109 sledded update here, give it a second 107 106. All right so are the same benchmark. Right now we’re we’re where we might 105 107 mmm, 105, again. 107, so I mean very marginal, like the other one was 106 and then 109 okay, fine, let’s try and hold it, does it need to be touching your face or something there’s a patented layer that redirects potentially harmful radiation up out and away from your body to Lessen exposure this process creates a stronger usable signal from your smartphone, which can extend battery life by up to 40 %, but in what circumstance? What like perfect circumstance? What you need to take advantage of that, because my signal strength is at minus 116 right now and that’s worse, there’s obviously some issues here they may extend beyond the capabilities of this screen protector. If we don’t see an improvement in signal strength, then we also can’t necessarily buy the claims that we’re gon na get this battery life improvement without the better signal strength, you’re, not gon na get the better battery life, and then you also got to bring into question The whole radiation silent threat scenario. What exactly is this extra layer doing now as a screen protector? It’S pretty nice easy to install and it is a 9h tempered glass, I’m guessing what they did is create some perfect scenario to get their numbers in testing.

But this is the real world. It actually appears to get worse when I’m holding it go and check this for yourself type that code into your iOS device and see what kind of reception you’re working with look. If this screen protector is doing anything, it doesn’t appear to be doing anything I don’t necessarily buy into the other claims. Your results may vary if you had a different experience with this I’d be interested in knowing about it, but as of right now, I’m saying it’s just a screen protector.

It’S a half-decent screen protector, I’m gon na say probably skip this one based on these initial findings. If anything comes up and I noticed some sort of change I’ll, let you know today you have, I got to tell you the truth here. Okay, I’ve got to give you the evidence and that’s what it is. Tech armor you want to reach out. Send me an email and say: look: here’s where it improves you’re in the park.

It’S a full moon, cumulus clouds. Foliage. Then you see the improvement you want to.

Let me know you. Let me know I’ll give you a chance. Ok, ok there! It is the truth. Shall set you free .