Battlefield 4 Single Player – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD

Battlefield 4 Single Player - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Battlefield 4 Single Player – GTX 750 TI – Game Performance – Intel i3-4170 – ASUS M32AD”.
Hello and welcome to tech deals, game performance, review time, battlefield for single-player. We are playing this game today on this azuz M 32 ad desktop computer, but wait not in its factory ship and configuration I’ve upgraded it now. I’Ve got two videos linked in the description below. The first is my review of the computer itself, and the second is me showing you how to do that upgrade it really just takes a few minutes.

We put a nvidia geforce, gtx 750ti dedicated gaming graphics card in here. Yes, that’s a mouthful. What does that mean? We spent $ 100 and we put a video card in here into what is essentially a $ 300 computer, so for 400 ish dollars. The question is: can we play modern current games at full HD at 1080p? Yes, we can. This is battlefield 4. We are running as you can see at 1080p and fullscreen, I’ve taken it off the auto settings auto. How did it medium, I’m gon na try setting it on high cuz? I actually think you can play an awful lot of games up high even on a budget graphics card. So I set the detail to high apply video settings. Yes, back, you can see our fraps counter our framerate counter right here in the corner of the screen.

Now I’m gon na press f11. When I start fighting and it’s going to record two minutes of gameplay, the the counter will go away when I do that. But what it’s doing is recording a second-by-second count. At the end, it will give us a minimum, a maximum and an average framerate. So let’s hit f11 and let’s go see. If we can’t make a mess beautiful world, I mean you can’t complain about the graphics.

Well, I suppose you you can complain about the graphics now I have shown the same part in the game in multiple game performance reviews. The benefit to that is it lets. You see the same gameplay section on multiple machines. Oh, I should probably throw a grenade over there there we go headshot bonus now when it comes to first-person shooters like this, I make no claims to being the best there is, but you know what we’re not playing this from my game performance, we’re playing this for The game game performance? No, ok! I got one.

Of course this is single-player. I mean this isn’t hard. I actually did a video a multiplayer for the first time.

Battlefield 4 Single Player - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

The other day, I’ve played Call of Duty multiplayer, and I’ve played way too much Counter Strike. I do not have a lot of battlefield multiplayer to be honest with you, there’s only so much time in the day. Oh, no! That’S a good guy! Silly me! There we go when the framerate counter comes back up here in the corner.

Battlefield 4 Single Player - GTX 750 TI - Game Performance - Intel i3-4170 - ASUS M32AD

It will have been two minutes, nice. Well, that’s a sufficiently cool explosion. You don’t suppose that will reduce the frame count. Do you? Oh, he was hiding there. I know how you take bullets and then you heal. Ok, our frame count is back great $ 100 graphics card, a gtx 750ti, a high detail, level 70 frames per second average minimum of 54 max of 89.

So basically, that thing was smooth at about 60 frames, a second or better at the entire time, at Full. Hd 1080p resolution at high detail on about a $ 400 computer. Do you have to go out and spend thousands of dollars to be able to play awesome games? No, you can it will. Let you play at higher resolutions or multiple monitors or ultra everything detail, but you really don’t have to most games will play at 1080p full HD resolution just fine at some detail level in this case hi.

I will follow this video up with a multiplayer. I want to see what that does. I honestly personally expect it to do just as well, but we will find out so check that video next, like this video, if you like it, don’t if you don’t remember to subscribe to my channel, it’s the big red button right down there, questions comments, thoughts, feedback Suggestions – those go in the comment section below. I read them all respond to some, and I appreciate your time watching this video.

I will see you next time. .