Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try

Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try”.
Today, I’m going to show you three settings to change in Google’s barred AI to protect your security and show you three prompts to try okay. So here we are in Google’s Bard AI at, and the first thing you could do really quick to protect your eyes is use dark theme. They have put a button in the left hand, corner that says, use dark theme, push it and you’re in Dark theme. Now one of the first settings you might want to change in Bard AI is Bard activity, so Google is saving every prompt that you put into the chat bot. So to turn that off you go to Bard activity and toggle off the switch.

Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try

So now that I’ve turned that off, Google is going to stop Saving All My prompts now. The second setting you might want to change and Bard is the auto delete function. If you have Bard activity enabled you will have access to the auto delete function. Go back into Bard activity when you click on that, you now have the option to Auto delete all of your prompts after three months, 18 months or 36 months. You can choose to don’t Auto delete which will keep every one of your prompts from the time that you set that now, I’m going to set it to three months. Click next preference is saved now the last setting you might want to play with in Bard is when to delete or what you want to delete. So if you go back in that Bard activity, this time, you’ll have to verify your identity, which basically means you’re signing into Google. Now I could delete specific, prompts and a range of prompts.

Now. If I go to this delete drop down, I can delete within the last hour last day, all time or a custom range you could go in and select specific prompts to delete. You could click the X here and that deletes that prompt.

You could delete prompts from an entire day. So if I click here, it’s deleting now it’s going to delete all of those prompts from that day. You can also go into the details of a prompt and see what time you did The Prompt why the activity was being saved, and you can also manage your Bard activity from this window. When you’re in this information window, you can click on these three little dots and delete that specific, prompt or ask for help and feedback. So those are three Quick Settings that you could change right now to protect your privacy and protect your data, so Google’s not saving.

Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try

All that information in the background so now I’m going to show you three prompts to try with Google’s barred AI that’ll help you be more productive and get work done faster. So Bard just recently announced that it will now incorporate images into responses for English. Only so I’m going to ask Bard something very specific and ask it to find me black sand beaches that are safe to swim at in Maui Hawaii all right. So it gave me a list of black sand beaches in Maui Hawaii, with a little bit of information about each and whether or not it’s safe to snorkel or Swim, along with a link back to the website.

Bard AI: 3 Settings to Change & 3 Prompts to Try

If I want to go find out more information, so that’s very helpful. I’M going to give that a thumbs up Bard will summarize articles and pull out keywords for you. All you need to do is drop the URL in the prompt and ask it what to do. Here’S a CNET article by one of my colleagues Jesse oral about a vertical Farm which is changing the future of Agriculture. So I’m just going to take this URL and drop it into Bard and ask Bard to summarize the article for me and pull out some keywords. Bart is thinking it’s going to give me a little summary of what the article is about.

So, as you can see, Bard gave me a little concise overview of what the article was about. Even give me bullet points on some of the major themes, so this is very helpful in my job, just for getting a sense of what the article is about and any keywords that I need to keep in mind when I’m going to optimize this video on YouTube. Another thing I like to do is find keyword tags on a subject like maybe Apple’s new VR headset. So I’m going to show you how I do that real, quick using Bard – and I just simply asked find me some keyword tags for YouTube about apples, rumored VR headset. So it gives me a long list of keyword tags that would easily just copy and paste into this CNET video on YouTube, and it always helps with search engine optimization.

It helps our audience, find those videos easier when they’re searching across YouTube. Well, that’s it! That’S three settings: you can change in Bard and three things to try with Bard AI. If you like, this video subscribe to CNET for more how-to videos like this one and check out my related video on Bing versus Bard versus chat, GPT, and thanks for watching .