Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint

Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint”.
In this article, we’re going to look at two intermediate: PowerPoint skills and options number one: how to automatically advance slides in your PowerPoint presentation, so that you don’t necessarily have to click using a presenter, remote or using keys on the keyboard. The second option we’re going to look at is how to record your narration of your slide, show and also other aspects of your PowerPoint presentation. So let’s look first at how to advance slides automatically in the more modern versions of Microsoft. Powerpoint Microsoft has made it very, very easy to advance your slides automatically and to set that up. So I clicked here on the slideshow tab and here on the slideshow ribbon you’ll, see that there’s a setup group and there we have both of these options that we’re gon na look at rehearse timings and record slideshow.

So rehearse timings is pretty simple: you just click! It and notice here in the upper left that there is a timer going in the upper left corner. This is recording how long my first slide is on the screen, but that’s all that’s being recorded so 10 seconds. Now I clicked to move on to my second slide. Let’S have this one on the screen for five seconds and then I click to advance to the next slide, this one, maybe three seconds and then I’m just gon na click quickly through each of my bullet points and to the next slide into the next slide.

Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint

Now the reason I’m doing this fast is so that you’ll be able to see that it indeed did work so notice. It says the total time for your slideshow was 33 seconds. Do you want to save the new slide timings? Yes, I do so now with that setup. As long as this option is checked to use timings when I click from the beginning to play my slideshow, my hands now are not on the keyboard they’re, not on a presenter remote.

Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint

I’M just able to talk. I can walk around the room and then after 10 seconds, it moves to slide 2 and then, after the timing for slide 2, it will advance to slide 3. Now, if you recall after slide 3, I believe I clicked quickly to make things move through quickly. So again, all of this is happening without me, clicking anything or doing anything, I’m just able to talk as the slideshow advances.

My slide show is now over I’ll tap escape to get back into the slideshow. So if I save the slideshow now those timings that I’ve rehearsed will be built into the presentation and every time I run it, those timings will be in effect. Now sometimes you may not want those timings to be in effect. Maybe I want to do the presentation again and talk through the slides in more detail. All I have to do is uncheck use, timings and now, when I click present or present from the beginning now the timings are not being used.

Automatically Advance Slides and Record Narration in PowerPoint

I am now having to click using a presenter remote or using the keys on the keyboard in order to advance through the presentation. So this can be a wonderful option again if you want to be hands-free, but it’s also useful. Let’S say if you’re setting up a kiosk or a slideshow that you want to run automatically without any human intervention.

Maybe you have a monitor where you just want this to play, or you have a projector or a TV set up, and you just want your slides to go from one to the next to the next, without you having to do anything now, if you do want Your slideshow to continue playing when it gets to the last slide to loop back to the first slide here in that same slideshow, ribbon setup group. You can go here to setup slideshow and you can choose this option here. Loop continuously until escape.

I can click, OK and again making sure that this is checked now, when I present this, when it comes to the last slide in the slideshow, it should automatically restart and it did next. Let’S look at how to record your slideshow. This option is quite a bit different, even though it may sound similar. So I’m going to first uncheck use timings and let’s say I will be presenting this presentation in front of a group of teachers or students. But there will be some people that won’t be able to be there to hear my presentation.

But I still want them to be able to get the information well. In that case, I might consider recording my slideshow, maybe even before I present, for the live audience notice. What it says record from current slide click here to choose where to start recording or to clear recorded timings and narrations, so I’ll, just click record from current slide or record from the beginning, or if you want to clear out any timings any recordings or narration. You can do that here as well I’ll just choose record from beginning, and I get some tools here – notice that I do have some notes if I’ve typed in some notes underneath the slides they should appear here.

Since I don’t have notes, I’m gon na hide that option. If I want to, I can record my face. I can record myself as I talk through these slides in order to do that, you need to have a webcam or other camera.

I don’t have that setup. Right now, and if I want my voice to be recorded and captured in this recording, I would need to go up here and click. This button select the microphone and camera for recording. So if I want to set up the camera, I can do that here. If I want to set up the microphone, I can do that up here, so those options are now selected and I should be ready to begin now when I’m ready to record I’ll click this button, when I’m ready to stop I’ll click. This button, as you would expect you can also do a replay to see how it turned out, but, as I’m presenting, I may click down here and use these pens and markers etc, to draw on the screen so watch for that as I’m presenting. Also, if I’m not going to use this box here as a recording of my face as I’m talking, I should probably click on this button here to turn the camera preview off.

Ok, let’s begin, I click record and I get a count down. Welcome to my presentation on animation in the classroom. I hope you enjoy it so now. I click this button here to advance.

One of the options for tools that we have for animation is Adobe character, animator, and you can see here. This is the symbol for Adobe character: animator. It is priced at 50 $ 2.99 per month. You can buy it now or you could get a free trial now. That 52.99 is part of the Adobe, Creative Cloud, etc, etc. I could advance then, and if I want to, I can switch to a different tool. So let’s talk about some of the advantages of character animator, I think it’s a wonderful tool now, while I’m teaching with this, I can also use this eraser. If I want to erase things that I’ve drawn on the screen, we have a pen, we have a thicker marker and all of these colors okay, let’s say I’m done with this presentation.

I can just click stop and then I can click replay to see how I did so. I’M gon na pause that and at this point I’m gon na say I’m done so. I click stop now. If I was unhappy with my replay, if I don’t like how I sounded there, I could click this to clear the recordings on the current slide or to clear all recordings on all of the slides. I don’t want to do that. So let’s say I’m done with my recording of my presentation. I can just click close so now just like before I can. Click use timings if I’d like and now I can click from beginning, and my recordings will play the timing that I use to go from slide to slide my narration, the media controls drawing on the screen. All of that will play throughout the presentation. I’Ll just go to from current slide.

You can see it recorded my narration and going from slide to slide so now I should be able to save my presentation and my voice narrations and the timings and everything should be recorded in my file. Now you may consider, in addition to saving it, you might want to click file and then choose save as and then you could change the presentation type from regular PowerPoint presentation to mpeg-4 video mp4 video, in other words. So now, when I save this, it will produce an actual video and not just a PowerPoint presentation, so I hope you see some of the potential in both of these options in PowerPoint, rehearsing timings and recording slideshows thanks for watching. I hope you found this tutorial to be helpful.

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