This is a CPU Cooler? – Vortex Chiller

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This is a CPU Cooler? – Vortex Chiller”. Thermal management companies like Noctua, spend thousands of hours optimizing their cooling solutions to make as little noise as possible.. But what? If we didn’t care about that at all., ( air blowing )? This is a vortex, tube … Read more

AMD kept their best GPU a secret

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD kept their best GPU a secret”. `- They were holding out on us. AMD’s, launching yet another GPU, and now, with the GPU shortages, (, knocking wood ), maybe coming to an end heck. Maybe you’ll even be able to get one of these at MSRP., … Read more

I Ripped Up My Sponsor’s Check – Intel Fab Tour

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Ripped Up My Sponsor’s Check – Intel Fab Tour”. Intel’S sponsored – or at least they tried to.. I have never done this before, but shortly after I arrived at Intel’s Israel development center. I ripped up the previously agreed upon sponsorship check., Because the lab … Read more

Now the Real Work Begins… – Moving Vlog Day 2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Now the Real Work Begins… – Moving Vlog Day 2”. It’S absolute freaking chaos today. It’s moving day day, two. And Yvonne, and I have to run and do this sponsored VR thing.. So, basically, we’re letting logistics loose on our house with no instructions other than … Read more

Where Are the Cables??? – Gigabyte Project Stealth

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Where Are the Cables??? – Gigabyte Project Stealth”. Ever seen anything like it where’s the cable, there’s, no cables, 24-pin eight-pin, gpu power, connectors, they’re gone, and yet it’s working. That’S amazing. It is amazing and to find out how it came to be we’re. Gon na … Read more

Our MOST Important Purchase – Headphone Testing Equipment

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Our MOST Important Purchase – Headphone Testing Equipment”. We’Ve already made some big investments into our testing lab a new building, new talent and some crazy new equipment, and we are finally ready to start talking about it, see these two heads, they’re called hats or head … Read more

LG Overclocked Their TVs to Compete – LG G2

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “LG Overclocked Their TVs to Compete – LG G2”. It’S a play: we’ve seen many times over the years. Your competitor catches, you completely by surprise, with a vastly superior product, there’s no time to develop something new, so you reach for the nearest heatsink slap it … Read more

Apple just killed M1 – WWDC 2022

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple just killed M1 – WWDC 2022”. If i’m intel right now, i am scrambling apple – doesn’t usually announce hardware at wwdc, but they famously announced the transition to apple silicon in 2020 and today, before they’ve even completed their transition. They announced the next generation … Read more

My Computer is Everywhere.

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Computer is Everywhere.”. I, like the new house, it’s got most of the things that I care about in it, but My First Love isn’t here: yet we haven’t moved our computers, all right, the computer room is empty, so the goal today is to get … Read more