DDR5 Scalping is SOLVED. – Just buy DDR4

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “DDR5 Scalping is SOLVED. – Just buy DDR4”. So you’ve come looking for DDR5 I’ll cut you a deal., Only double retail pricing.. It’S a steal for me that is. ( man, laughing ) Scalpers, have taken the fledgling DDR5 market. Hostage. Look around you.. Everything on … Read more

I’m taking this into my own hands… – YouTube Dislike Button

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I’m taking this into my own hands… – YouTube Dislike Button”. On November 10th, YouTube announced that whether this impacts you negatively or not, the dislike counter was going away.. The stated purpose of this change was to reduce dislike attacks, a kind of targeted harassment that … Read more

I Inspired This Product! – ASUS Laptop Panel Preview

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Inspired This Product! – ASUS Laptop Panel Preview”. ( phone ringing, ) Hello, [, Asus, CEO ], Hey Linus, [ from Chinese ]. We received your suggestions and work them into our new products., Really Wow. That’S so cool. [ from Chinese ] Yeah and it … Read more

Samsung just made everything else OBSOLETE

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Samsung just made everything else OBSOLETE”. Oled Displays might not be the best you can get for long.. There’S a new technology from Samsung Display who sponsored this video. That, at least on paper is better in every way., And it’s not microLED. It’S OLED, But a … Read more

AMD announces its STRANGEST CPU yet

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD announces its STRANGEST CPU yet”. They’Ve got chips, stacked on chips., They’ve got low end GPU’s. they’ve got a completely revamped mobile platform.. Is there anything more satisfying than competition, Because that’s what this looks? Like. AMD CES announcements are all responses to the competition., Be … Read more

I pray this works… – Intel CES 2022

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I pray this works… – Intel CES 2022”. We’Ve been through all the stages of GPU shortage grief, and now we just don’t feel anything anymore. But who’s. This sliding into my DMS Concrete news about dedicated intel arc GPU’s. This could be our salvation. Holy crap., … Read more

I Am The Computer Now – Friden STW10 Mechanical Calculator

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “I Am The Computer Now – Friden STW10 Mechanical Calculator”. [ Riley ]: This is a computer. ( machine, clanking, ), (, upbeat, instrumental music, ) ( bell dings ), Or at least back in the 1930s forties and fifties the person operating. It was a computer.. … Read more

You’re Wrong About Hydrogen Cars – Toyota Mirai

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “You’re Wrong About Hydrogen Cars – Toyota Mirai”. This truck runs totally on hydrogen. As it goes down the highway. It is producing nothing but water. That is certifiably awesome., But hydrogen technology has gotten quite a bit of hate in the past couple of years. Hate, … Read more

My PC keeps turning off… – Tech Support Walkthrough

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My PC keeps turning off… – Tech Support Walkthrough”. There it is., I have a problem.. I just updated the bios on my work station and ever since I did it’s been ( fingers, snaps ) randomly shutting off just while I’m not doing anything. And while … Read more