Your Old PC is Your New Server

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Your Old PC is Your New Server”. Remember that old PC, you stuffed in the closet, Yeah that one. Today it’s been given a second chance.. This old machine isn’t worthless, even with it’s nine year old CPU and complete lack of a Graphics Card.. Why? I, … Read more

This Goo is the Future of Gaming Monitors – Nanosys Tour

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “This Goo is the Future of Gaming Monitors – Nanosys Tour”. Did you know that part of your gaming monitor or big screen TV was actually grown in a VAT? It looks like a microbrewery, but this is actually a chemical reactor creating Quantum Dots., The tech. … Read more

Fixing my Wife’s $150 Keyboard for $1

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Fixing my Wife’s $150 Keyboard for $1”. It’S gon na get messy.. My wife’s keyboard has been acting up lately and that seems like a simple enough: fix. Huck it and buy a new one right. What No. This is an almost perfectly good keyboard.. It’S got … Read more

Upgrading This TERRIBLE Computer – ROG Rig Reboot 2021

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Upgrading This TERRIBLE Computer – ROG Rig Reboot 2021”. It’S ROG Rig Reboot 2021, this time featuring an actual child. Yes.. You claimed to have been watching my videos for five years, but I don’t believe you. You would have been in the womb at that point. … Read more