2022 Tech I’m Ready For!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “2022 Tech I’m Ready For!”. Okay, 2022. There’S no way it’s not better than 2021 right right, hi, what’s up mkbhd here we made it to 2022 all right, so there was plenty of tech happening still in the past year, in 2021 we had some truly … Read more

My Everyday Tech: 2022!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “My Everyday Tech: 2022!”. Okay, what’s up mkbhd here, so this is uh sort of a everyday carry what’s in my bag. What’S on my daily driver tech, type, video i’ve done these in the past and a lot of you kept asking. When am i going … Read more

When Tech Companies Lie to Us…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “When Tech Companies Lie to Us…”. Hey, what’s up mkbhd here, you know tech companies straight up lie to us. Sometimes right like there’s now, there’s different types of lies and there’s definitely different levels to this honestly. Most of it is harmless, but it is fascinating … Read more

OnePlus 10 Pro Impressions: What Happened?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “OnePlus 10 Pro Impressions: What Happened?”. Hey what’s up i’m kbhd here and you might not know this, but the oneplus 10 pros out kinda oneplus has been on a kind of a weird trajectory lately and i’ve kind of already talked about it. But this is … Read more

An Announcement!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “An Announcement!”. Okay, there we go here, we go ow. This is that time of year, where you shock everything metal that you touch in here, all right. What’S up mkbhd here, just wanted to talk just me and you for a real quick minute. What’S up … Read more

Galaxy S22 Impressions: 1 Real Downgrade!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S22 Impressions: 1 Real Downgrade!”. Hey what’s up mkbhd here, and these are samsung’s new 2022 flagship smartphones and i’m saying it’s these and not the ultra just because these will probably sell more volume, and these are the phones, more people will experience, and i … Read more

Galaxy S22 Ultra Impressions: It’s a Note!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S22 Ultra Impressions: It’s a Note!”. Hey what’s up mkbhd here, and this is the all new samsung galaxy s22 ultra freshly announced today, and i got some hands-on time with this new flagship and you know what’s funny, we haven’t had a new samsung galaxy … Read more

On New Cybertruck Updates from Drone Footage…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “On New Cybertruck Updates from Drone Footage…”. All right, so you know how these companies are always trying to be super secretive, like especially in this world of tech. These companies spend millions and millions of dollars on research and development to create innovative new things and … Read more

Galaxy S22 Ultra Review: Separating from the Pack!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy S22 Ultra Review: Separating from the Pack!”. Hey what’s up mkbhd here, and this is the brand new galaxy s22 ultra i’ve been using it for about two weeks now, and i promise you i’m not going to call this the note 22 ultra over and … Read more

Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra: A Monster Tablet!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra: A Monster Tablet!”. Hey what’s up mkbhd here and this this is the best android tablet out right now and it looks like it’s from the future or something like. If you show this to someone 15 years ago, they would think it’s … Read more