Asus’ ZenBook 3: a Windows-powered MacBook

Asus' ZenBook 3: a Windows-powered MacBook

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Asus’ ZenBook 3: a Windows-powered MacBook”.
Hey guys, this is Tom with the verge and we’re looking at Asus Zenbook free, which is essentially the Windows version of the 12-inch MacBook, and that’s pretty much what soos is pretty much aiming this app. The really interesting part of this is it’s actually thinner and lighter than the MacBook equivalent and that’s kind of what a suits have been sort of saying for the last few months when it originally announced its early this year. So, what’s changed from kind of what they announced this year? This is a trackpad. Now has a fingerprint reader actually sort built into it, so you can log in as Windows for those support, so you’ll get you’re logging into apps logging into websites, let’s sort stuff in terms of the actual chassis and the design. It’S super light. It’S obviously slightly lighter than the MacBook 12 inch and it’s super thin. It’S only a ray it’s around about just less than 12 mil so super thin, and it’s only got one USB type-c port. So just like the mat look, super squidgy keyboard kind of like the MacBook as well, and it’s really hard to like not look at this and just be like this is the Windows equivalent of the MacBook 12 inch. It’S got Intel’s latest their cable 8 processors, which is obviously a little bit more powerful than the core M. That’S found in the MacBook.

It’S going to be available soon. We don’t know the exact release date. It should be available for around about $ 2,200.

So that was a real quick look at your suits in, but free thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to more videos at at four slash bird .