Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “ASUS goes OLED”.
Hey guys, what’s up we’re still at CES 2023 and we’ve got the Asus Booth to cover now with all the Asus monitors. They absolutely did sponsor this video, but I’m telling you right now, there’s a few brands that I know and trust and Asus is one of them, so I’ve got no problem with that. As for what we’re covering today and right now, we’ve got the new Pro art. Lineup these things are absolutely stunning: we’ve done a few other videos on them before, particularly the most recent one was, I think the pa-32 ucg mini LED. Maybe the ucx can’t quite recall. However, what we’ve got now is the pa-32 DCM, and the main thing they’ve done is: go OLED, which is just a dream: mini LED was fantastic and it still gets much brighter than this model, but you get haloing and blooming and OLED just kind of solves that With that impeccable local dimming, when it comes to HDR with every pixel being supplemented, we’ve got a 31.5 inch screen. It’S still 4K.

They have plans to go to a higher resolution in the future, but for now this is what we’ve got. They’Ve made the stand significantly. Smaller there’s a bit less in terms of like pivot and swivel features. However, the majority of you out there I mean Asus poll, everyone and apparently you’re all just sitting there right in front of this thing.


Anyway, a lot of you apparently are having two displays so that when you’re showing something off to your client or whatever or a co-worker you’re, not just spinning your monitor, you just have a second display, so another thing they’ve also done. That’S really cool is they’ve made. This one wall, mountable and the best part, is it’s not a vase amount. It’S basically just hung up there on hangers kind of like a painting which is just fantastic. It’S way easier to do. You don’t have to worry about like getting the right Mount or anything like that. It should be pretty easy to hang up and you don’t worry about it. We’Ve still got a crazy color gamut of 99 of DC ip3 being reached here, and the best part is it’s actually more color accurate than it was before from the factory before it was advertised as a Delta e average average of less than two now it’s advertised As a Delta e average of less than one, that’s insane like two was already really good: you’re not going to be able to tell the difference, but like one, you know it’s going to be just perfect, no matter what you’re doing for Io we’ve got quite a Bit of it there’s Thunderbolt 4, along with several USB a slots and a USBC slot that can do 90, watts of power, delivery and DisplayPort. Of course, it’s obviously not going to get quite as bright as mini LED does. We are limited to about 700 nits in a one or three percent window.


However, one really cool thing is they’re, actually not using a white subpixel on the OLED panel. So, while it’s not getting as bright you’re, not getting washed out or anything, you can guarantee that this color is going to be accurate and just Flawless. As you know, The Old Pro Arts are a little expensive they’re. Definitely a premium product meant for the higher end of colorists and other kind of graphic designers that are working in that space.


With the pa32 series you’re, usually looking at closer to 3 500, they started closer to 5000, which is a lot of money. However, a lot of people are really gravitating toward the CRV lines. This thing is actually only about 500, which is absolutely insane value for what you’re getting and you’re still getting a really great 16×9 4K experience they’re also incredibly color accurate they’re, also covering 99 of the DC ip3 color space.

This one also does a 96 watt power delivery on the USBC slightly more than the other one, but not a big difference, and it’s also got display port on that as well. On top of that, the i o is pretty robust and not only that, but it’s really easy to reach. You just go right in here, and you’ve got two ports about here and two ports of right about there that you can just reach under and plug it. In fantastic, you don’t don’t you hate, just fumbling with stuff all the way in the back and you’re trying to wrestle with your monitors, you’re moving it around and whatnot it sucks, they fixed it. The stand also does it, you know you can rotate a bit and there’s height adjustment, but similar to the other ones. They’Ve found that most people just sit there directly in front of it and they’re not moving it too much. So it might be a deal breaker for some people, but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.

I never really adjust my monitor that much once I’ve got it set right where I want it, so I don’t think a lot of people do all that much correct me if I’m wrong another product that we’ve got here today is their portable display. The mb16qhg right here – and it’s got three kind of important updates for this model. One of the big ones is that the i o isn’t on the display. It’S not on the stand in the back here, which is very useful because you’re not going to have to have like ugly cables sticking out from different spots of your display, while you’re trying to work on something or show it to a client. The other thing that they’ve done is this stand, is actually adjustable multiple ways, so you can have it like this or you can have it set down like this, where you’re just at a kind of a slight angle, and then the other one you can do. Is you can put it flat and then you can either hang this up somewhere or just keep it on a flat surface? If you feel like for whatever reason and and then the final update for these guys – is that they’re actually not only pushing up for a 120 hertz model, but on top of that, besides this little guy here, they’re working on a 24 inch model for anyone who Wants something: that’s basically, a small desktop monitor.

That’S now portable super cool stuff. Next up, we’ve got their 500 Hertz TN panel that can actually boost a bit higher up to a total of 540 Hertz. That is absolutely insane. You guys they’re telling me that they’re on their path to a thousand Hertz, we’ll see when that arrives, but for now 540 is still blazing fast.

Now, of course, to get that fast, they do have to stay at 1080p TN. But honestly TN has really come a long way in the past few years. It’S still not perfect and you’re still not going to get quite the performance that you’ll see in OLED or even IPS, but it’s absolutely like usable and especially if you’re an Esports gamer and you want that. Like Fast 360 is not enough.

You want 500 plus freaking Hertz of refresh rate in your display. That’S all that’s going to do it for you. This is the the guy for you. It’S absolutely Sleek, very minimal bezel in terms of what you’re getting for a smaller 1080p panel.

It’S got g-sync. It’S got Nvidia reflex in there pretty much everything you’re gon na want. If you’re gon na try to break into that Esports gaming world, it’s sick, it’s the PG, 24 8qp! I got ta read the sign because I can’t memorize all these different monitor names in the span of 20 minutes, and you know what I can’t wait to like check it out with an actual game on here.

But I’m telling you it’s just crystal clear. It is so crisp – oh my God for everyone else, who’s ready to actually. Finally, move on to OLED they’ve got the pg27 AQ DM, and this thing is a beast: we’re seeing a lot of 27 inch, 1440p 240 hertz OLED displays this year. You guys – and I got ta say I love Asus when it comes to monitors, I’m a big fan of their stand, design and the rest of it. This is just so thin and the bezels are so minimal like when you move this thing.

It’S actually a little scary how thin it is, but because they’ve got this really solid, like construction around the edge. Here, it’s it’s comfortable, I’m not worried about bending it like. I am with some other panel. It’S covering a whopping 99 of the DCI, P3 color space.

So you know it’s going to be great we’re seeing a Max brightness of about a thousand nits and a one percent window, which is just crazy bright, especially for OLED, as per usual, with OLED you’re. Seeing that lightning fast pixel response time of they’re measuring .03 milliseconds, which is just absolutely insane on top of that, the HDR experience on a monitor like this, with OLED that hits about a thousand nits it. Just it’s really hard to beat you guys until we start seeing micro LED come out in the future. I don’t know: what’s going to beat it honestly like OLED, just kind of is King when it comes to that super perfect, highlight HDR footage.

It feels so smooth. You guys, like any kind of hitching or anything, that’s the game. That’S not the monitor! That’S the graphics card! There’S nothing! You can do about that. I love OLED.

It took a while for it to come around. I’Ve been waiting for it to really hit the mainstream for, like I don’t know over a decade at this point honestly, I think we’re. Finally, there it’s taken so long and we’ve had to dealt with a lot of things like burn-in and really low brightness levels, but we’re. Finally, there OLED is just it’s perfect if you can do like 500 300 FPS, but you’ve got a 60 hertz panel.

What’S the point, if you can do 4K or even just 1440p, at a higher refresh rate, why game at 1080p, at like 60 or even 120 hertz treat yourself a little bit if you’ve already traded yourself once just do it twice? You know get the get that second treat in there once again. Asus sponsored this video, but everything they showed me here is so freaking cool, and I just can’t wait to see it all come out over the next few quarters over the next year. I’M really excited about all the stuff that I wasn’t even able to show you. They showed me a ton of other stuff like peripherals and chairs, that we didn’t even have time to talk about in this article, but this was short circuit. They’Ve got a ton of new monitors coming out, they’re, absolutely beautiful! I’M excited to see the oleds. I’M excited to see the pro Arts we’re probably going to cover them later in a more thorough, LTT video, if anyone’s interested in watching some more uh deeper kind of spec analysis of the displays themselves. But for now, thanks for watching guys, CES 2023 tons of other videos make sure to check them out. We’Ll see you later .