ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough

ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough”.
Asus is apologizing for their strange and expensive. Repair quotes um uh, okay, Asus has issued an apology for causing confusion and frustration uh in its RMA processes, following multiple reports from customers in Canada and the US that the company was issuing massive bills to repair minor and superficial damage, while failing to fix the actual Issues that the device had been sent in for at least one Canadian was quoted nearly $ 3,800 Canadian dollars. So that’s about just under 3,000 to fix a plastic safety indent on a power connector on his RTX 490, which is more than the card originally cost to buy because it was allegedly not covered under asus’s standard warranty. While the issue was eventually resolved, Asus never clarified. The reason for the odd quote. Isu says that any repairs covered under the manufacturer’s limited warranty have always been and will continue to be free of charge and that they are revising their repair pricing structure for outof warranty products, including a review process for abnormal pricing, to ensure consistency, transparency and fairness. They likewise state that they will no longer automatically offer repair quotes for cosmetic imperfections that don’t affect device functionality.

I think that Asus has a lot of self-reflection to do. I mean we encountered this back when we secret shopped them a while ago, where we basically had to drag them to water, to get them to drink, to solve our problem, and it wasn’t even that they didn’t ultimately solve it or that they tried to give us The runaround for us us it just came down to more incompetence. I think um right, if you, if you listen to that video and just kind of listen to our our poor, guys trying to explain that our issues we just want you to explain power connectors to us um. I guess all I can really say is give me a reason to not be mad anymore. You know back to what we were back to what we were talking about just now. I don’t don’t have the energy, oh yeah, yeah good, call anymore to be mad forever. So what I need to see from Asus is, I need to see a clear and obvious change. I want the next Reddit Thread about Asus customer support in our in our subreddit to be about the outstanding exchange with them. Yeah turn it around and like, and the storytelling Arc of that was was amazing.

ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough

You like host videos or something yeah. I know right that was fantastic. The the tie-in of the previous topic – and it was so good, came to me in a dream. Um. I dream of graphics cards, uh and like this is a. This is a tough one for me, because I, like the products generally speaking, they they’ve had some Duds um pretty much. Every company has had some Duds.

I’Ve ran a lot of as stuff over the years me too, and I I have this this, this sucks cuz. This makes it like. How do you recommend – and you know what you know – what I I’m I’m glad this is happening right, because it’s it’s time that they finally got a wakeup call because they’ve always. I don’t think this would have blown up the way that it has if they had largely had a lot of Goodwill built up with the community.

ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough

But they don’t and that’s the problem and so those years of like yeah. They fixed it. But like the experience kind of sucked, it was pulling teeth or they made this. They give me this weird repair quote and I’m like.

ASUS Apologized, but that’s not enough

No, don’t fix that, and just like, like like these years of kind of annoying stories, um have built up in such a way that all it took was for a match to drop and, of course it was going to go up in flames, and I’m I’m glad That they’re, finally taking notice – and I hope that we see you know real, prolonged change, um and what I also hope is that other entities in the tech space up and take notice of this, because the kinds of horror stories that you see from an isus are The same kinds of horror stories that you see from many of the other big PC component makers – yeah, it’s just that Asus is the biggest and they happened to be the one that got called on it um. So hopefully everyone else is sitting up. Taking notice of this and going okay, we got to get this together, um and you know what the reality of it is. These complaints about these companies are not always in good, f Fai. I had a really bizarre exchange with someone in my DMs a while back where they were like hey Asus is a big sponsor of yours, and I want you to like talk about this story of how like awful, my experience has been, and what happened was they Ar made a laptop and Asus was like yeah, it’s broken and um we’re going to replace it with this one and the guy’s like okay, and then they were like.

Oh actually, we can’t get that one. It’S this one and it was a better machine, but it was AMD and Buddy was like. I want Intel and I am outraged and I was like yo um. This is a significantly better machine.

It has it has. It will give you better battery life and better performance. It even has a higher MSRP um. You need to relax and you need to just take what they’re offering you, because it’s a good offer and then he ended up instead of being mad at Asus. He ended up being mad at and Asus and I’m like sorry, I’m not going to lie to you nice sick. I mean this is this is like a common.

Whenever there’s like uh band waves in video games, you get a lot of people riding the. I was falsely flagged like whenever, whenever that starts becoming a big thing, a lot of people will jump on that train, trying to get get some of the Goodwill, but asus’s problem is that there were enough legitimate stories, yes, that they’re susceptible to it yeah. So I guess you know what they and everyone for for a while, because this happened.

Everyone is going to believe anyone that claims that they were mistreated, even if they’re just trying to abuse so and that’s going to cost Asus a lot more in, like claims than if they had just dealt with everything properly in the first place. So now they need to to effectively overcompensate to uh get out of this. So good luck, um, and I think you know in terms of our collaborations with them going forward. We we really need to see a difference that is measurable within our community, so some people are pointing out that uh there there might have been a specific reason why they wanted the Intel system or that some things are, could work better on the Intel system.

They didn’t trust that I I was getting. I was getting he’s condensing a conversation yeah about this. They just wanted Intel cuz. They were brand loyal to Intel and I’m sorry, but I just don’t – have a ton of patience for that. This is this is something that lonus would have discussed. He’S he’s condensing the conversation I I love so many of the people that I’ve worked with at Intel over the years um. You know I, I respect a lot of their a lot of their processes. Uh.

You know I respect their engineering, Acumen and the product and and all those things, but with all due respect, if you are like some kind of um loyal Fanboy to Intel, that’s that’s pretty up. Like I uh I just I don’t know just don’t do that. Yeah .