Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Are Bots More Human than Me?”.
All right, what are we supposed to do? Next? Let’S figure it out. Oh, oh Bots Bots are beating humans at captcha so funny. This is great. The line the line between the dumbest humans and the smartest AIS is well not a line. It’S uh, yeah, yeah new Research indicates that many Bots we’re not just talking like a bot from the researchers that who have super computer whatever at their disposal.
Many Bots have surpassed human beings at solving captures, both in terms of speed and accuracy. Uh part of the issue is that captions have had a dual purpose. Actually, it’s a surprising number of people that I’ve talked to don’t know this, both serving as a deterrent to non-human traffic and training AI yeah. Yes, it’s been that way since the beginning. So this has led to a feedback loop where captchas have had to become more and more difficult in order to keep out Bots to the point where they have started, to exclude and to deter a significant number of human beings, especially the elderly and people. With visual impairments or other disabilities, around 40 percent of the top 10 000 sites by traffic still use some form of captcha. There are some possible Alternatives, though cloudflare’s Turn Style checks. The Telemetry and Technical behavior of a browser for science that it’s being controlled by an automated program and other systems look for Behavioral signs that a huge that a user is non-human, such as completing a form inhumanely quickly, inhumanly quickly, not inhumanely or interacting with an invisible Honeypot element that the Bots can see, but the humans can’t so, for example, I I don’t know, I guess you could have an image on the page.
That is oh sure, yeah, because if it’s looking at it, programmatically like okay. So, what’s your priority here, a captcha equivalent that can’t be beat by Bots or one that is non-disruptive for human users? Are we all going to just scan our eyeballs? Oh eyeball token, do you have a I guess, okay, whatever we might think about Sam Altman and his Endeavors and the issues with just sort of crypto Bros running the world or whatever else do you have a better solution than a cryptographic token tied to your identity? I’M trying to find last, I heard Tim berners-lee um, the new company, maybe I believe, he’s working on something yeah interrupt. No, I don’t want fingerprint verification ch-5609, because that can’t be changed, whereas at least with a cryptographic token I could, if it you know, leaks or something, and I’m worried about identity theft.
I could. I could re-roll, I could get a new one. I don’t want biometric measures, not really that was always just a means to create a cryptographic token in well-implemented systems, yeah bring your fingerprints off. Ah, that’s still you’re the guy who doesn’t have fingerprints not suspicious Dan. Do you have fingerprints Dan you’re laughing awfully hard? I uh I refuse to answer the question.
A lot of the rate he’s typing right now. If they hurt, it’s just burn them off. Um, I don’t remember. Maybe it’s not the Tim berners-lee project, I’m I’m pretty sure, there’s a project out there.
That has a different solution for this, where it’s like a new way of handling identity, online, yeah um. I don’t remember exactly how it works uh, it might even be the timbersly thing I just don’t have enough time to dive into it properly right now, but I think in my opinion, passwords are not really cutting it right now and I know there’s pass Keys, someone In info plane chat talked about passkeys. I don’t necessarily know that passkeys are going to be the end game. I think they’re going to be the thing that we use for a while. I do think they’re going to be a thing. They’Re already a thing in in some situations um, but I I think Advanced solutions for handling identity on the internet are going to become a thing and it’s going to make this stuff irrelevant um, and I think it’s coming a little bit too late, and I wish We started moving there sooner because you know if I’m not logged into my password manager and I go to log into something real simple.
That really doesn’t need to be that secure, but I don’t remember the password, so it’s in my password manager. So I have to you know, type in the password to the password manager and then get my 2fa for the password manager or my key or whatever else. And then I get that and then I have to find the record of the password. And then I have to type it in again and then I have to find the 2fa for now the actual service, and then I find that and then I type that in and then I’m. Finally in it’s like. Oh my God, this is so garbage.
Uh yeah, .