Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues

Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues”.
Apple is about to drop tons of news on Monday during the WWDC keynote live at Apple Park and it will be substantial news. I’M really excited about what we have to show you today. We’Re expecting operating system updates, new Max and, of course, VR headset talk. I have covered all the rumors in the past few months, so many rumors, but there is still one more thing I could talk about before WWDC, and that is when you are watching all of this software news read between the lines for Clues on how apple is Thinking about its future Hardware, because right now, industry signs point to Apple, making larger iPhones down the line and maybe we’ll see iPhones that work seamlessly with a mixed reality. Headset, I’m Bridget Carey – and this is one more thing June 5th – is the annual Apple worldwide developers conference WWDC and because of all the developers in the audience.

Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues

This is where Apple talks about new operating systems, so no new iPhone, but yes, new iOS, 17 teen and when you’re watching. I know you all out. There are just getting giddy about what new emojis are coming, but you really should be thinking hey. How will these new iOS features influence future designs of the iPhone? It’S like getting an Early Peek into the Apple mindset. We had two reputable Tech analysts and a known Apple researcher account in May all saying roughly the same thing. That apple is working on a pro and pro Max iPhone.

Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues

That’S going to be a smidge larger. The current iPhone Pro display size is 6.1 inches diagonally, but it could go up to 6.3 inches. The pro Max is 6.7 inches, but it’s said to go up to about 6.9 inches. This wouldn’t be a thing, though, until next year, for the iPhone 16. analyst Ming Shi quo says the 16 Pro could get new camera Tech, a periscope lens, and that could be a reason to get a larger phone, but also look to what iOS 17 features would Benefit from a larger screen like making your iPhone more of a smart home control display Bloomberg’s Mark German has been saying that iOS 17 is getting a new interface when your phone is locked in landscape mode, you’ll, see a calendar and weather and possibly other controls similar To how competitors like Google and Amazon have little Smart Home displays for your countertop, a larger phone screen mixed with more information displayed when it’s just sitting on a table would mean Apple, could start to push future iPhones as a product that could be docked on your Kitchen countertop or your bedside table when it’s not in your pocket, and I would be curious if apple looks at products like Google’s latest pixel tablet and follows in those footsteps.

The pixel tablet doubles as a smart display when it’s charging on a speaker dock. If the iPad OS is also leaning into smart home display territory, that could be the next direction for tablets also serving a dual purpose, and what is the other their purpose? We could get out of an iPhone that wants to be propped up to show weather and calendar events. Well, it could be used as a desk companion to Future VR and AR applications. You see extra cameras on your phone that are at the desk, pointing up at you could map out your body in mixed reality space. I am not saying that you would need an iPhone to use Apple’s headset, but pairing more than one device for controlling a headset is where the industry is heading. Qualcomm is an example of this. The company has been working on software, that Bridges AR glasses and Android phones. Its latest feature is called dual render Fusion it’s supposed to make it easier for Android apps to add augmented reality features, so existing apps can make the leap to Connected glasses. Other companies are looking into how we can use our existing computers like laptops, to enhance the augmented reality experience.

Apple’s WWDC 2023: Finding Future iPhone Clues

Spacetop is one such product. It is a laptop without a screen. Glasses are your display, the metaquest pro also Tinkers, in this space, where you can enter back with your real world computer, when working, we will have to see if iOS, 17 or even watch OS 10 or the next Mac OS could have connections to working with the Headsets operating system, which is being referred to now as xros the first step for apple, is to get us all used to the idea of an apple headset. The second step is to get developers thinking of how to make these programs on iPhones and laptops work in harmony with the headset or transfer them easily to a headset. If an Apple Watch app or an iPhone app can work well with the headset. That’S going to tell you that we’re getting away from having one device do one thing and having multiple devices be used to enhance this mixed reality.

Experience that may not come until version two, but Apple has to be thinking about all of that stuff. Now, as developers get their hands on it, because we know the first edition may not be the most glamorous, the first iPhone came out in 2007. It didn’t really do much. The starting cost was 500, there was no app store, there was no front camera.

There was no video recording, there was no GPS, but the iPhone is now the hub for everything in our lives and how it acts as a future Hub in the home or as a future hub for the headset. That may reveal that itself, with what tools Apple lets developers Tinker with right now be sure to watch Apple’s WWDC keynote streaming Monday at 10 A.M. Pacific and keep a tab open to cnet’s YouTube channel on Monday I’ll be hosting some pre and post show commentary with expert guests on the scene, starting at 9 30 a.m. Pacific 12, 30 PM Eastern. I hope to see you there in the chat and subscribe to the website, because we’re going to be breaking down all the Big Apple news and you want to watch so you’re smarter than your friends thanks for watching catch you next time. .