Apple’s Surprise 2022 Products!

Apple's Surprise 2022 Products!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s Surprise 2022 Products!”.
Thanks to pulseway for sponsoring this video, so apple, just wrapped, wwdc 2022. That means two things: uh, one apple fans are super happy, the other side, the other side’s, not so happy, but it also means that we are halfway through the year which is kind of nuts to think about. We also now have a clear idea of what’s coming from apple for the rest of the year. I think, more importantly, what isn’t coming, and there is a lot to talk about all right. So, let’s start with iphone it’s hard to predict exactly what apple’s going to release next, but if there’s anything we are sure of is that a new iphone is coming and it will be here in the fall and it will be the most advanced iphone.

Apple's Surprise 2022 Products!

We’Ve ever created the iphone 16 was packed with more features. I think a lot of us, maybe just me more than i was expecting, and some of them were very clearly meant for the iphone 14, more specifically for the iphone 14 pro. So let’s talk about that new, lock screen, it is the most obvious example. So if you look at what apple did, this is very clearly a lead up to finally, and always on display for the iphone 14 series, you guys will correct me if i’m wrong, but i think apple will be the first phone manufacturer to ever put an always On display uh on phones, so that’ll be great. To have the apple fans be able to say you know they had that first uh. We also heard don’t at me. Well, we also had rumors that this would come to the iphone 13 pro, but since the promotion display that we got on that phone on the clock down to 10 hertz at a minimum, it didn’t meet the standards that an apple would want for always on display. Uh, according to rumors the 14 pro and 14 pro max feature new panel that’ll clock down to one hurt: hurts i don’t you guys, will tell me too in the comments uh. So this means the screen is only refreshed uh once a second and allow for an always-on display. It’S not going to just be the destroyer of battery life, so this ltpo display tech is basically the same as what we have in the apple watch and companies like samsung and many others already using these types of panels in their phones. So not a giant surprise.

Uh to see it come to the iphone so with the rumor of the hardware and the announcement of ios 16 now always on display, i think, is starting to take much clearer shape and also, i think, if you could predict anything for the next iphone software, wise And hardware, i guess that would be the one to expect to happen so now, while it’s not guaranteed we’ll get this feature, it seems very, very likely and i’m glad that apple went ahead and let sort of all iphones use this new lock screen. That’S very unapple of them, and since this rumored always on display is supposed to be coming only to the pro series, it would leave the other phones behind uh, but now you’re getting kind of the best of both worlds. The 14’s gon na get the new lock screen and the pro gets the lock screen and the always on display.

Apple's Surprise 2022 Products!

It’S a good compromise, and also it’s nice again to have. The pro series have features that the regular series does not messages is getting a bunch of much-needed upgrades, so you can edit it, which is awesome. You can unsend it and super excited about marking is unread often times. I’M sure, like you guys all forget to reply to messages, because i read it, i don’t see notification, i just bad friend uh, so hopefully that’ll help me be a better friend the new home app, which i think quinn, tweeted out perfectly uh when he said it Can’T get any worse so it got updated.

Apple's Surprise 2022 Products!

So now it’s less bad than it was before. Ui was, and some security features also were pretty important there um, but on the whole, these are giant, show stoppers, but it is indicative of what we’re going to be getting with the iphone 14 series. So i’m not expecting that to be a giant major update, 13s style. The iphone 14 is basically the iphone 13.

uh. It’S even rumored to be using the same a15 chip that we currently have uh in the 13th. Talking just about the 14, not the pro have the same notch same camera and maybe the most minor update we have ever seen from the iphone. The biggest difference is replacement of the mini for the max, so you’ll have a 6.7 inch screen on a regular iphone. Instead, instead of having to pay the top tier money to get the giant daddy on the pro side, that alone, i think, will help apple, sell a lot of iphones uh, but certainly it’s not the most exciting thing from marketing standpoint. Luckily, though, the iphone pro so the 14 side should be getting a decent amount more, so we talked a lot about the always on display, but that display should also have that pill cut out instead of the notch. I don’t know if you want to call that a feature, but it looks different at least most importantly, though, the camera on the back should be getting a just huge update. So since the iphone 6s, actually, the main camera on the iphone has been 12 megapixels. Expecting that to be bumped now to 48 and by my math, that’s a big bump um and it’s sort of the one thing that i’ve loved about other phones is how good their cameras are, and apple has done some of the best when it comes to processing. But without resolution killing you so much uh so now you’re pairing the high resolution, camera with apple’s processing and i think a lot like google’s done with the pixel.

That’S proven to be a winning combination. Uh also, this is a bit surprising, huge updates to carplay and not just like. We have new icons but like the whole carplay shebang, uh being able to go across multiple screens and the biggest knock on car play was it couldn’t really control anything from your car? You know talking about fans air conditioning miles per hour, that kind of stuff it just sort of showed you what was on your phone apple’s, clearly looking to integrate themselves heavily into cars. I think if there’s one thing most, car manufacturers are very bad at it. Is software and it’s one thing apple – is very good at its software. Now i’m not saying that carplay is like the rumored apple car we’ve been talking about, but certainly seems like a trojan horse to get apple into cars. So i think that’s gon na be really interesting thing to watch over the next few years. First, what cars get this and then, if apple, decides to sort of make their play to the car, so listen.

There are obviously a lot of pretty. I think exciting, updates and new releases coming from apple the rest of the year, but one feature that you can get today actually from this video sponsor pulse white pulse way makes monitoring computers that aren’t in front of you very easy uh, whether it’s server management or You’Re like oh, i need to log in to be able to send that file or that document i wrote. You’Ve got the option to do all of those things. So if you’re not familiar broadly pulseplay is a really cool all-in-one.

It management tool that helps you monitor and manage pretty much any system, whether it’s mac, pc linux, server, windows, work, machine, pulseway can absolutely handle it all, and you can always make sure that you’re the first one to know when the system is down security issue, whether Or not, there’s a problem with your it environment you’ll also, if you need to have out of the box commands, take action, kill processes, uh, reset user, passwords remote into other machines and a bunch more, but i think one of the most interesting things that it does Is you can do all of this wherever you are, whether you are at another desktop or with your mobile phone thanks to their desktop and mobile apps? So if you want to check it out and try, it today hit the link down below and once that trial is over. If you want to stick with it, there’s a limited time 20 offer i’m not going to talk about it here too much, but i i did just make a video uh on the m1 ipad pro and ipad os 16.. So if you want more information on that, there’s a lot to talk about ipad os.

It deserved this whole video, we’ll link to it here and and down there. So while the next iphone is, i think, shaping up to be the minorist uh of updates uh. The mac, though, is just like full steam ahead on development and a lot of ways, innovation.

So i think a lot of people myself, including weren’t sure we would see the m2 processor wwdc uh there were rumors. It would be delayed until the fall at the earliest, but we got it and we also got the new macbook air that it went into. This, isn’t as giant a deal as original and one just from a processor standpoint. Second generation is not mind-blowing in terms of upgrades, but it is a very solid year-over-year improvement. It appears to be about 15 to 20, faster um, but just as efficient, so i don’t know not mad at that. The more exciting thing, though, i think, is the hardware that it went into and that’s the macbook air i loved my m1 macbook air and was my main computer until the 14-inch macbook pro came, but apple didn’t really try with that design.

Um now we’ve got a complete redesign that is basically macbook pro squeezed into a thinner package. I think it looks awesome. We also have magsafe and more ports.

So now the computer is much more usable. I wish we had an sd card slot in there. Maybe the macbook air pro, but it still is a very well-rounded computer, now available in different colors, just beautiful hardware.

Overall, we didn’t get the super vibrant colors that we were expecting. We didn’t get the white bezels. We were expecting just that new midnight blue color. I think it looks super dope, you know, maybe you disagree. We also didn’t get the mini led display tech like i was rumored early on. There was a lot we were thinking might come to new macbook air, but just didn’t make it into at least this version.

So i wasn’t mad at any of those updates. They were awesome. There’S one thing that left me scratching my head and confused uh.

It’S the the macbook pro i’m not talking about like the 14 or the 16 inch, but they put the m2 in the 13 inch macbook pro and didn’t really do anything else. They also kept the price super high. So it’s more expensive than the new macbook air looks exactly the same, as did before it’s just a little bit confusing as to why this computer exists sort of, and that makes the future of mac hardware kind of confusing as well apple seems to be refusing discontinued Hardware, they’re really driving it down here. So when you think that you know what apple’s going to do, they tend to take like a sharp left turn. I think the biggest product, though, that we’re waiting for from the mac side is the new mac pro so apple said it’s coming, and this is the only mac that is yet to make the apple silicon transition. Just the question is when i thought wwdc seemed like a perfect place to introduce it maybe make a comment about can’t, innovate anymore, mob beep uh, especially considering this is where we saw the 2019 trashcan macbook pro uh, but we didn’t get it. So when will we again, let’s go to the rumors, so, according to mark german, the mac pro is going to run on m2 architecture, but until wwdc that was confusing since the m2 didn’t exist, but now that it does m2 makes sense. So, on the other hand, this mac pro should be using the highest end. Processor apple will make even above the ultra, so right now we’re expecting to be called extreme, because i’m running out of words to call these things and essentially two ultra chips fuse together so lap will skip all the other computers and release the m2 extreme before the M2, pro max and ultra probably not – i still expect the mac pro to be quite a ways off uh.

For a few reasons, first apple told us: the mac pro is coming, that’s a strange admission from a notoriously tight-lipped apple. So why did they do that? I think it’s because they knew it’s going to take a very very long time, so, instead of making all the pros fear, the mac studio was replacing the pro they just went ahead and got in front of it said hey. This is coming and if your review, that’s what you’re going to want just wait. It’Ll, be here eventually, another reason isn’t because the mac pro, but i think because of the pro display xdr2 uh, that’s rumored – to be in the works. But apparently apple was not planning to release any mini, led displays for the rest of 2022 due to supply issues, and since the xdr update is rumored to have mini led, you probably won’t see it until next year, making it a perfect pairing with the mac pro. All right, so that brings us to the biggest thing that i don’t think anybody was expecting, but would’ve been cool to see.

Uh, that’s a headset so obviously was not wwdc, but up until the day of the event, i don’t think anybody really knew. Aside from the apple exec to be shown or not, obviously i don’t think anybody was giantly surprised there. Uh rumors went back and forth for a while about like what stage in development this ar vr headset was in. We got one report. The headset was kind of on the back burner and not that important to apple. Then, a few days later, we heard from mark german that apple actually had shown off the headset to the board of directors.

There’S a clear indicator that development was nearly completed. I don’t know: when are we going to see this ar mixed reality? Headset, my guess is next year. I do think it’s coming and i do think it’s real, but it’s also just not ready yet so as a refresher. This is supposed to support both ar and vr should have 15 cameras, which is obviously a lot of cameras and have dual 4k micro. Oled displays inside uh be powered by an m series chip and for the biggest kicker it’s going to cost around three thousand dollars. Sorry, that’s a lot of money uh.

This is a kind of an all-around at this point, confusing products on one hand, technology sounds super dope and useful, and i think it’s definitely coming. On the other hand, very niche luxury products that probably not many people will be able to afford. So it’s confusing so i’m waiting for apple to sort of make a clear case for this headset, probably using some crazy commercial um, and i imagine that they will so. I want apple to take the stage and tell us why this exists and what we can use it for and why we should spend that amount of money on it. And i remember when the ipad came out before it came out who needs this. It’S a bigger, iphone and obviously a lot of use cases why people would want an ipad. I’M presuming the same thing will happen with this headset and they have to get the 3 000 version out, so they can get. The 1500 version, hopefully, should have slightly more mass appeal, expensive, so apple announced a lot, a lot of new stuff out now, but still a lot on the table for the rest of the year and beyond.

I’M interesting to see how that plays out, help mitigate supply chain issues and global shortages to get the products out on time. I think we’ll see sort of that story start to play out in a few months when we get the iphone 14 .