Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR

Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR”.
I know this is hard for some of you to hear, but nobody really cares about virtual reality, at least not in the way folks care about our other gadgets. Vr is not a big seller, so how in the world is Apple going to get anyone in the real world to care about its reported? Three thousand dollar face goggles coming soon. How is Apple actually changing the conversation to make this a desired thing, and not just nerd tech for your face. Well, there is something: Apple, reportedly has one more thing in its headset that no one is pulling off yet recreating your entire face and body movement in a VR FaceTime chat. So it’s not a cartoon you, it’s virtually real.

Looking you you! This is either going to be pure magic or pure Terror, and I can’t wait to dive into all these new VR report. Details with you, I’m Bridget Carey – and this is one more thing Bloomberg’s Mark German – is dropping new detailed nuggets about Apple’s VR AR our mixed reality, headset, which he reports will likely be named reality Pro. It’S said to be revealed soon, maybe even this spring, and it can toggle back and forth between augmented reality and virtual reality. That’S why folks call it mixed reality. You’Ve heard us banter about this headset since we broke the news of its development in 2018, but German often gets a lot of his Apple Scoops right and he is out here squeezing more details out of the headset practically every week and when going through all the Details of how he says the headset is going to work.

I’M thinking this has been done before the features. Don’T seem all that surprising. That is, if you follow what VR headsets can already do. For example, the report says with Apple’s headset: you will not need to hold a controller, it has voice commands, but it also Maps your hands and uses cameras inside to track eyes to know where you’re looking. So if you look at something you just stick your hand out pinch, your thumb and your index finger together and do a little Clickety click. Well, I’m sure Microsoft would like some credit, because the hololens already got that trick down a while ago the whole finger pinching for your mouse thing.

Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR

I mean – and this also is true in the latest – metaquest 2 and Quest Pro these come with controllers, but it also lets you select things with your hands and it knows where you’re looking inside the device, so not a game changer feature yet. But okay, let’s keep going there’s. Also a report about a digital Crown may be designed similar to our little apple watch, knob, where you can switch between augmented reality and virtual view by doing a little twist on the headset.

So, essentially, you can see the room around you with screens and apps just floating around or you can choose to get lost in another world and not see the room around. You that’s already easy to do with the metaquest pro which you can see here from what my colleague Justin Tech recorded inside his headset. Instead of a digital Crown, he just double Taps the side of his headset to switch modes now you’re in VR now you’re.

Not now you’re in the room now you’re not and not a new thing to wow us yet Apple. Let’S talk about navigating applications in VR. The report says apple is going to let you do your work on this virtual workstation, so you can see your Mac displayed in VR, but control it with a physical Mouse, an actual keyboard, an actual trackpad, and this interface is also supposed to look very familiar. Like iOS, but the apps could just be floating around you ooh mail in VR X. This is done now magically had a virtual office space that Blended real with the fake, and let’s also look at what you can already do with a quest Pro. In this example, the headset can map the keyboard exactly it’s just using an app to connect it all Justin here shows how he can see his real hands on the keys, but if he moves away the hands go back to cartoony hands and now we are walking Right into the Zone, where Apple could actually wow us all, because it said that the cameras on the device can scan your body to make a real image of you for someone else to see. Instead of making you into a floating cartoon first, I should explain how this kind of stuff works on the facebooky side in Horizon worlds. You make a cartoon version of yourself and the quest Pro can use its cameras to tell when you’re, making a facial expression and move your mouth to match. But what apple is doing could go much further.

Bloomberg’S report says the Apple headset cameras will map your whole face and your full body realistically to render an image of you in VR. So you can really feel like you are in the same room with someone, but it could only be done on a one-on-one FaceTime video chat when both folks are wearing the Apple headset. Okay. So if this is true, Apple has apparently achieved ultimate camera Wizardry like actual magic. Some one call up David Copperfield because they are capturing things when it’s not pointed directly at the things.

So the cameras are processing the different angles. To make me look like Bridget or virtually Bridget Apple has been perfecting its camera smarts for ages. Now, let’s, not kid ourselves. Apple is a camera company. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, and this makes me think of a new iPhone webcam trick that Apple recently launched. It’S called desk view Apple may be using something similar for this realistic body Imaging. In this example, video an iPhone is being used for webcam FaceTime call, and there is an option to show someone what’s below at your desk without moving the camera at all. Now sometimes the image can be a little warped, but the computer is trying to compensate the image it sees in a wide angle and make it look like a top-down shot, and the camera is not pointed down. So ideally, they could just point all these cameras in the headset to my chin and my shoulders and just map out a non-warped version of my body now. Obviously this is a lot of processing going on and it’s only working for two people. If the FaceTime call is more than two people, the magic is gone, it’s said to go back to memojis for everyone else, on the call no different than what meta can do, but if Apple can Apple can really pull this off really make someone look like themselves In VR, this could be the thing that has people losing their minds and running to try Apple’s version. Then again it could very easily go into uncanny valley territory. We can detect the slightest things that are off in fake avatars.

Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR

I don’t want to pay three grand to have apple turn me into Polar Express Bridget. You know what I’m saying to make sure I’m not missing something. I need to talk to the guy who has tested almost every VR system, known to man, Cena editor-at-large, Scott Stein, hello, Scott, I need to know. Has anyone pulled off real humans inside VR before not really, and that’s one of the things I’m most curious about with these reports I mean, I think, the closest that we’ve seen is meta doing some Advanced, Avatar experimental work called codec avatars that I saw at their Reality, research lab in Redmond last year. This looks like a kind of a hyper real conversation. Almost like video game meets reality. I got to have a a brief example. All of this um at their at their research lab – and it felt like I was you know, talking very close with somebody in a much more realistic format. Everything else that I’ve seen for the most part has been much more paired down like cartoons in VR, but there are companies that are looking at photoreal avatars already you see a lot of them, uh being talked about through various AI programs. Also, unreal already has metahuman, which is a way to build really realistic, avatars, but but not yet for any VR purposes that I’ve seen. I feel like, if pulls this off. It could be Apple’s big wow twist here and I don’t want to like walk ahead of myself, but do you think they can actually figure out legs in VR? Well, not just legs, but again I don’t really know how the the face thing would work, because you know the challenge with VR is that you’re wearing the headset and so people have to have stand-ins? Does this mean that Apple would do some sort of scan of your face? Would there be cameras that could pick up cues? Would it be doing facial tracking or, like you said, body tracking right now, the metaquest pro that does some face and lip tracking? In addition to eye tracking – and there are body trackers that some VR headsets are compatible with, but we haven’t seen anything that does the kind of like full body awareness through cameras built in that this report said might be possible all right.

Apple’s One Trick to Make You Want VR

So you also read this Bloomberg piece. What else in the reported features? Has you intrigued? Well, a lot of the stuff that we see in this report. I feel like I’ve seen in other headsets. You know it’s kind of like this um conglomeration of things. You know working with a PC or a Mac, that’s stuff, that a lot of VR headsets can do to create monitors. The battery pack reminds me of the magic leap.

You’Ve Got Hand tracking only it seems, which is something that, like hololens, 2 and and Quest 2. Can do hand tracking, so you know I feel, like I see all these pieces, but I’m curious about the promise that it will just have hand tracking whether or not Apple will have some sort of controller to go with it because hand tracking and eye tracking. You know aren’t as accurate or as reliable for everyday tasks in a lot of things that I’ve used compared to what you know. This seems like it’s shooting for would it also work with computers and phones? It sounds like it, but you know how seamless would that be. I’M also really curious about prescription glasses because I wear prescription glasses and I’ve seen all the prescription insert efforts so far seem to ignore my extreme prescription needs um and are hard to get fitted for. Would Apple make that easier? Would they turn the Apple Stores into optical shops? You know sort of like a Warby Parker and be able to to get your prescription and make that a simpler service.

So I’m also really curious about that Scott. That would be something else. I mean Apple Stores already in every mall.

Now you can get your prescription figured out an Apple store too. That would be far out. That’S the road to AR glasses. I mean I’m also curious about how much of an everyday device this is. You know like it’s.

Three thousand dollars supposedly um – you know is this something that you know really will be. Will you pitched as a an everyday device or something more for creators sort of like some really high-end uh VR rigs that I’ve seen that connect to PCS, so that positioning? Is I’m really curious about too? Thank you, Scott I’ll. Leave you to go back to your Virtual Worlds. Thank you.

It kind of seems obvious, but apple is really leaning into its media connections for Content. The report says apple is going to make content with Dolby Disney, turning some of its own Apple TV plus content to work in virtual reality. Now, of course, apple has a lot of big connections already with Publishers of movies, music and games, but I’m still not sure if that is going to be the killer feature who wants to watch video in a fake, VR theater, but could Apple music make deals to Have a special concert in VR extra Sports content? Maybe I suppose, if they get creative, the content can be an extra incentive, but I want to better understand what is important to you in a VR headset.

What, in these reports, has you intrigued? What magic will Apple need to pull off, to make you care about using VR, or maybe it’s not a trick, and it all comes down to games or maybe just the mere fact apple is doing. It is why you’re gon na care be honest with yourself. Here drop your thoughts down in the comments, I’m Bridget Carrie thanks for watching and does anyone think that Health tracking is going to be the hot feature, I’m not sure, I’m ready for Virtual Reality, Fitness Plus workouts good gravy, .