Apple’s Lying About Tracking You

Apple's Lying About Tracking You

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s Lying About Tracking You”.
Welcome back to the show where we scale the Tower of tech news only to jump off tied to the fire hose of humor, I’m your host John McLean, yippie, Kaye how’s, your father Apple, cares about keeping your data private in that they’ve been collecting it privately earlier. This month, developer and security research team misc revealed that enabling the do not track setting on iOS devices does stop apps from tracking you as long as they’re, not Apple apps. Apparently, several Apple apps collect the same amount of information about you, whether the anti-tracking setting is on or off the researchers found that the App Store App alone collects what you tap on. What apps you search for? What ads you see, how you find an app and how long you look at that app. Please don’t share that information with my mom.

Apple's Lying About Tracking You

I don’t download them. I just look what’s funny is that Apple announced the old Macintosh in a commercial saying, you’ll, see why 1984 won’t be like 1984. turns out. That’S because they needed 38 years to get the tech right.

Apple's Lying About Tracking You

Multiple first party apps also collected and sent details that could be used for device fingerprinting such as ID numbers, the type of phone you’re using the screen resolution, your keyboard languages and how you’re connected to the internet. A class action lawsuit has just been filed over this, which makes sense, given that the apps seem to use consistent ID numbers which would allow Apple to track you across its services, which is exactly what people thought they were avoiding with Apple’s anti-tracking feature. You’Re never gon na believe this, but people are upset the RTX 4080 launched and in protest of the gpu’s exorbitant price. Everyone must have bought two Micro Center Newegg and Best Buy sold out of the graphics card in an hour, so good for NVIDIA terrible news for us, though, to be fair to Nvidia.

Apple's Lying About Tracking You

The benchmarks are impressive: the 4080 systematically outperforms the 3090 TI in most tests with performance gains of almost 30 percent in Ray tracing the 4080 impresses in productivity too, with almost double the blender Benchmark performance of the 3080.. So it makes total sense that it would be nearly double the MSRP of the 3080 right right right. What makes less sense is the fact that the card only supports DisplayPort 1.4 a so you can’t take advantage of next year’s shiny new lineup of DP 2.1 compatible monitors, but that’s only a problem for the scalper Bots until more stock launches and people continue to buy.

This card, for some reason, who are these people who, just just because you can doesn’t mean you, should Elon Musk AKA, I swear to God. We don’t want to talk about every single episode, but things keep happening has made some more things keep happening on Monday evening. Musk announced he was shutting down microservices at Twitter, calling them bloatware and suddenly SMS two-factor authentication started breaking, resulting in some people getting locked out of their accounts. The next day, Twitter blew up with reports that employees who criticized Elon on Twitter or in the company’s slack channels were fired overnight. Don’T the age of everybody is allowed on Twitter again boys HR, never sleeps, it’s okay, though they can still tweet.

On a positive note, it also came out that Twitter is bringing back end-to-end encrypted DMS, just some time to slide Baby Got ta, give credit where credit’s, due, if Elon actually manages to improve Twitter in some way. At the end of all of this, we’ll give him Kudos, although telling your remaining Workforce, that they need to work long and tense hours or lose their jobs has put them a bit in the techlin Kudos hole. That’S going to sound pretty much to a kuduno. I’Ve been there now it’s time for the quick brought to you by MSI.

The holidays are coming quickly, but MSI has you covered for gifts this year, msi’s holiday deals are on now, where you can save their 12th gen laptops, desktops, peripherals and components save on them. All whether the kids need a new laptop for school or it’s time to treat yourself to an upgrade, there’s a deal on there for you and for those of you in the US. There’S the hashtag, t-y-m-s-i holiday giveaway, tell MSI what you’re thankful for and enter to win gift cards, apparel and more gift cards that are apparel if you get enough of them. So what are you waiting for check out, msi’s deals and the Ty MSI holiday giveaway at the link below to start saving? Today we would hold the quick, but not yet, editors, Microsoft published the results of an investigation of its sexual harassment.

Policies performed by law. Firm. Aren’T Fox shift, they gave it the old aren’t Fox sniff, I’m pretty sure it’s a Stacks move. The investigation comes in response to allegations against high-profile Microsoft, alums, like Alex kipman, who invented the hololens, which sucks and Bill Gates who invented the bowl cut, which rules amazing products.

The 50-page report released by The Firm has been criticized for not thoroughly probing the allegations against Gates. They probably felt that Gates has done enough. Probing already yeah spicy, Ubisoft and Riot games have announced a partnership on a new research project meant to reduce toxicity in in-game. Chats no System of a Down the companies plan to build AI tools trained to detect disruptive behaviors and Britney Spears, Ubisoft and Riot helped.

You create a framework to allow the sharing tagging and collection of data while maintaining privacy to collect the toxic data to train this. Ai Ubisoft and Riot made the groundbreaking decision to spend years faster string, work based environments of harassment and discrimination, so brave really ahead of the curve. I knew that a purpose Intel has lost a patent lawsuit involving the company’s Skylake and Cascade Lake processors. Team blue has been ordered to pay 948.8 million dollars to vlsi technology. A Silicon Valley firm that designs and manufactures custom integrated circuits. This marks the first time Intel has been charged to the nose for Intel CPUs taste, your own medicine actually notice in vlsi 12.18 billion dollars in a separate patent infringement case against until last year, until made 79 billion in Revenue last year.

So I’m sure they’re desperate to recoup their attorney fees, everyone hates Microsoft teams, especially me, but wait. It’S fun now says Microsoft. They just added the ability to add the games for work app which will allow you to play games in teams meetings for a team building.

If you think the peak game experience was losing internet connection in the early 2000s get excited, you can now play Minesweeper and Solitaire. Why, with your code, work, oh yeah, Microsoft claims that each game in the collection is oriented toward a different element of team building. So get ready to have a corporate mandated fun with the people you tolerate for eight hours a day, but we’re friends, though right James, the European Union is considering putting data centers in space. A study is being led by fails, elenia space, a joint venture between European Aerospace and defense. Companies fails and Leonardo fails Leonardo Tales to assess if the CO2 emissions a building and launching an orbiting data center would be significantly lower than building one on the boring old ground.

You know Earth it ends in F. They also determine if it’s feasible, to launch a data center, a whole data center man, I’ve heard of cloud storage, but this is ridiculous. Wow, just don’t clean it with a vacuum, and it would be ridiculous for you to not come back on Friday for more Tech news, we’re only a humble ground-based operation, but I think our jokes are out of this world. .