Apple’s Getting WAXED

Apple’s Getting WAXED

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s Getting WAXED”.
It’S Black Friday, which means that we are now the only Tech news outlet that won’t tell you where to get a cheap laptop. We we won’t even hint, I don’t even know who sells cheap laptops, Bass Pro Shops, Brazil. You know the country with the big Jesus is continuing to Reign Divine judgment on Apple for not including power adapters with their phones. If you’re, that was beautiful, if you’re unaware in May of last year, Brazil fined Apple over 12 million, hey Ice, that’s how you say there: that’s how their currency yeah it’s pronunciation; buddy! That’S over 2 million Freedom funds for trying to save the environment and their bottom line. Well, this week, a story broke on Brazilian site, technoblog that consumer protection regulator, Pro con DF seized hundreds of iPhones from Brazilian stores on November 11th as part of operation discharge, the coolest name for the least intimidating Mission.

Apple’s Getting WAXED

While the original complaint was for the iPhone 12 Pro con DF took any models that didn’t have the adapter, including new, iPhone 14s and older iPhone 11s, which have excluded the charger since the launch of the 12th. Three days after the seizure Apple filed a legal request to sell iPhones in Brazil until the government makes a final decision, they had actually already filed one earlier, but it was in Spanish fun fact: it’s Portuguese yeah important, not just Portuguese Brazilian Portuguese, get it right meta That company, we all trust with our lives. Non-Consensually, has had a big week. Three days ago, The Verge and the markup co-published articles revealing that multiple major tax filing Services have been secretly transmitting users. Sensitive financial information to Facebook, we’re talking, adjusted gross income names, email addresses, refund amounts and more Google has been receiving similar information from Tax Act, but without name.

So all they really have is the incredibly sensitive Financial details of millions of people and that’s not that bad. If I don’t think about it for more than a single second, so that’s why pro tip don’t fill your taxes out? Just don’t think and you’ll be fine, but Tech Giants taketh away and also giveth. The same day, this story broke Metta, published a report detailing three deceptive propaganda networks they removed from their platforms earlier this year, which were linked to individuals associated with China, Russia and the U.S military. Not only were they caught by your mom’s favorite website, apparently the U.S run fake accounts got little to no engagement from real users. I guess the only one of your relatives that isn’t on Facebook is Uncle Sam yeah and some hopeful news in the AI World. Stable diffusion, the open source, AI image generator has been updated to version 2 and it’s been discovered that it’s now harder to generate not safer work, content and images that resemble the work of specific artists, not news for OSHA violation. Needless to say, the internet is thrilled. I imagine their comments will become extra caustic without AI generated porn. I mean you can say way, meaner things when you type with both hands so, but this is especially good news for Greg rutkovsky. His name is often used as a prompt in AI generated art, and now his name doesn’t seem to have the same effect it used to, but in a good way. However, if you’re a recruiter for Amazon, I may have some bad news for you.

A leaked internal document has revealed that Amazon has plans to replace some of its recruitment needs with an AI it first tested last year, because, unlike humans, there are no examples of AI being biased or unfair and discriminatory man. Imagine recruiting the people that have been made. Your job obsolete confront the problem. Now it’s time for quick bids brought to you by eight sleep, the Sleep Fitness company that helps you get more efficient sleep thanks to their pod 3 technology.

Apple’s Getting WAXED

Now, with three times more pod, the sensors track and improve your sleep by dynamically adjusting the bed’s temperature based on historical sleep patterns, previous temperature preferences, real-time weather and room temperature and feedback you enter in the eight sleep app the Pod measures, your heart rate, while you Sleep with 99 accuracy and is offered in two options to fit your needs: a premium, 5 layer, pod 3, mattress paired with pod technology or the Pod 3 cover, which adds pod technology to make your old, dumb, mattress, new and smart, because your health matters Matt mattress Click the link below and use code TechLink for an exclusive discount. I went ahead and cut these stories up nice and small for you, because you’re so cute Elon, Musk aka. The chief bit has announced that the subscription he’s now calling verified will tentatively launch on Friday. Next week, with gold checks for businesses, gray, checks for government and blue for individuals, he also decided to grant amnesty to suspended accounts after another one of his perfectly Democratic polls.

Apple’s Getting WAXED

Hopefully, the amnesty extends to Chad loader the security expert who was suspended yesterday after tweeting about the scope of the massive Twitter breach from last year. Maybe suspending his account was a condition of getting Signal. App founder, Moxie Marlin spikes help on encrypting DMS. You can’t have two guys with cool names on one social platform. Moxie didn’t want his record to be broken for what coolest name, Texas Company Real Page, who made headlines recently for using an algorithm to automatically raise rent prices, is now facing an investigation from the U.S Department of Justice or Dodge. The investigation will determine if the company’s Tech is facilitating collusion among landlords, the people you pretend to be nice to so you can be overcharged for rent, but when the sink breaks, where do they go? You got ta call Elon. I love that thinking he’s let the gravity of the situation really hit. You.

Researchers have developed a smart bandage that uses electrical stimulation to limit bacterial infection and repair damaged tissue. The smart bandage can heal serious wounds 25 faster than a regular, stupid bandage, and it can even reduce scarring. However, one thing it can’t do is repair the damage I received when Kyle Adams pantsed me in front of the entire 12th grade it was last week. I was a guest speaker.

I still want a bandage for it. Bbc Radio 4 has announced that we’ll be releasing an audio drama adaptation of Splinter Cell, the classic stealth Action video game series. The eight part series will Premiere in December and has been recorded in 3D binaural audio for immersion. Finally, you’ll be able to experience the franchise from the villains perspective.

You never see Sam Fisher, but you want to see us on Monday when we deliver you more Tech news, Michael Ironside won’t be there, but we’d be happy to have them we’re, not keeping them away or anything. It’S just. Why would that be a question voice? Guy is Jake Bell he’s not involved with us. What .