Apple’s Getting Desparate…

Apple's Getting Desparate...

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple’s Getting Desparate…”.
It’S Black Friday a day is dark. It’S the endless depths of my soul and Amazon employees in Europe seem to agree as workers in Germany, Spain, Italy and the UK chose the busiest shopping day of the year to go on stee-rike in Madrid, 90 percent of a fulfillment center staff reportedly went on strike, Causing Amazon to divert orders to its other depots according to unions, similar numbers of employees walked in Germany and the UK. Although Amazon stated Amazon, Amazon stated that the majority of their employees are continuing to work and that there will be no impact on customer orders. The workers are striking to gain better pay and safer working conditions, an issue that has been prevalent in the news in the past year, or so. It’S not clear whether amazon’s employees will see their demands met, but it sounds like they’re kind of down. Maybe they should order something nice online.

Apple's Getting Desparate...

I don’t share Microsoft. Just cannot catch a break with the Windows, 10 October, update after being released and then pulled and then delayed and then finally released again. A new issue has been identified, triggered by some incompatible Intel drivers, Intel inadvertently released, display drivers that accidentally enabled features that aren’t supported in Windows 10, which effectively caused audio to stop working on certain configurations.

Apple's Getting Desparate...

Now Microsoft has blocked too the update from rolling out to users with the affected drivers and they are working on a fix and making matters worse. This isn’t the only thing that Microsoft has had to pull this month. A recent patch for office whose primary function was updating Japanese calendars to conform to their recent change of Emperor caused cret. Are you serious, caused crashes and had to be pulled, but I mean that’s understandable.

We all know the drill for Imperial succession. Your calendar change heads get lopped off it’s business as usual, and we reported on Monday that Apple was scaling back iPhone production due to low sales, but now they’re, taking some more drastic steps. They are slashing. Prices of the iPhone 10 are in Japan and apparently restarting production of the original iPhone 10. Now I don’t think this has anything to do with the Emperor situation, but we have no way of knowing for sure anyway, the resumption of iPhone 10 production is apparently related to the fact that Apple made an agreement with Samsung to purchase a certain quantity of OLED Display panels, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal, I mean you’d, think Apple would have learned with the iPhone 5c. You don’t buy an iPhone because it’s cheap, you buy it because it’s jewelry, you don’t buy inexpensive, jewelry well at least shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, yeah whoo.

Apple's Getting Desparate...

Hopefully my wife doesn’t watch this episode and it’s time for snippy snip sprats. You buy brilliant. The new way to master key concepts in math science, computer science and professional topics, learning from lectures and videos just isn’t as effective as diving in and doing things yourself, so brilliant helps you master concepts by solving fun, challenging problems not by watching someone else. Do it not that we’re saying you should stop watching tech, LinkedIn tech tips I mean watching, has a value, I’m just saying that over 5.5 million members are already sharing their curiosity and love for math and science on brilliant and the first 200 tech link viewers to Sign up will get 20 % off so go to brilliant dot, org, a slash, tech linked and sign up. Today you could be smarter. Yes, you thank you me and even you who doesn’t want that Nvidia released the r-tx 20 atti 2018 2070.

But until now we heard nothing about the r-tx 2060 that is until now final fantasy benchmarks have leaked, showing performance, that’s about 30 percent faster than the gtx 1060. Now you cut that total performance in half when you turn on ray tracing and the 2060 should be perfect for glorious cinematic 720p gaming. We know Google is working on the mysterious fuchsia OS, which would fuse certain aspects of Chrome, OS and Android. And now we know what it’s being tested on.

An engineer from huawei revealed that the company is testing the OS on an honor play running the company’s Chiron. 970 processor, so maybe Google is work with voix way again. I like they did for the Nexus 6p on the next big Google flagship phone. The future may be fuchsia or might still be Android androids androids, probably not going anywhere.

Speaking of Google, we’ve got another leak of the pixel free lights this time, alongside an actual pixel 3. So the light appears to actually be bigger, with larger bezels, a single rather than dual front camera equipped device and also have a single rather than dual front facing speaker setup. So maybe it will be light in terms of spec rather than size. Sorry to disappoint you literalists also light is more of a mass thing anyway, but speaking of Google again, the company’s a I call making feature duplex is rolling out now to some pixel owners definitely sounds cool, although one guy demoing the feature took just as much time To tell Google to make the call, as I would have taken to just call the restaurant, but then you have to talk to like a real person and some gaming news for you, the game nominated for best delay in gaming history, star citizen, is free to play.

This week, with a different ship available to rent each day, you can download the client and see if giving up your real life in exchange for life in an early access. Crowdfunded sci-fi space simulator is the right choice for you, and it’s only right for us that we then end this episode now before I say something I regret well, I regret nothing. I never regret anything, no matter how terrible it is we’ll be back on Monday, with more tech news, whether you like it or not, see.

I didn’t regret saying that, because I don’t care, don’t forget to subscribe, subscribe for more zero regret lifestyle watch this I’m gon na take off my clothes .