Apple won’t like this…

Apple won’t like this…

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple won’t like this…”.
I’Ve upset Apple in the past, but I might be the first person that um gets blacklisted twice and this might be the thing that does it all right innocuous. Looking box, like oh John, see plenty of boxes like this. Maybe it’s got like a mug in it. You know maybe a bar set in here, but this straight from the factory.

I got something to show you, which I don’t think anybody’s seen before, assuming I can get it out of the box. We don’t need that. There’S nothing inside I’m going to throw that off to the side.

Careless abandon! Look at that look like anything familiar. What I have here is a first look at Apple’s Vision, Pro well kind of not really. I think what I have here is a first look at Vision, semipro Vision, amateur uh is probably the best way to describe what I have here. Uh is a clone, a Vision Pro, but but it does offer us a lot.

I think of first looks of what Vision Pro is going to be, especially from the physical on your face and the Aesthetics part of it, and this actually does work too. There’S a whole UI in here. I can show you, but take a look now from some angles: you’d be like. Oh, that’s 100 % Vision Pro, but then you see like janky buttons and those cameras on the front, clearly not Vision Pro um, but there’s a lot of things here that are very similar and first is the Aesthetics of it. How this looks and from what I understand, pretty close to the weight of what Vision Pro is going to be so I’m going to give you a full walk through of this guy. What’S not here is micro OLED displays, what’s also not here is ability to control things with my eyes.

I also can’t look at my Mac and see a screen show up. I can’t watch NBA, courtside TV and pretend, like I am sitting next to LeBron with this. What I can do, though, is use this janky nunchuk thing to control the UI, so I don’t want you guys to be too jealous that I I have. This does, however, charge with USB type-c.

So that’s nice and one thing it’s missing is a battery pack. In my pocket for 2 hours of battery life, this guy right here is going to give me about 6 to8 hours of battery life. So you know your move uh Apple on that front, so I’m just going to get to it. Let me show you what it looks like on the head now.

Apple won’t like this…

This is diameter Wise from understand a bit thicker this part here than what Vision Pro is actually going to be, but let me show you how cool you’re going to look uh wearing Vision, Pro ready? All right do I do I look as cool as I feel, like Apple’s positioning. This thing, like oh you’re, going to be on an airplane watching a movie or like oh you’re, going to have a like a FaceTime call. It’S no big deal to have a face. Computer on um – I don’t I don’t know what looks more ridiculous uh watching somebody take a selfie or watching somebody do anything with a virtual reality.

Apple won’t like this…

Uh headset on I mean it’s here I can see stuff there actually is a full UI here we can show you. We pull the camera in and kind of show you what it looks like, but um. I think there’s going to be a problem with kind of wearing this thing out and about. I can’t get a digital scan on my face. It’S not going to show my eyes through here unless my eyes look like a robot um. So let me show you everything.

Apple won’t like this…

That’S happening here. Cuz, there’s a decent amount happening here and I’m making lot of jokes of it been like a dupe, but there are some cool things that are going on here so doesn’t have. Digital Crown does have a camera button, though just like Vision Pro. So you know they’re uh they’re same same uh, you’ve got essentially Android control buttons. Here you got a home, a menu and a back button. This is powered by Android.

The straps here are a bit different. It has a head, strap, there’s been a lot of rumors, whether or not Vision Pro is actually going to include a head, strap or not, but you know we’ll see, uh volume buttons down below and speakers all over the place. Now a lot of people are going to say, John. Why are you showing us this? It’S a knockoff, don’t give don’t give knockoffs attention honestly.

I was super curious just to see it. I didn’t you know cu. The whole Blacklist thing was not at the event when Apple showed Vision Pro and it looked really cool. I saw my friends were taking a look at it and, quite frankly, I got a little bit jealous and so short of just flying up to copertino and uh.

Breaking to super secret labs, this is the best I can get right now until Vision Pro comes out for 3500 bucks. I don’t know, I’m just going to say merch uh. I made that up, but merch merch sounds right. Let me give you guys a quick comparison too for another um VR augment reality, headset this kind of spider. Looking thing uh is the meta Quest 3 about 500 bucks, really good headset little weird to look at from the front. I actually prefer the look of this guy versus this, but there’s a lot of Technology crammed in this. I love this guy. We can see sort of what they look like side by side.

This one, I think, clearly looks better and it’s a knockof, so I would imagine Vision Pro is going to make this look uh, let’s I don’t want to say busted but let’s say busted all right. So all right, I’m going to plug this in so now I can navigate with my nunchuk, which is uh, which is pretty cool. So when this thing is on, I can move around with my head and I can, like you know, pick stuff. It’S got a like.

Spacially aware, but I can’t control it like with my eyes, I got to scroll with like this little thing. Uh it took me, and this might show my uh, my ignorance here. It took me a very long time to figure out where the menu setting was to turn this into English, but I did it but take of this video and I can actually navigate around there’s a browser here to go in and browse uh.

You can watch movies. You can watch pictures that you take yourself uh, you can do all kinds of stuff, even some games. You could play on this thing.

It’S not as horrible as I expected. I don’t know if I should tell you how much I paid for it. It’S not going to make me look good, but uh if you’re still watching this far into video. I feel like I owe you a treat So Paid 600 bucks for this.

So um thanks for watching this long into the video first of all, but I really just I really just wanted to see what this is like. I don’t think there’s like any resale value, but if you want to buy this, give me a comment down below uh i’ GL. You guys uh happy to share. I don’t if I to call this wealth but share the uh Vision. Amateur I mean, if you look at this, and you look at this next to like a real Vision. Pro like this piece is a chunky.

Boy like this is probably twice as wide vision. Pro is going to be also ton of lightly coming in from the side. What I’m wearing you’re not going to have that with Vision Pro at least allegedly, if you sort of believe what apple is saying, but it’s kind of a rigid material. You can hear it.

It’S not like a fabric, it’s not a modular design. I wish I had a British accent so make this sound as hyped as Apple did in their video. It just looks like it’s was probably pieced together from like old meta Quest things, probably like a meta Quest 2 guts in here would be my guess. I tried to go in and see what the processor was.

I couldn’t find it exactly. It is some sort of of a qualcom processor. I don’t know about Ram, I don’t about anything else in here, but it it does work and it’s not slow. So you know if you want your own fapple Vision, amateur they’re out there to get and like listen. These like robot bug eyes are clearly not Vision. Pro um doesn’t have the eyes that are coming through here, but the the goggles part of this, I think, is really close to what Vision Pro is going to look like, and I imagine pretty close what Vision Pro is going to feel like as well.

But I think the big question here – and this was was kind of what I wanted to see was – is this something that people are going to buy and I think whether it’s it’s this or The Meta Quest? I don’t see the use case yet for it. You know the internet in your hand, um like the iPad, was or a revolutionary mobile Communications device like the iPhone or the world’s notifications on your wrist, like the Apple watch, I think Apple will get there. I think, maybe 6 or 8 months after launch when developers get a chance to use it, you’ll see those killer features or maybe we Gen 2 or three. It seems very Niche at 3500 bucks that Niche is even nicher nicher um, but people are going to buy them.

I think Apple is very committed to this. So one way or another we be wearing face computers, making it harder to talk to people on an airplane and the poor flight attendant. Trying to ask you if you want a beverage, you take off your headphones and your Vision Pro can be a weird World um. Let’S C in one way or another, would you would you buy? Are you going to buy a Vision Pro? I think, just because of what I do I got to suck it up. I thought 600 bucks was expensive and get one, but as a regular consumer I’d be really hard pressed to buy gen one. But I don’t know.

Let me know: .