Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren’t cool enough

Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren't cool enough

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren’t cool enough”.
Thanks to the Ampere dusk, for sponsoring a portion of this video, the reviews of the Apple watch Ultra have been incredible uh. We have seen creators do this this and this pushing the alternates of the watch. I’M gon na be honest with you. I am not that I am not climbing Mount Everest uh. I did take a swim in a pool and I saw some of the depth stuff happen on the watch, but that’s about as extreme uh as I got I did.

I did play tennis once uh, so I got to see it. You know track that I’m so not extreme that the action button on my watch calls my wife. So if you are the average man like me, I’ve got a review for you of the Apple watch. Ultra and beyond all of that, I have a baby wrist, so if any of those things fit your lifestyle – and you want to know how the watch is going to look on your wrist, but also just like work as a normal Apple watch Instagram.

Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren't cool enough

So I probably like a lot of you were hesitant about the design of the watch again baby wrist um, not so much because it looks, but because of the size. This is a big boy watch and I was scared. It was going to feel like just a gigantic computer uh on my wrist and after wearing it now for almost two months. All of my hesitations turned out to be very uh unfounded to me and you look at the pictures of these things. You’Re, like that’s a chunky boy, that thing’s got away pounds and actually on my wrist, doesn’t feel any different than the series seven or six or anything that came before it. It is incredibly light that was like a very jarring experience, putting it on him, because, oh that doesn’t feel weird at all uh it also. You can tell me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t look ridiculous uh on my teeny tiny wrist.

In fact, I think it looks, it looks a little bit big, not comically, big, which was really uh. My worry uh here. So, if you have concerns about the size of the watch, I think most of those will be unfounded.

The biggest reason that I was excited about this watch is clearly not the action features. It was battery life. I talked about it in my Series 7 review, but my battery life was atrocious by the time I traded that in I had mid 80s battery health. I don’t know if I did something wrong to the watch. I just got a bad one. The battery life was not a day for me with the Apple Series 7., so in the ultra and they’re promising two-day plus battery life.

That’S what sold me! The irony was not lost on me that Apple perhaps created a problem and sold me a solution. I think it may be typical Apple fashion um, but I’ve enjoyed the battery life and I’ll talk more about that in a minute, but back to sort of the design and the size. I know the size is not going to work for everyone if you’ve got a.

If I have a baby wrist, if you have like an extra a newborn baby, wrist, uh might be something that you can’t wear realistically uh. That does make me wish Apple somehow to make the watch in two sizes uh. I imagine because of battery size they couldn’t and didn’t.

Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren't cool enough

This is all we’ve got, I’d say, try it on and if it fits you, you are good to go. Uh, no feeling, aside designer to watch something that I think turned out to be totally fine. It’S certainly sort of on the rugged side, but the orange accents make it feel like it’s made for an adventurer, which it kind of is, which made me feel like an adventurer uh, which you know was nice. When I ventured out to the grocery store, when I adventured into a swimming pool, when I had ventured onto a tennis court outside of that, that was the extent of my adventuring, but I felt like I could climb Everest. I felt like I could dive 200 feet under water. I didn’t but feeling like I could. It was part of the battle. I do also like the protection they gave on the buttons on the crowns.

Um I got kids. My watch is always getting hitting on things. Sometimes my kids are hitting stuff on the watch, so I have liked that bumper there, but I don’t know it’s a design thing. It looks different, and I guess when you have watches that look the same for many many years, different matters again Apple selling, you a solution to the problem they created uh, one area that I haven’t noticed. Much, though, is the larger screen, or at least it hasn’t changed. What I do with the watch.

In fact, I’m using the exact same home screen watch face setup that I used on the series 7.. I bother to use the exclusive watch face here with the ultra. The night mode stuff there doesn’t really impact anything for me, um, it’s fine, some things that do stand out, though, with the watch. It is much easier like drastically easier to see outside the 2000 hit.

Apple Watch Ultra: You probably aren't cool enough

Brightness is very noticeable and helpful. Once I had a hard time seeing older Apple watches, but if you were, you would love the brightness of this new screen. So something else that’s going to help you see outside is actually this video’s sponsor these guys are dusk by Ampere and you might think to yourself. How can I look as good as John does right now, but these things actually do a lot more than just look good they’re, actually electrochromatic lenses, which means you can change the tint from either buttons underneath or through the app.

So I can go from like this. Pretty good Sunglasses, if I want to lighten it up this, that it’s really cool, I mean you can change what the glasses do. So you can have sunglasses, regular, glasses, glasses that are blocking out certain kinds of light, all with one pair of frames, not to mention.

There’S speakers built in these things work absolutely awesomely uh. They look good they’re super light. They do exactly what you would expect them to do.

They actually have audio built into listen to podcasts books or music uh they’re really light. There’S a charging case, which is it’s not the smallest charging case uh in the world, but they work as advertised. If you want to check out dust by impure for yourself, you can actually save 20 with code John 20, but I’ll put the link and the info in description down below. So when Apple was pushing the ultra, I mean it was the ultra features. It was Adventure, it was diving, it was battery life, they talked a little bit about the speaker, but not much. That has been like the most surprising thing about the watch was how good and how loud the speaker is taking a lot of phone calls on my watch.

I try not to be that guy, that’s like on a speaker call out in public, but if I’m again the adventure guy sitting on my couch, I don’t want to reach too far from my phone, because the snacks are resting on my tummy uh. It’S nice to be able to just answer phone calls and actually have them sound, really good and very clear. If you take a lot of calls from your watch or you want to take a lot of calls from your watch, the ultra is amazing at that. I imagine, though, if you were like climbing Everest, you know, and you want to take a phone call because I don’t know imagine they have cell service there.

It’S going to sound great on your Apple watch, Ultra so back to the biggest reason that I wanted to get the watch. Uh was battery. Like I said earlier, life on my Series, 7 weather was from for me or the bad watch. It was trash um and it got to be trash very quickly. I don’t know how battery life battery health degraded that quickly, but it did so Apple said the ultra would have multi-day battery life. That was it.

I was in. You sold me again creating solution to their problem. That was the reason that I wanted this watch and it has delivered in the battery life promise um. I took my wife out for a night. It was a big deal for us got away from the kids. For the first time traveling I had to bring an Apple Watch charger that was awesome to have by the time I charge it.

The next day I still have like 25 battery life left. I haven’t even tried any of the low power stuff that’s on here, including the new low power mode. This is easily a two-day watch with you doing nothing to optimize battery life and more if you want to do things optimize battery life. If your battery life sucks on your Apple watch and you just like I’m sick of charging, it Ultra is a hundred percent.

The way to go just for that alone, there’s a lot more. The Apple watch Ultra, like I said up front. I’M treating this just like a regular Apple watch with better features uh and for those users they hit it out of the park again, I’d be lying.

If I tested this thing running a marathon took it under water, any of those things I just don’t use my Apple watch that way, maybe I’m just more sedentary uh, but there are some people that do and I think for those people this is going to be A gigantic upgrade for them, so that leaves a question whether or not this is worth 800 bucks on one hand, that’s a lot of money, for it is mostly an accessory for most people. On the other hand, for as many features and upgrades as you get, I think it’s actually very reasonably priced and I’ll say this. If you’re in the market for a new Apple watch – and you were considering upgrading from the basic aluminum to a stainless steel, the ultra is absolutely worth it. The extra features you get make the experience overall, just better. It’S not perfect, but it’s my favorite Apple watch that I’ve ever had and I think it’s my favorite Apple product of the last few years.

It solves problems that existed. It adds new features, it looks different. I love the Apple watch Ultra and I think what Marquez said in his review that they offered a black color. It would probably slim it down and maybe give it a different look. I agree with that. If you like, sort of the utilitarian look of the Apple watch, when you want to do some adventuring or you just want better battery life and you’re willing to spend the money, you will love the Apple watch.

Ultra .