Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder

Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder”.
It is never easy trying to figure out if you should upgrade to a new Apple watch, especially if you stick with the basic series. The processors haven’t changed much in recent years. A new health perk is always sprinkled in that sounds kind of nice to have, but you’re, not sure if it would change your life or if you should just hold on to your scratched up screen, that’s doing just fine. I guess in just a few weeks Apple’s expected to hold an event to reveal the new iPhone 15 and the new Apple watch series 9..

If you’ve been on the fence about upgrading your Apple watch, the early reports point to this really being a year that an upgrade could be worth it, I’m getting hyped about it. That was until everyone started getting excited about reports on the series 10, which would it even be until next year. It’S not even a real thing yet, and already Mr Cool Roman numeral X watch is stealing the media Spotlight from the one coming out now, when this series 9 gets revealed, you don’t need one more reason to wonder if now is a good time to upgrade, or Second guess yourself: over possible buyers, remorse Le let’s go over the Apple watch, rumors of what is expected for the series 9, why it’s got me interested and why you shouldn’t put too much stock into series: 10 rumors, I’m Bridget Carey, and this is one more thing.

Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder

The Apple watch is a really useful tool. I got attached to it back in 2020 when trying to do the whole work and parent little kids life Balancing Act, it has been super handy and the best part is that it’s one of those devices that just lasts for years without you needing to upgrade it. The Apple watch began its life pushed as a luxury fashion accessory in 2015. fast forward.

Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder

To now all the focus is on health, but if you’re not that into fitness, you may not be jumping to upgrade all the time. Since the improvements are incremental. It’S a slow Evolution. Can you even tell which model I’m wearing just by the design? Let’S look at the headlining features in the most recent models in 2019 for Series 5. We got always on display. That’S the model I’m rocking in 2020. It was series six that introduced blood oxygen monitoring in 2021. We got the series 7 with a larger and more durable display, and last year’s series 8 has temperature sensing. That is, if you wear it, while you’re sleeping and crash detection also can tell now, if it’s a bike crash or if it’s an airbag, that went off in a car crash. So what is this year’s thing going to be? It may be something everyone needs at any time of day, better battery life, the processor chips inside the Apple watch 6, the 7 and the eight they are widely regarded to be similar. No big speed boosts, but that’s expected to change.

According to Bloomberg’s Mark German, the series 9 will have a chipset based on the iPhone’s a15 bionic processor, so it’ll be faster and if it’s more efficient, that’s gon na boost your battery life. There’S also good news for those of us who love colorful Apple products. There is a rumor, it could come in pink. I like pink an apple leaker who goes by the name, shrimp Apple Pro. What a name said: the aluminum models would come in Midnight, Starlight, product red silver and pink, I’m crossing my fingers for charging cables to actually match with the colors too braided color coordinated charging cables are the rumor for the iPhone 15 models and the new 15-inch MacBook Air also comes with braided color matching cords like this midnight shade. I sure hope we keep this colorful charger core Trend going for the watches 25 years ago.

This month, Steve Jobs brightened up the Computing world with the debut of the colorful IMAX. I love seeing Apple. Get colorful and we can hope that this continues for watches. I’M sure we’re also going to see new choices in bands. One rumor being reported on is that we’re going to see a new fabric band with a magnetic Buckle, it’ll be similar to the modern Buckle. Leather band design, but frankly I hope Apple leans, more into bands that are easier to clean, because a study came out this week about the gross bacteria. That’S just lingering on bands of Apple watches and other fitness, trackers researchers at Florida, Atlantic University found all kinds of nasty stuff like staphylococcus.

It was on 85 percent of the wristbands tested and 60 had E coli bacteria turns out rubber and plastic bands like the one. I wear have higher bacterial counts. Metal bands, particularly gold and silver, had little to no bacteria, so yeah make sure you get a band that you can keep clean, just a fun. Little fact for you: why did it bring up something so gross? Because I’m going to use this as a transition into talking about health for our next chapter, I love it when the news flows together so nicely, everyone is going wild about rumors of the next watch, the series 10, and that’s because Bloomberg is reporting about how the 2024 model will get something snazzy for its 10th year anniversary, possibly a thinner body, possibly new micro LED display tech for the screen. Bands could attach differently, maybe magnetically and the headliner feature could be blood pressure monitoring. But folks I need you to understand.

It would be wild for Apple to actually pull off this with accurate blood pressure. Readings Bloomberg has been reporting that Apple was testing blood pressure, sensing tech for a while now Bloomberg also reported how the tech has been a challenge during testing. It points out that this may not give you actual blood pressure reading numbers, but rather it could just warn you if you have signs of hypertension, AKA high blood pressure and then warn you to consult the doctor. Several companies have tried to crack blood pressure tracking in a watch. Samsung’S Galaxy watch 5 series said attract blood pressure, but you also need to calibrate it with an actual blood pressure.

Monitor cuff one watch company did it well in 2018., the Omron heart guide. It has an inflating wrist cuff, to take the reading the whole band just puffs up to restrict to give you a reading anywhere anytime and it received FDA clearance, CNET reviewed it. It worked and it’s five hundred dollars it’s entirely possible Apple – could also have a wristband that constricts reports are that the bands and the series 10 could connect differently.

So I guess it’s possible for Apple to put Tech in the band itself. We have seen this in other smart bands like the B Heart by barracoda, where the tech is in the band and you can attach it to any standard watch face. But if Apple doesn’t go full blood pressure cuff it may just be something that gives you a nudge that something may be worth checking out. Let’S not forget Apple watch doesn’t actually give you a body temperature reading.

Apple Watch Series X Rumors Stealing Series 9’s Thunder

It’S not a thermometer, it just smudges you if it detects changes in what’s normal for you, while you’re sleeping and the blood oxygen measurements Apple says it’s not intended for medical use. Oh, and I know many of you may be asking the comments about the report that Apple’s working on a way to monitor your blood sugar levels without pricking, the skin. Yes, that has been reported, but that Tech is really far off. Probably several years don’t hold your breath for that for the series 10 or 11.. So should you wait for the 10.? Listen if you got an Apple Watch recently and the idea of a redesign in bands and a better screen for series 10 excites. You then go ahead and wait and see, but if you want the nine get it with confidence after all, these watches are always small, bumps and upgrades.

Until the day comes when they make a watch that won’t scratch, then they can take all my money. So, what’s on your wish list of features for the Apple watch, please share your Apple watch wishes in the comments and what might get you to upgrade to the series 9 or series 10. We may feature your comments in an upcoming episode before Apple makes. The big reveal and use whatever risk Tech. You got to set a reminder to watch one more thing: next Friday catch you later, .