Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions

Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions”.
Oh hello, this box is quite large and today is the launch day for the Apple Vision Pro, and I honestly don’t know what to think I’ve been truthfully. Avoiding every single video that’s been out there as much as I’ve been really chomping at the bit to find out more information, but I’m just trying to keep my expectations organic. So whenever this happens, it’ll be my honest reaction and let’s go taada. This box is huge. I mean yeah, there’s nothing like it, so we have nothing to go off of, but let’s go slow.

This is, of course, the standard 256 gig Vision Pro and uh interesting orange tab. That’S new one done now: I’m getting a little nervous, it’s real now, and it’s right up front. It’S actually not as big as it made. It seem on the photos. We’Ll put this to the side, for a second definitely reminds me of first gen Apple watch, the packaging being all out everything, of course, the designed by Apple in California, and we have our polishing cloth and more Vision Pro regulatory information. Now, when you order a Vision Pro, they make you scan your face, so this light seal cushion and size of the Vision Pro went off of my size, so we’ll see how it fits it would help if I followed the arrows. So this is the light seal cushion use the light seal cushion if prompted by the system, if you need more room for a better fit so we’ll see. If we need this, I guess it’s optional, main Vision, Pro information that we’re going to have like XL Apple stickers.

Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions

Here it’s a book, Apple Vision, Pro Tour yeah. They went all out with this packaging getting started with the battery. They really want to hold your hand through this entire thing, so once we get everything out, of course, we’ll follow the guide to have the best possible experience on setting this up dual Loop band with some instructions as well, and they went with the medium size.

Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions

So I must have a medium size face or head uh Apple Vision. Pro comes with the Dual Loop band, which is a great option if you want a different fit, so this seems to be adjustable, which is nice especially depending on how loose or how tight you want to wear it. I would assume you probably don’t want it tight if you’re going to wear it for a long time and then now to the accessories, braided, USBC, cable, USBC, power, brick and the battery. This is quite big actually with its mag safe, like small Puck, and that’s everything in the box now to the uh star of the show. This feels really nice.

Apple Vision Pro Unboxing & First Impressions

I mean I would assume it would for this price, but there’s a whole video about them. Making this in a Factory and the 3D knit material on how they Stitch it together is honestly crazy. This front cover and there we are. It definitely feels like an Apple product and I think Marquez is right.

It’S heavy, but it’s not extremely heavy to the point where I don’t necessarily know how much it’s going to be fatiguing to wear, but I guess we’ll see once I put it on. I don’t necessarily know know how this works, but that’s why they include a book on how to use it all right. So here’s one USBC, cable and then, let’s check out the battery. Of course the battery is essential to this, but you can buy additional batteries separately.

If you want to just keep going yeah, this thing feels insanely premium Apple logo up front, and then we have USBC charging right on the back there. Apparently, this cable is removable from photos and it looks like a a king, lightning connector, it’s a massive lightning connector, and another thing I was curious about is how long this cable is not very long, but I guess it’s not really intended to go very far. I don’t know if there’s ever been an Apple product that I’ve had to follow a guide to set up, but I just don’t want to mess this up. I guess let’s go for it, oh yeah.

That makes a huge difference. Size-Wise. This is a good demonstration.

You can like grab the fruit as they fly and it turned on press and hold to a line. Ah, it wants to make sure I can see straight. Oh hello, it has the same hello press, the crown to begin yeah. This is trippy wow. It’S weird seeing the real world: through this exact peripheral view, the peripheral is a little bit more narrow.

It’S almost like you just turn the field of view down like I can’t see my hands right here. Oh there’s, this pairing animation. All right, I think, Marquez was right. It’S a little heavy, oh wow, it’s having me look at a QR code and put it in the spot and hold the phone there.

The room just went dark getting started. Is in Atmos, look at your hands funny! That’S pairing! Animation for looking at my hands sounds like a Mac, startup sound, but not as loud. Oh, that’s, crazy! It’S having me follow a DOT around the screen and pinch. Okay. This thing is super resp, responsive. It pretty much follows your eyes as fast as you can move them, which I didn’t really expect that to be that quick.

It wants me to take it off, so it can scam my face all right: keep your arms and shoulders relaxed. I did not expect that align your entire face within the frame. Oh, it’s weird adjust your head by tilting it slightly down. I guess that’s right! Slowly, turn your head to the right now, slowly turn your head to the left now tilt your head up, then tilt your head down.

Next, let’s capture your facial expressions. Smile with your mouth closed, then make a big smile with your teeth. Showing now raise your eyebrows Close Your Eyes For a Moment, capture complete, put Vision Pro back on to continue super weird cool, though, though yeah I look like a PS3 character, optic ID all right.

I guess this is where it scans my eyes, and it’s done. That’S that’s weird, create a passcode being able to just look at something and that’s how it registers it’s weird too, because the glass window stays exactly where you want it stay aware of your surroundings, use in safe areas and take frequent breaks that reminds me of Wii Sports Apple Vision Pro is designed to fit and be used by individuals, 13 years of age or older. I think I meet that requirement.

Yes, I want updates sure location services. This is very much like the iPhone setup at this point, except for it’s a transparent giant piece of glass, that’s in front of the camera, and there we go. The only thing I’ll say right off the bat is that wherever I’m looking it automatically highlights – and this tapping thing is crazy – well, ah, and we’re on 1.0 I’ll have to update it. The only thing is, I don’t know how to scroll uh.

I guess you just grab it that’s intuitive. Ah, this is weird: it’s cool. It’S like right here, H, we’ll definitely have to do a FaceTime with me wearing this and then ooh the environments sure I’ll go to use. Somebody adjust the digital Crown to control. How immersed you are in the environment? Ah, and the sound okay? This is pretty crazy, that that would actually allow the immersion to be even more crazy.

I will say I don’t feel like any sort of like motion sickness or anything. So that’s good all right! Well, this is going to be a whole thing to dive into, but so far it’s got all the essentials. You know Safari music, Apple TV, everything that you’d want and need, and this pinching thing works incredibly good.

So far, it’s really crazy, honestly, better than I expected, and I’m glad that I took the time to not watch any other reviews or honestly, even like the getting started, videos that Apple put out just so that this could be the most organic natural experience. I will say I don’t know if I’d want to wear this more than the 2 hours worth of battery life. So far, maybe I’ll get used to it more, but it is a little heavy, but for those dedicated dedicated experiences uh, it’s really cool.

Also, it feels I didn’t think that this was going to be an issue or anything at all, but the build quality on this is honestly super great um, but we’ll have to go super in depth in everything I want to. You know compare the speakers to airpods Pro go in depth with. What’S watching, movies is like using apps on it um and we’ll have to make a full dedicated video and, of course, I’m going to make a full on review after having some time with it. But I definitely want to put it through its paces and get a you know. A real honest feel of this thing before going through that, so maybe in the next week or so, but so far, my impressions are very good.
