Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)

Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)”.
Apple has restricted their ad tracking or sorry apple, restricted, ad tracking, yes, but not necessarily their own yeah, not their own. That’S the whole yeah yeah yeah! That’S the whole point! You know what fine, why don’t you do it then uh in in mark german? Hopefully i said that right predicts that apple is going to significantly expand its own advertising business, and i was told by riley that if this guy says something like that, it’s like gon na be a thing. So apparently this is not. This is like technically a rumor, but also not really.

Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)

This is hilarious. This is this is much more notable because of other recent actions that they have partaken uh. They implemented app tracking transparency that requires developers to implement a pop-up asking users if they can track them outside of the app, but it doesn’t do that for their own apps. That’S hilarious, because those are first-party apps with first-party tracking. That apparently does not need the pop-up.

Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)

I am not an apple user, it is unclear to me if, when you are first setting up an iphone, does it ask you if it is okay to track or not, because that to me completely changes this situation? Okay! Well, why don’t you keep talking about it while i go, get an iphone and wipe it? Okay, cool yeah um because to to me, basically, if just like on windows right when you’re, first setting up windows, it asks you a bunch of different things about how uh like oh, can you can we take diagnostic data when we’re gon na, take it anyways, but Can we take advanced diagnostic data, or can we just only take basic diagnostic data, et cetera, et cetera, all the way through the setup? If it’s similar to that, if apple says, can we track you for advertising reasons whatever, when you’re first setting up your your iphone, then this isn’t a big deal to me personally, i understand other people might disagree, but if they don’t ask you on initial phone setup And then they also don’t ask you for individual apps. Then that’s a little bit scummy um, apparently, when apple first implemented their app tracking transparency system, apple’s own ad sales tripled, while third-party app companies like facebook and snapchat had their ad sales drop by 13, which is like massive when in some cases that’s like pretty much. Your entire business, um apple, does sell ads on some of its platforms. Apparently they are planning on expanding. This potentially apple sells ads on apple news stocks, tv plus sports and inside the app store. Apparently, developers complained with the app store because they have to pay to get the top search result for their app title um. But that’s a problem with google and everything else as well.

Apple says NO to app tracking (while tracking you)

So almost like monopolies are bad yeah, that’s just almost a negative way, but sort of how it works. Oh man, this is great, it’s just it’s, so i, the thing that drives me crazy about apple is not that they are any more evil than any other gigantic. Member of a monopoly, duopoly or oligopoly or what you know whatever, basically any any other company that exists within a highly consolidated vertical, no they’re, they’re, honestly they’re, not really any worse, but what they are is hypocritical. What they are is arrogant and what they are is smug and so they’ll sit here and wax philosophical about all the ways that we could protect the environment and and do better and you know whatever, and then it comes out that you know. Oh, their big idea here is that we’ll stop shipping chargers with our phones? No, that’s a cost-saving measure.

That’S a cost-saving measuring clever marketing for it. You never cared about the environment, even one bit that nothing to do with the decision and it’s the same thing here. Apple will talk endlessly about how much they care about user privacy, and then they will go and put all their chinese users data in a data center that is quite literally owned by the ccp. Well, i’m sorry do you? Oh, so you care about your users data as long as your users aren’t that color, okay, sure apple, good job, you care about all this advertising tracking until it’s your ad good job.

Well, maybe so it’s so it’s fine! I guess you’re not you’re, not really doing anything any worse than anyone else probably, but you just are constantly engaging in this double speak about it just say: yeah you we’re gon na. Take all your data like okay, fine, unless they’re, not okay, so here it is which we need to figure out yeah. Okay, all right, so luke is going to set up an iphone for probably the first time. No, really i do for full point. We have an ios app how’s that how’s that set up oh you’re on data and privacy. Now data this icon appears when an apple feature asks you to use your personal information.

You won’t see this with every feature since apple collects this information only when needed to enable features, secure our services or personalize your experience there it is there’s the juicy one apple believes privacy is a fundamental human right, so every apple product is designed to minimize the Collection and use of your data use on device processing wherever possible and provide transparency and control over your information. There’S learn more continue. We’Re going to continue face id set up later, create passcode, well you’re, just going to wipe it again, anyways yeah, but use one that i will know, use the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Please change! Okay, thanks cool, because i would never guess that yeah, i’m trying to think of this one yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, cool, oh man, so honestly doesn’t look. Great seems, like apple, is basically just doing their their usual rules for thee and not for me. I haven’t even got there yet nonsense.

Well, i mean it was right there they basically said yeah we’re not going to collect it, except when we need it to personalize. Your experience, personalize, your experience, is just marketing. Speak business speak for collect your data and serve you. People in chat told me that there’s an option, but now i need like an apple id to keep going stuff.

This is just going to turn into a whole thing. Okay, .