Apple iPhone X first look

Apple iPhone X first look

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple iPhone X first look”.
Hey everybody: it’s the iPhone verge, I’m here with the iPhone 10, which is absolutely beautiful, I’m just gon na say it straight out. This is the white version. It’S got a glass back here. It’S got a five-point, eight inch, OLED display. You can see the notch at the top there’s no home button, so you swipe up to close an app when you’re in an app and swipe up and hold to go to the app switcher.

You can just bang between apps there because we’re swiping up from the bottom to the control center. You now swipe down from the right side for control center. You swipe down from the left side for the notifications. Try it is.

I mean I just can’t say enough: there’s a super beautiful phone: it’s got a stainless steel band, it’s got 12 megapixel, dual cameras on the back they’re, both stabilized. Now this one is F: 1.8, the telephotos 2.4 and on the front you’ve got a depth tracking system. The front that enables base, because there’s no more touch ID on the phone. You look at the phone.

It protects 30,000 infrared dots on your face. The iPhone 10 also has new camera modes. F. .