Apple iPhone 7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge – Gaming Review!

Apple iPhone 7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge - Gaming Review!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple iPhone 7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge – Gaming Review!”.
So Apple has just released its shiny new iPhone 7 and it’s an absolute monster. So what better way to test it than to pitch it against the current reigning champion of gaming smartphones, the s7 edge so for the first time ever Apple has finally included a quad-core chip, and we’ve got that backed up by two gigabytes of RAM and a six Cord GPU flipping over to the s7 edge we’ve got the Exynos 88-90, which is an octa-core cpu with four gigabytes of RAM and a 12 cord GPU. So how does that translate to gaming? So we’ll start the test off with unkilled, which is one of the most graphically demanding games on either platform, and I have to say you can probably tell yourself it’s running great on both it’s not quite as smooth 60 frames per second. But we’ll put that down to poor optimization rather than the phone’s performance, because even weaker phones can achieve the same thing. But the first thing you’re, probably going to notice more important than anything is the screens. While the iPhone 7 has a 4.7 inch IPS LCD panel, which has improved colors and is a great display in its own right, the s7 edge has a 5.5 inch. Quad HD Super AMOLED panel see yeah.

There are going to be people on either side of the fence. Some people prefer a more natural look. Others are more saturated look but, in my opinion, the s7 edge Trump’s the iPhone 7 any day. Not only is there a higher resolution, but also higher pixel density, the colors are more saturated and the fact that it extends to the edges gives you a much more immersive feel the iPhone 7 has a really bad screened to body ratio for the most part, ass. Fillet airborne runs perfectly on both phones, but every now and again the Android version will slow down a little bit now that could be due to poor, optimization or the phone itself, but either way the iPhone experience is slightly more consistent. On top of that, the iPhones tilt receptors are actually more responsive for the same settings and then we have speakers, and there is just no competition here. The iPhone 7 wipes the floor with the galaxy s7 edge. The soundest Fuller has far more bass and is even louder on top of that, the iPhone has stereo sound and it has three speakers, as opposed to the galaxy s7 s1. So, moving over to modern combat 5, the game is locked at 60 frames per second on both phones, so it makes for an awesome gaming experience on this game, especially you should be able to tell the s7 Edge, has a slightly red tint to the screen and The iPhone is siding more on a yellow, tint of C, the only really notice when the hell next to each other, which is something to bear in mind now. What I did find is that, as well as being more immersive as well as being able to better see, what’s going on the larger screen of the s7, just meant you can control fern better.

I was much more able to aim my guns as much more able to run around to where exactly I wanted to, and that’s just another convenience of having the larger display in terms of how the phones feel in the hand well, obviously, the s7 edge. Being the slightly large one is a little bit harder to sort of make your way around with one hand, but hopefully when you’re gaming, you won’t need to do that, but the edges on it are a bit harsh. Are the iPhone 7 cups much nicer in the hands? It’S just a lot smoother. It feels like a pebble moving on to injustice.

Apple iPhone 7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge - Gaming Review!

Yet again, both phones slice through the game, with no problems – and this is a trend you will start to see as you use either. One of these smart phones in the respect to field their top of the line and if any game poses a problem to these phones, then all pose a problem to any phones. Having said that, those slight pauses you tend to get in android games every now and again, no matter how powerful the phone just don’t happen on the iPhone, whether you’re in the middle of a combat, and you just tap the pause button on the Android phone. It might freeze, but on the iPhone it stays silky smooth consistently. Now, no matter how hard you push the galaxy s7 edge, having a rear plastic body means that it stays called as a cucumber, but the iPhone 7 can get a tiny bit hot you’re, not exactly going to be able to cook an egg on it. But it does get noticeably warmer, so I also thought it would be worth testing Pokemon go, not because it’s a particularly demanding game, but just because so many of you guys play it so poke runs slightly better on the iPhone there’s not too much difference between either Way, it’s a poorly made game, there’s no doubt about it, but every now and again the iPhone one will just outdo the Android. The Android will freeze up a little bit or become a little bit more unresponsive, which just happened on the iPhone too.

But it’s just more frequent on the Samsung, so guys thanks a lot for watching. I really appreciate it. I hope that clears up any sort of issues or concerns you had with the iPhone 7 in its performance and, generally speaking, there aren’t any the iPhone 7 flies through everything I’ve thrown at it.

I’Ll do some more thorough tests and a full review will come up. Pretty shortly so make sure you stay tuned for that, I’m mister who’s, the boss and I’m signing out [ Applause ]. You you .