Apple after iPhone

Apple after iPhone

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple after iPhone”.
A portion this video sponsored by CleanMyMac ex pay system, can I get directions home, getting directions to home. Also, what’s the weather gon na be later here you go. This is a future I want this think is: what’s gon na get us there apples switching to arm. I think surprised nobody there. Silicon was crazy, powerful in the iPad and the iPhone it made sense.

They want to control it on the Mac side. We know that and within two years, all of familiar Mac products that we have right now will be powered by their own chips. There’S no surprise there, but the more I thought about this transition. The right kept thinking that Apple might have more of a secret agenda.

A hidden agenda of new products coming outside of the Mac – that was the real reason behind switching away from Intel, and that is what has me super excited for the future of technology. So there’s been rumors for a while about Apple, releasing one unified operating system that scales, depending on like what device it’s on, whether it was a version of iOS version, Mac OS something brand new. That became the de facto operating system. That sort of been something that’s been in the ether for a while, but prior to a few months ago, it didn’t make sense. Now I think we’re at a position where Apple could pull this off, and do it really well so think. The easiest thing here is iPad, OS and Mac OS. If you look at the developer kit, that was ships of the ARM based transition, which essentially is an iPad pro inside of a Mac Mini case, it’s not hard to envision Big Sur running on an iPad.

I mean, if you look at Big Sur, it looks like toggles and such are clearly not made for mouse input. Definitely look like they’re intended for using your finger there and, if you just look, fixer feels eerily at home on the night pad. So Apple has made it pretty clear in the past that a touch based Mac is not the right decision for them.

They want to keep their products separate, but if you take Apple at their word, we wouldn’t have an Apple pencil. We wouldn’t have a big-screen iPhone. We wouldn’t have a small iPad tablet that list goes on and on. You can’t always believe what the execs say or give the benefit of down to perhaps their opinions and the industry trends tend to change. That’S obvious right. It make sense, big sur on an iPad or some version of it, not the first to think about this.

I’M certainly not the last what if we took that thought process step further, so for a lot of people, the iPhone is their main computer and with Apple controlling the hardware and the software inside of it it’s become a powerhouse over the years and it’s apples most Important products and that they make but before the iPhone came out, the Mac line was the most important product line that Apple had but times and trends changed. So what if we say the iPhone will eventually go. The way of the Mac still be sold and still be important, but something new will come that I replace it as the most important sort of paradigm shifting product in Apple’s lamp. So what if it’s like one unified Apple ecosystem. So if all your Apple products are running the similar Apple hardware and theoretically, they can all run that same operating system. Let’S the experience would be tailored to that device.

You don’t need your watch to do exactly the same thing that your desktop. Can you or your laptop you don’t need your phone to do what your watch does. The experience can change, but the hardware and the software running it can be super consistent. So imagine this Apple releases, their AR glasses. Let’S say it’s 2022 and you’re strolling down the street with your new expensive pair of glasses on and you’ve got an augmented reality experience in front of you. Maybe you talk to an assistant, find out the weather, send messages or see on the street.

You know your navigation if you’re, walking or driving that’s awesome. Howard violets called an ace threes chip with this new operating system on it. Then you take out your phone. Maybe you want to make a phone call.

Apple after iPhone

Do something phone base run an app you’re still have that same software that you’ve got on your glasses, but the experience is changing for a phone experience. Then you get home to your desk. Maybe wan na do some more power intensive stuff. Maybe you want a video edit or make music whatever it is that you do you get a more powerful experience. There opens up to a larger screen same software same hardware, but your experience changes depending on what you want to do.

Those are just a taste theoretical example of what this unified operate system can be, but when you marry hardware and software across multiple platforms becomes awesome to at least speculate and some version of this kind of exists today, but there’s a lot of pain points there Siri On your Apple, TV is different than the seria on your watch or your phone. It responds differently the app experience different from your phone to your walk and your iPad in your desktop. It’S not consistent and it’s not fluid there.

Apple after iPhone

Isn’T that sort of unified language across at all, and it kind of leads me to not use a lot of these features, because the experience is just vastly different from like one Apple product to the next. So it kind of begs a question like right: why would Apple do this? Well, the answer Apple clearly loves their ecosystem right, that’s what gets people inside of it. You’Ve heard the term walled garden with this system.

Those walls might get bigger, but they go up way. Higher and higher those walls, ultimately, the more money Apple can make. So all that is the future. It’S probably a future that I’ve got made up in my head, but the real question is: what’s going to come in the next two years as a transition starts to kick off and lays the foundation for that crazy. You know future stuff. I talked about there’s a lot of questions about the next 24 months, so before we keep going, I want to tell you guys about CleanMyMac X they’ve been around for years, but now you can download CleanMyMac X from the Apple App Store directly from Apple themselves. It’S signed and certified, so you know that’s application, you can trust.

So if you don’t know CleanMyMac X, it’s a really versatile software for your Mac can replace like dozens of optimization tools. Essentially, it gives you full control over your Mac. One of my favorite features. It’S called smart scan can scan files, it scans, hidden storage reveals ton of junk that easily be safely removed and free up up bunch of storage bay think you’ll be surprised actually, but how much storage space you can free up in space? You didn’t know what’s being taken up, so it’s not gon na touch any of your essential files, but can also scan for malware.

Apple after iPhone

Irises forgot a feature also in there called space lens. It gives you a visual representation of your computer and, what’s taking up all of space, you get more control and you can decide what’s important to you and what’s not clean, my Mac X obviously does a lot of stuff. I use it. A ton for deleting apps doesn’t just delete the app itself or delete the file. Let’S go along with it again, freeing up that space. Maybe you didn’t know you had if you just took the icon and drag it to the trash, so I think it boils down to the you know to find files on your computer, put an extra barrier between you and those and the Feres intentions, and it can Speed up your older computers, if you want to check out CleanMyMac X and you want to either download it directly from Mac pause, the makers are downloaded from the Mac. App Store will have all those links down below now, let’s go to a big topic transitions. Unsurprisingly, to predict the future got to look back at the past at the PowerPC transition from that to Intel and Steve Jobs claimed.

That was going to be a two-year transition. Stop me if this sounds familiar, but that whole transition was complete in less than a year. In fact, it only took 210 days to go completely from PowerPC architecture over at Intel, so this two-year roadmap that Tim Cook laid out, I think, has given Apple a lot of extra breathing room. I would imagine this transition will be way short of that Apple. Didn’T make this transition on the fly, they’ve been thinking about it for years and clearly have a plan in place they’re ready to execute.

So the big question is: what are the first ARM based products going to be? We go back in time to the PowerPC transition. The first Intel computers that we saw was a MacBook Pro and an iMac, and I think that actually makes a ton of sense. For now, no computer is more outdated in Apple lineup, in my mind, than the iMac from a design standpoint, especially it needs here refresh the MacBook Pro Apple sells a ton of them. It’S one of the best-selling notebooks going would make sense that those two would be the launch products that halo the look, what we can do on the arm transition and the other question is like what happens from now to event: should you buy a current generation MacBook Pro iMac or really any Mac and sort of we always say like. Oh, if you can, you know, wait they’ll be a new processor.

Coming this time, though, it’s like a big fatty but absolutely wait, because we don’t know, what’s going to happen to those Intel, computers, sure Apple will probably support them, but what about app developers? Well, they continue to support the Intel apps as they moved us to Bogota arm. Will they not let go the other direction? There are so many unknowns if you can get by with your current computer. I would a hundred percent wait see what the next few months per perhaps the biggest like head-scratcher than media. This whole thing is a computer that a lot of folks were waiting for the Mac Pro and Apple had tried it with the trashcan.

They seemed like they were abandoning the pro and they came back guns blazing by all accounts with the dream pro computer people are spending upwards of twenty thousand dollars to spec out their amazing towers. Now, admittedly, this is a very small group of people that need want or can afford, the Mac Pro businesses studios and that kind of thing what happens to those folks. It just dropped that kind of dough on obviously an Intel based system, there’s rumors of maybe a card coming in that you pay a little bit extra money and you get you know, Apple’s newest ARM architecture. I don’t know what.

If we go back to the past again to the power of receipt transition, the Mac Pro of that time – Power Mac g5 and that thing was obsoleted after five years and if you think about five years is a long time. It totally is for a laptop for an iMac computer that cost upwards of twenty thousand dollars. Five years is not that long that people are considering, they could keep updating it, upgrading it make it faster and sort of get that longer lifespan of it. Personally, I’d probably a little annoyed or may be frightened of all the money.

I just dropped on a Mac Pro with this new transition company, and I would imagine that Apple has a solution for this question that I’m sure a lot of people have. I haven’t said it yet right now, I feel like we need to know what that is, but the flipside of all that is there’s hope for this transition right. We should see faster processors, more regular, updates, better performance, unified architecture. The laundry list goes on and on.

This is just like the awkward stage. This is like the Mac. Computers are like 13 and trying to ask a girl to a dance. It’S a weird time, but we fast forward to you know the late 20s.

30S, things get more mature, so we got to get through this weird gross mustache phase to get us to the full beautiful beard that could ultimately be the new generation of Mac’s, regardless of how you feel about Apple for them to make the transition – and you know They have a plan. This wasn’t done as a knock to Intel. It was done to give them more control and in apple’s minds and more control. They have over the products so better.

They can make the products. If Ashley can release it. The more money Apple can make and ultimately that’s their goal right there, a business hope we create a company, so I’m excited about what that future is going to be. What Apple looks like with the Intel chains thrown off.

It was just a fun exercise. I spent nights because I’m a nerd thinking about these new products could be what the future might look like, and it’s kind of why I made this video. I wanted to share it and I wanted to get those nighttime thoughts out and start a discussion. Oh, you guys think the future of Apple product can be in this.

Unified operating system is one that I kept coming back to. It might not sound like the most amazing sexy thing, but what it enables or what it could bring us. It’S really cool. So, regardless what the future is going to bring or be pretty excited for it .