Apple about to end Meta’s whole career

Apple about to end Meta’s whole career

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Apple about to end Meta’s whole career”.
Okay, I know what you’re thinking, how do you come up with all this Tech news so quickly? But the real question you should be asking is: how does Riley know what I’m thinking it’s a curse apple is wrapping up development of their mixed reality headset and is on track to launch the device sometime in 2023, according to Bloomberg’s Mark German, a soothsayer with a Mysterious connection to the Unseen World, the girl man reports, that apple is continuing to hire people to create content for the device which may be called either the reality Pro or reality. One when you take it off, you’ll, be in reality too. This one is not as important apple is specifically hiring developers to create a 3D mixed reality world. Oh, that sounds like a metaverse, but see Meta, and the entire internet have unfortunately made that word unbearably cringe, which may be why Apple’s marketing Chief said metaverse is a word I’ll, never use that’s, probably bad news for meta who is really banking on everyone, saying metaverse, A lot I’m sorry Mark reality.

Apple about to end Meta’s whole career

One is probably gon na come with an apple one subscription out of the box and legs. No USBC, though Amazon will reportedly be firing. 10 000 workers starting this week because all the other Tech Giants are doing it and the company doesn’t want to be left out. Layoffs are so trendy right now. It’S a Tick-Tock thing seems strange for the massive e-tailer to cut jobs right before the holidays, but the job Cuts will actually focus on Amazon’s devices group accounting for about three percent of its corporate Workforce and last month, Amazon said it would hire a hundred and fifty Thousand operations workers, so everybody can ship themselves last minute novelty mugs for their dad who’s super hard to buy.

For what does he want an LTD Screwdriver from What was that? We don’t do that? I don’t it just came out. Naturally, still the job Cuts. Don’T look great for Amazon, which is probably why happy Voldemort also announced today that he plans to give away the majority of his fortune to charity but figuring out how to do it is really hard. Uh, hey here’s! Maybe an idea a start by paying your hourly workers more, I just just hey speaking of money.

Remember cryptocurrency wow! So last week, one of the world’s largest crypto exchanges FTX collapsed partially because of its founder Sam bankman freed using ftx’s own fft coin. As collateral for loans under a hedge fund he owned called Alameda research. You know I don’t see what the big problem is there. That sounds like something I do. It was a joke. Scared users withdrew around 135 billion dollars worth of bitcoin after the collapse and binance another major crypto exchange and FDX Frenemy offered to buy them out before backing out. Instead collateral damage was felt by other cryptocurrencies like Solana, which is teetering on the brink of collapse. It’S rev out there right now.

Apple about to end Meta’s whole career

Leaders from binance and hosted amas to assure everyone that they’re fine, everything’s fine, but the whole situation has drawn even more attention from U.S Regulators. Obviously, we do need to lay down some rules for this new technology, but as Jeff gearling points out, it was always a little weird that people got really hyped up for decentralized money and then put it all in centralized exchanges that could get hacked and fail. Uh. Never mind the guy that proposed to his girlfriend with nfts, I’m not even gon na we’re just I’m not even gon na. We can just leave that now.

Apple about to end Meta’s whole career

It’S time for quick bits brought to you by the Neo bqi C3 Pro the evolution of the urban e-bike, whether you’re commuting across the city on the daily or a weekend warrior exploring the parks outside of town. The bqi C3 Pro will get you where you’re going quickly and safely. It offers up to 62 miles in range, swappable battery capabilities for extended range and comes in three colors white, glossy gray and matte black get 20 off the Neo bqi C3 Pro from November 17th. To December 4th and the most Avid Riders will have a chance to win an additional 50 off. You better click the link below to learn more.

No, it’s should we do the quick bits now. Should we no it’s, I I don’t think they know it. Should we quickly Elon musk’s manic, steering wheel grab of Twitter continues with the news that 4 400 contract workers, primarily from the content moderation Department, were unceremoniously laid off over the weekend, but you have to admit I mean it was pretty funny. Elon just doesn’t care.

I I love that about him. You can add Android developer Eric phone Hofer to the list of x-tweeps after he corrected Elon with a retweet Elon then fired him via tweet after responding to a U.S senator’s concerns about the ease with which his account was impersonated. By saying your real account sounds like a parody, I wish I had enough crying laughing emojis to convey just how funny Elon ramming this website into the ground. Is it’s it’s it’s a great everyone’s having a great time, an early review of the RTX 4080, the 16 gigabyte model. There’S only one now has been posted by a Billy Billy Creator called Big Hardware player and while he never showed the card, his numbers say it’s about 19 faster than an RTX 3090 TI. Okay, but hold on it says AMD who published a number of slides. Comparing the RTX 4080 to their upcoming RX, 7900 XT and XTX, which has more RAM wider bus widths and, most importantly, a power connector that will probably not melt look AMD. Uh people are gon na, buy the 4080 regardless. Okay, you didn’t have to make the slides they’re nice slides the good job on the slides. Igor’S lab has a Teensy bit more information about the melting 12 volt high power. Connector Saga Nvidia apparently told Igor that the power adapters are made by two different companies.

Astron and ntk. Astron’S version is apparently more prone to failure due to its use of double slot spring contacts, Igor details: how to tell the two versions apart so check out the full post in the new sources below, if you don’t like the idea of Living Dangerously, what you just Want you just want your computer to work properly, so you can play your video games. People has settled that privacy lawsuit from 40 State Attorneys General over whether Google continued to track users location. Even when location tracking was off, I mean I guess they. I guess they were tracking you, so that’s kind of an open and shut situation. Google will pay a collective 392 million dollars stating that they settled because the investigation was based on outdated product policies that they changed years ago, like yeah. Finally, tracked you and lied about it. Here’S some money or whatever get out of here Jesus and oh the secret space plane is back. Yes, the space Force’s X-37B has returned to Earth after a record-breaking 908 days over two and a half years in space.

What was it doing up there? Well, for one, it was deploying the Falcon sat 8 satellite and collecting radio frequency data for the Navy, but that’s only the stuff they told us about it could have been visiting the people that live under the ice on Jupiter’s moon, Enceladus and becoming part of their Tribe, why does it have cool Batman, earwings like that, we’ll find out someday, and you should come find out about more Tech news on Wednesday. I can’t tell you what it is now I have to go, get it from space, real, quick and I’ll just I’ll be so I’ll see you then .