Another App for the Google Graveyard

Another App for the Google Graveyard

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Another App for the Google Graveyard”.
Google podcasts speaking of companies that have things going for them that are good and then just I don’t know, uh Google podcasts go bye-bye see. I actually don’t care, I don’t listen to podcasts, but so, but you seem more passionate about this here. Let me read: let me read the thing really quick. Google podcast has finally shut down in the United States. Is this going to be your Google Play music CU? Google play music is like I.

Another App for the Google Graveyard

I will die on that Hill that YouTube music is a piece of garbage and if they just brought Google play music back in exactly the it was in like 5 years ago or whenever they discontinued it. It would be better than anything else on the market. Well, I I agree cuz I used Google play music. I was a big Google play music person. Why are you using spotify stuff like that, all right? So anyway, Google podcast has finally shut down in the United States and will soon phase out in the rest of the world as well. In their announcement last year, the company indicated that they would be focusing on YouTube, music’s podcasting features. Instead. Oh good.

Another App for the Google Graveyard

We’Ve heard this before, apparently around 23 % of us podcast listeners use YouTube as their primary podcast listing platform, and only 4 % use. Google podcasts Google’s own podcast made by Google, though, isn’t available on the YouTube music app yeah, that’s a fun one, so um. Why do you care? Why does this matter like it’s, it’s audio right, so does it matter what you play it in just help me out here uh my the way that I had mine set up.

Another App for the Google Graveyard

I don’t know if this is normal. I don’t talk to anyone else that listens to podcast, about podcasts um, but it it would it it would. I was like subscribed to a couple podcasts and it would download them for me so like when I’m on Wi-Fi it downloads it yeah.

When I go out for a run or whatever else it’s downloaded, I don’t have to this. Helps you not me CU. You pay for my phone plan, but, like I I do run that feature because I actually don’t want to just burn through mobile data.

For no reason um, I I like that it’s one specific subscription feed that doesn’t have the rest of my YouTube junk in it. That’S just for podcast. So when I want podast, I go to just this thing. It shows me the podcast that I’m subscribed to and only those there there’s there’s not a like. I don’t I don’t remember cuz. I mean the app’s probably gone at this point, but I think there was I’m fairly certain. There was a menu that I went to that never had any recommendations or anything it was just the things I was subscribed to.

I could see all the most recent things there easy peasy, no problem it worked flawlessly. I I saw no reason to need any other thing for using podcast. It was perfect, just pulled up our podcast cuz. I guess this is a podcast analytics and Google podcast is the third highest at 8 % of uh yeah. There you go so like cool. Okay, a bunch of people watch Joe Rogan on YouTube.

Did we really need to get rid of Google podcast? Because of that, like I don’t fun fact, you said the app is probably gone. Um is it still here, it can be gone, but it can never be forgotten. I I keep the Google Play music app on my phone. Just just to never forget. I had where’s the focus. I had the vessel app on my phone for years. Yeah um. Do I still have vessel on here? I don’t.

I think I eventually deleted vessel. I think I did too um TUV. Yes, I deleted vessel.

I think I do have something that you haven’t been able to get for years, though, that isn’t vessel, let’s see, is it the PT demo? No ha everybody’s sad. Now, let’s see I don’t, there should be other platform that work like what you want Luke. Oh, you still can get it.

Okay, cool all all kind of podcasts work, the same way as it’s just RS. I have a Google phone and I had the Google app and it’s fine. That makes sense. I don’t have to worry about there. There was no like ads or anything. It was free, easy, simple, that’s probably why they got rid of it. Um yeah not profitable enough got yeah.

I don’t know it just it. Just sucks. .