AMD… What Have You Done?

AMD... What Have You Done?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD… What Have You Done?”.
We’Ve got your Tech tips, we’ve got your quick tips, we’ve got your knit slips, you can’t stop it. It appears that amd’s upcoming Powerhouse gaming processor, the ryzen 7 5800 X 3D, will not support overclocking at launch or possibly ever. The news first appeared in a post on Billy Billy before being Amplified by other outlets, but now Tech PowerUp has heard from some motherboard makers who say that AMD told them to disable overclocking support for the chip, but they wouldn’t say why. But I’m not telling. Maybe the ryzen 7 5800 x3d is a little shy.

AMD... What Have You Done?

After all, it’s got a lot of pressure on it after being touted as more powerful than Intel’s current gaming Flagship, the core I9 12900k. It’S possible that the reason could have something to do with the vertically stacked V cash memory, which will be making its debut in this new chip see up till now, virtually every ryzen processor has supported overclocking and hasn’t had V cash. So I’m not saying it’s aliens, but it could be aliens now it’s possible that AMD is just working out the bugs and will let the 5800x 3D really spread its three-dimensional Wings when it launches in the spring. You know you don’t belong in a cage.

AMD... What Have You Done?

5800X. 3D. You deserve to fly, try a little bird. The virtual gap between Russia and the West continues to widen, with YouTube announcing this morning that it is expanding its European block on Russian state-funded media channels to include the entire world and sure enough.

Certain channels like RT, are already unavailable. Meanwhile, Facebook has made the unusual decision to allow violent speech, including death threats, as long as they’re targeting Russian military or military leaders currently invading Ukraine. In response, Russia has opened a criminal case against meta and banned Instagram, leaving WhatsApp as the only major meta-owned platform still available in Russia.

Unfortunately, whatever psychological benefits Russian citizens may enjoy from having Facebook and Instagram removed are being offset by crushing economic sanctions. So this is really a nobody wins scenario. It’S not all about removals, though. Google has announced that they’ve built an air raid alert system directly into Android. Citizens of Ukraine can already use a government app to get alerts, but Google’s solution makes the government system available to all Android phones in Ukraine, even if they don’t have the app as jsonus Maximus wrote in an ARS Technica comment. May this be the one Google effort that we are all happy to see in early end of life for indeed and valve steam. Deck just keeps getting better. The company just released official Windows drivers for the Linux based handheld, meaning you should have a better time trying out non-validated titles like Halo, infinite yeah, I mean it’s not very infinite if it doesn’t run on the steam deck. Is it that’s what I said? It’S finite Halo, finite.

AMD... What Have You Done?

Another interesting deck development is an update that valve pushed for Elden ring which still suffers from middling performance on PC, but not on Steam. Deck valve’s update ensures that the game’s Shader caches work properly, which technically should have been from software’s job, but it seems like they may be, taking a page from The Game’s co-creator George R.R, Martin and uh just yeah putting their feet up just just for a second Just for a second, meanwhile, it looks like Google may take a page out of valve’s book with redditor spotting a planned talk by the company about running unmodified Windows games on stadia using what sounds like a steam proton like well, okay, you can’t really call it an Emulator, because it’s wine based and wine is not an emulator, so anyway, it’s happening. Your dream is coming true. Other Linus, oh an unexpected Riley, appears from this side.

Now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by oracle’s Pi Day event. On March 14th, the premier Global developer event focusing on Innovative fun and highly technical content. I mean, as developers talking to developers so they’ll, actually understand what you’re saying, unlike your mom, who still doesn’t quite get what you do with tech demos, Deep dive, talks, Labs, giveaways and fun Dev activities. Oracle will show you what you can build using Oracle Cloud infrastructure and how they support the open source Community, learn more and register for Pi Day today at the link below blork quirks.

How do they work quarks? What is that? Nvidia and Samsung both suffered pretty heinous hacks by the same group recently and now. Ubisoft says that they too experienced a cyber security incident. The hacking group hasn’t claimed responsibility for the attack, which caused Ubisoft to issue a mandatory password reset for all accounts.

And frankly, I’m not sure what would be more concerning the exist distance of a single, Unstoppable super hacking, group or a world in which none of these companies actually had ample cyber security to start with get Riley in their Ubisoft gon na set you up with his Quick bits, antivirus solution, speaking of hacking, Intel and security research group viewsak have revealed yet another speculative execution attack the unimaginably codenamed Specter V2, which impacts all recent Intel, processors and, interestingly, specific arm processors, but not AMD chips. While news of another flaw is certainly not welcome. At least Intel is disclosing this one up front, instead of denying that it exists until the last minute do we have Pat gelsinger just thanks for that, because I love that guy he’s very wholesome love. You Pat all smiling after being blocked in Russia.

Twitter has launched a DOT onion version of its website compatible with the Tor Browser which allows users to access sites on the quote-unquote dark web. No word yet on whether the new site is more more stinky, but all the Cyber curtain news definitely makes me want to cry. Oh that’s a good, that’s good! Writing and developer.

Gustav monts has managed to install Windows 11 on Microsoft’s surface Duo, dual screen, Android phone making it frankly a lot more interesting, I mean sure almost nothing works, but maybe we can get valve on the case. I feel like Lord Gaben is Rising once more and finally, one of Google’s Android tablet Chiefs Rich Miner, said on the company’s own. Android show that tablets may just overtake laptops and sales in the near future.

Of course, he would say that, given that Android has just released a tablet, optimized version of the OS for like the first time – and you know – hey it’d – be pretty cool. If people bought a lot of Android tablets soon, please please don’t keep buying the iPad. I know it’s so much better, but please stop! Oh! Oh, oh wait! Oh it’s not an iPad! Oh crap! It’S sort of an Android tablet! Oh and uh, come back on Monday for more Tech news, because trust me there’s a lot more tips where these came from.

Don’T I got some in here: .