AMD still LOVES us!!

AMD still LOVES us!!

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD still LOVES us!!”.
I have this tech news. I just I need to get it out. I need to give it away, but I just hook a AMD disappointed horizon fans last week when they said upcoming, Xen 3 processors would not be compatible with existing x4 70 and fee 450 motherboards, meaning owners of Rison systems wouldn’t be able to upgrade to Rison 4000 Without buying a new motherboard shucks AMD well, it looks like AMD heard the intense backlash to this announcement seriously. People were upset and the company has now pledged to bring Xen 3 support to 400 series motherboards. The original decision to not support older Mobile’s revolved around the limited amount of space in the BIOS and, while AMD hasn’t said exactly how they’re gon na get around that they have said.

It’Ll, probably involve something like removing support for older rice and CPUs phew. That was close. It almost looked like AMD was becoming the very blue company. They swore to destroy.

You’Ve lived too long. Speaking of a blue company Intel that same one, we were talking about launched their 10th gen desktop processors today, once again built on the aging 14 nanometer process, no 14 nanometer ain’t. What she used to be yeah, but somehow Intel has managed to build a lineup of chips led by the core. I nine 109 zero zero K.

AMD still LOVES us!!

That’S how I’m saying it: 10,000. 90: zero weight! That’S 1090! Zero shut up Riley, a lineup that still beats rising by a hair’s breadth in single threaded workloads like gaming and AMD’s chips still beat Intel’s on average in heavily multi-threaded, creative workloads and I’m a creative. So that’s the team, but the performance comes at the cost of super-high clocks at super high power drawers, although, as Linus and Anthony point out in the LTTE review the power story isn’t as horrible as you might think. The chips also give users the ability to disable hyper-threading on certain cores to even further boost single-threaded performance, a feature brought over from the high-end desktop lineup.

AMD still LOVES us!!

Now, as usual, the world’s fastest gaming processor comes with a bit of a price premium, but if you buy one of these chips, you can brag to your friends about how much you spent on it. So there’s that thousand dollars I can’t eat now and Microsoft held their build developer conference yesterday, but has become custom in the time of Corona. It was a fully stream from home event that no one cared about. Did you stream it developers developers? The company gave a peek at fluid framework experiences in office which will allow you to easily move assets between office apps and have them update in real time sort of like Adobe Creative Cloud.

Microsoft also announced a supercomputer of their building with Elon Musk open AI, which will be one of the top five most powerful supercomputers in the world and will maybe give birth to eelain’s next child with a commensurate name. The company gave Linux developers some more love with support for GPU acceleration and Linux GUI applications and throughout the entire presentation, Microsoft, sprinkled little Easter eggs and choreographed skits, which, whatever Microsoft being funny, that’s weird. You know I mean it’s been funny before, but not on purpose. Here’S a clip, Johnny developers developers develop the bone now sign for the quick pitch brought to you by the drop THX triple-a, seven eight-nine audio amplifier because you’re worth it baby, it’s made with THX’s feed-forward topology tech, which reduces the sourcing by 20 to 40 decibels, get Out of your decibels of static, the triple a 79 delivers clear, audio sharpness and tight bass without the bloat and is capable of driving audio to any pair of headphones with balanced XL, 4 quarter inch and 3.5 outputs.

AMD still LOVES us!!

It also comes with a one-year warranty and you can check it out at the link below. Of course, it’s two quick bits Apple is reportedly pretty far along and development of its augmented reality glasses that we’ve been hearing about for at least 19 years, if leaks from big leaker man, John Prosser are accurate, that is the leaks, described Apple glass, which is really That’S so cool e Apple glass come on there’s no way. They’Re gon na call that eyeglasses duh they’re powered by a user’s, iPhone, apparently and they’ve got lidar sensors yeah, but no camera, which is kind of good cuz.

I don’t want to stand out a year of really look at your PPE. Take a video would, I might be tempted and they’re, only gon na cost $ 500. That’S actually pretty sweet, considering the cost of a Apple watch.

Only time will tell whether gern is right, but if he’s not I’m sure toilet squad will be there for him. Another leaky news sources close to Google claimed that the company’s pixel 5 will feature a mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 CPU when it launches later this year, rather than the flagship snapdragon 865 heck. Let’S hope this means the pixel line is returning to its more budget-friendly Nexus roots. Let’S hope that you’re, not Apple, Google, don’t try to be Apple, just focus on not being evil. I don’t like whoever wrote this. I want a flagship pixel I like my pixel.

They have the a pixel A’s for you. Riley NVIDIA has announced the cloud XR SDK, which allows developers to stream VR AR and mixed reality content. Basically, any head-mounted display with a focus on enterprise applications which mean who cares, and that sounds cool, but can we please get GeForce now off the ground? First, you know with more than like 5 games. Also the latency you kiddin me. Facebook is looking to take on Amazons online shopping dominance. With the new Facebook shops.

Sellers will be able to create digital storefronts on the platform from which users can either arrange to buy products in person like eBay or Facebook mark place or purchase them directly through an online checkout sounds like Zuck was a little jealous of Bezos being on track to Become the first trillionaire, maybe it’s the shape or a dynamic, an AI currently being researched at new york’s mount sinai hospital can diagnose Cova 19 based on imaging and clinical data from patients. The research showed the AI model to be as accurate and, in some cases, more accurate at detecting the disease than an experienced radiologist, yeah, sweet boy – oh, this is obviously great news for Coppa detection. Although I don’t love the idea of robots, boggling pictures of my lungs I’d like them to get to know me first, maybe buy a drink for me to put into those lungs liquid goes in the lungs right hisses stored in the balls.

This episode is also too silly for my liking, so we’re gon na be stopping it right now, come back on Friday for more tech news and zero silliness. Maybe I’ll show you a picture. My looks .