AMD gave up!?

AMD gave up!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD gave up!?”.
Tech news is kind of like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gon na get, but it’ll definitely be chocolate. So it’s definitely gon na be tech. News. Google has responded to privacy concerns about audio recordings captured by the company’s Google home devices. According to a Belgian report, which we talked about on Wednesday by the way, those recordings are sometimes captured when no activation phrase has been spoken. So many of the recordings contain private and even personally, identifying information in their response. Google says the problem here: isn’t their practices, but rather the fact that the contractor violated their data security policies by leaking the audio. The company defends their practice of having humans review audio, saying that it is critical to the development of google assistant and that only 0.2 percent of all audio snippets are ever reviewed wow.

That sounds like a lot. Doesn’T it my goodness and those snippets are not associated with user accounts? Reviewers are directed to not transcribe background conversation. Only speech that is directed at Google but thing is those people are still potentially hearing personal information which they could use themselves in any number of nefarious ways. So if you’re concerned, you can turn off voice and audio recording in your Google account settings, but I mean now the question becomes: can you even trust, Google to honor that choice, no sweet, speaking of Google being sneaky deepmind, the company’s a I focus division is inserting Its pro Starcraft player, beating AI alpha star into the game’s European competitive servers alpha star, will apparently play a small number of games against human players, and, while us flesh bags will be able to opt into the program for a chance to play, the AI alpha star Will be anonymous, so you won’t know whether you’re playing it or a regular meat bag, as was the case for its matches with professionals.

AMD gave up!?

People variants of alpha star will be competing and results will be recorded to publish as data in a peer-reviewed scientific paper after the trial. Now, importantly, this time around alpha star will have tighter restrictions on its actions per minute than it did previously and will only be able to perceive parts of the map using a camera like view, rather than the all-seeing eye sauron type omniscience that it used in January. You know I’m actually fine with being killed by a robot. As long as it’s like a fair fight. You know the robot has to use the eyes on its head. Like me, no lasers and the walkie-talkie function on Apple watches apparently fell victim to a vulnerability that could allow users to listen to another person’s iPhone without their knowledge.

Yes, my friends: if you go like this in your walkie talkie Apple watch, if someone’s standing near the other person, they might be able to hear it actually, no, it’s a little more complicated than that, so the issue was reported directly to Apple via the security portal. On Apple’s website, and so far it doesn’t appear to have been exploited by any bad actors. The flaw calls to mind a similar FaceTime bug from earlier this year that similarly allowed people to listen in before the call was accepted on the other end, so Apple has disabled the walkie talkie feature while it fixes the issue. So if you were having lots of fun, pretending that you live in stranger things, land, I’m sorry, man with all these audio recordings security flies. I think it might just be time to like now it’s time for the Zippity zappity you buy dis plate ha regular posters. What is this? The 1800s get yourself a dis plane there magnet mounted metal prints that are durable and look way cooler than a piece of paper anyway. This plate is over 260,000 artworks pending many influences and styles, and they feature an easy magnetic mounting system. No power tools or holes in the wall are required, plus you’ll be supporting good people, they plant 10 trees for each display purchased. We actually don’t know that they’re good people, but we do know that they do good things and that’s good enough for us and they’re, so good they’ll, let you use discount code LTT at checkout to get 50 percent off, so checkout display its metal posters today, at The link below on to the Zippity zap a bit of a strange report from French site Calcott land. It is that French word anyway. It’S circulating right now, claiming that the AMD Radeon seven has been discontinued. The info apparently comes from supply chain sources who say that remaining stock is being sold off and that AMD declared the card end-of-life last month waving last month.

That card was only just released in January, so I mean. Hopefully, this means that we’ll be getting a higher end, navi based card soon and not that AMD. Let in videos like get inside their head. You know, ignore them.

Amd they’re, just bullies, big green bullies with great graphics cards. Nintendo just launched the switch light, but in other news the company also just submitted an FCC filing stating its intention to update the original switch with new hardware, including updated memory and some kind of updated Tegra processor. Now it should be made clear that this news does not concern the rumored switch Pro, because the filing specifically refers to a new revision of the same model of product. So I’ll say this Nintendo has a current switch owner. I must say this is not fair and my attorneys and I will be presumably I don’t care, let’s just in the script. Why are you mad? You don’t even know that it’s better the leagues for the Samsung Galaxy Note, 10 and 10 Plus appear to have reached their Zenith, their apex, their highest point with screenshots that basically leave nothing to the imagination. Samsung will apparently officially reveal the phones at an event. On August 7th, which will forever be remembered as the day that the headphone jack truly died, and I stopped getting new note devices, it’s not enough that Google and Amazon record our voices when they’re not supposed to now they’re gon na, follow us around the house too. Amazon is working on a home robot, that’s being described as a sort of mobile ALU XA, so it’s gon na be able to wheel around after you and supposedly report everything that you do to its data hungry masters. I mean it could also make it easy to order more laundry detergent or track your calories or whatever.

So that sounds that sounds pretty worth it, and AMD said that PCI Express 4.0 will remain exclusive to their X, 570 chipset. But now, as seuss has actually published a table of X, 470 and even value B, 450 motherboards, which they say, could support the feature with a BIOS update, that’s pretty cool, because I’ve always wanted for PCIe s, JK PCIe, gen 4. It’S faster and I’ve always wanted to end this episode of tech. Like always every moment of my life up until now, I have thought of nothing but ending this episode.

AMD gave up!?

Episode. Number 69. 20 s 127 of technique. So thanks for watching guys, I hope you have a fabulous weekend and I’ll see you back here on Monday with more tech news, I’m gon na be rested and refreshed, and you know you guys should get some rest too. You look tired, yeah, it’s bad! It’S bad thing and go brush your teeth. Oh breath smells .

AMD gave up!?