AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?

AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?”.
Yes, hello: this is Riley speaking who’s, this tech news, an abstract concept that has taken corporeal forms such as that it is now capable of making a phone call Wow, and you called me first everyone’s getting excited about invidious: g-force r-tx, graphics cards, but there’s actually some Other pretty cool news about them. An intrepid Reddit user has managed to get free, sinc, AMD’s, adaptive, refresh rate technology running on an NVIDIA GeForce GPU, specifically a GTX 1060. Now it’s bit of a complicated work around and they kind of cheated as the method described, requires an AMD APU with Radeon graphics. Basically, you plug a GeForce GPU into a regular, monitor and run a display cable from your motherboard to the freesync, monitor and then select your graphics card as the output Wow. It’S a glimpse at a world where you don’t have to choose between two technologies that do the same thing, but kept apart by overbearing families, when all they want to do is just love each other.

AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?

I don’t know parents are the worst check out the news sources in the description. If you want the full details on how this unholy union was achieved, so we’re right on September’s doorstep, which usually means a new iPhone launch and this year should be no different. Yes, a polenta la Sofia, the iPhone 10, as the company is set to release three iPhones with a similar design, meaning you’ll see devices with minimal bezels no home button, and probably the notch that you know and tolerate reports indicate that all three models will include face. Id and the highest end version will have a 6.5 inch screen, making it the biggest iPhone ever as well as probably giving other smartphones a feeling of inadequacy. Meanwhile, the lowest end model will get a downgrade to a standard LED screen, making it more affordable, but seeing as Apple isn’t expected to lower prices, too much you’ll probably still have to cough up half a kidney. It’S not a whole kidney, but if you can save at least part of your kidney, you should I’ve confused, since when can you pay for things in kidneys, throwing the stones and you got a deal they’re disgusting? I don’t want to think about that, and I wanted to ignore all these leaks for as long as possible, but they’re getting a bit overwhelming now. We now have a possible launch date for Google’s pixel three and three XL October: ninth, yes, which means it would come right on the heels of the new iPhones expected to appear in September that we just talked about. If you really can’t wait until then have a look at it, an electronic store from Russia has posted a high-resolution unboxing video to YouTube.

That gives a much better idea of what to expect than previous leaks. A different Russian blogger also uploaded some pictures. He apparently took with a phone to Instagram if you’re curious, what kind of photo quality to expect Brandon and yet another person uploaded some images of the device.

AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?

After saying they found the pixel inside of a taxicab, I’m starting to think this phone is the worst kept secret. Since we found out that pro wrestling was fake, whoa whoa whoa, you shut it Pro Wrestling is what you should know. You you think it’s real.

AMD Freesync… on a GEFORCE GPU!?

I was trying to be, like I think, 100 G’s. It’S wake up man and now it’s time for quick bits brought to you by synergy if you’re, an IT professional or a power user who uses two or more computers at the same time that running different operating system on each computer like Windows, Linux or Mac OS. You could have a severe mouse and keyboard problem, but instead of getting confused, frustrated and angry, tell you what you should do, get synergy yes, yeah! It’S a software download that combines your desktop computers together into one cohesive system, run a single keyboard and mouse across multiple computers seamlessly. So you can stop juggling mice and get back to work. You lazy, bum! You got no excuses now, so click the link below to learn more now on to the click baits that leaked Xbox. All Access subscription plan we talked about on Friday is leaked no more, as Microsoft has officially unveiled it.

The details are basically all accurate. 22 bucks. Us a month gets you an Xbox one S 35 bucks a month to gets you an Xbox one X and both of those plans gets you two years of Xbox game pass and Xbox Live Gold, but what’s new is that the financing is powered by Dell preferred Account, Microsoft didn’t have the means to figure this out themselves. They had to go with two Dell, like Dell, is the big expert on financing.

I want an Xbox tel wait. Dell Xbox. Would it would it would be del xbox if you’re in the market, for a cheap thread ripper, you can now find one for just 300 bucks if you’re willing to settle for a first gen model AMD has slashed the prices of OG thread rippers in a used Car style everything must go sale before the second gen SKUs are released to the public, with the eight core, 16 thread variant being the cheapest, but not the cheapest. In my heart still love those little guys.

They’Re cute Intel’s, new, ninth gen CPUs are just around the corner and it looks like they may be pretty good overclockers if a leaked benchmark is to be believed. A Chinese tech site has posted a screenshot of an i7 9700 k overclocked to 5.5 gigahertz with water cooling instead of liquid nitrogen. Although the alleged overclocker did have to crank the voltage up to 1.5 6-3, so temper your expectations for pushing your new CPU this hard. Every day it’s only human, you know if you live in Seattle, it just got even easier to minimize pesky human interaction, hate that, as Amazon has opened up, another Amazon go location in the downtown area. It’S a bit smaller than the original location and has more limited hours, seemingly for 9 to 5 workers that just need to go grab a quick lunch or a box of Tylenol to stave off the dull headaches that come with existing inside a cubicle didn’t know. That was a thing, however, there’s no word yet on exactly when the stores will be expanding outside the Emerald City.

Is that a Seattle, the Emerald City? Why is it emerald? It’S blue as a giass of all the other cooler cities? Oh no. I, like Seattle of Seau, Starbucks, Starbucks, hey Facebook continues to try and figure out how to strike a balance between free expression and combating hateful behavior, as the social media site recently banned a number of accounts connected to high-level military figures in Mayan Mar who have been Widely accused of extremely serious human rights violations within the country, the pages had millions of followers and the company has admitted it was too slow to do anything about the issue, especially as suc really doesn’t need another black guy right now. Yeah I gave him the first one yeah you can. If two black eyes, then you’re done man it’s over and it’s now a little easier to see how much time you waste on YouTube has the account menu will now give you total watch time by day and by week.

You’Ll also have an option to auto remind yourself to take a break from the screen if you’ve been spending way too many hours watching inferior non-tech leak channels. I don’t want to say that I mean we’re okay, but we’re not John wrote that guys. That’S it for tech linked it’s over, there’s, no more tech news ever this is the end of it.

No more thanks for watching it’s! You know, it’s been good. It’S been a good while lasted subscribe. I don’t know why you would subscribe because there’s no more tech news, but do it anyways just to make me happy and James Brandon.

How do you feel about it? Yeah, Brandon’s cool, all the time he’s good. Whatever his do. We talk about the things that passed.

I’M talking to you log see you next time. .