Amazon Key: new delivery service lets couriers unlock your front door

Amazon Key: new delivery service lets couriers unlock your front door

Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “Amazon Key: new delivery service lets couriers unlock your front door”.
Everybody it’s been popular the verge, and I’m here today checking out Amazon’s newest, offering Amazon key. This is a smart home system. That’S going to allow delivery, people to actually open the door, get inside your house and drop off the package. So there’s a couple of pieces that make this work: there is a connected camera that Amazon is selling and that is sort of like the hub. Now the camera goes inside your house and works with your Wi-Fi network.

Then there’s a smart lock. You have a few options from Dave, well known, brands that goes on your door now, you’re gon na get an option if you live in a city with this service, when you order a package for in-home delivery, that’s basically giving permission to the delivery person to come Inside your house, you’ll get a notification that they’re on the way when the delivery person shows up. They scan the barcode on the package just to double-check that this is the right package at the right place. If everything checks out, the lock will open for them. They’Ll place the package inside close the door and lock it again. In fact, they’ll knock first just to be polite and make sure you don’t have a big angry dog after they’ve dropped off the package.

You’Ll get a notification confirming it and a short video just for peace of mind, so all of that is intended to facilitate Amazon’s delivery Empire, but the camera also works just like an ordinary camera. You can talk to. It. Has a microphone and a speaker you’re down in the basement, you could say: hey Alexis, show me the front door and the system will do that. Amazon will offer a subscription that will let you save 24 hours of video or more. You can get a whole bunch of cameras, it will do person, detection and zone detection all the things you would expect from a modern-day connected home security camera and the lock works.

Amazon Key: new delivery service lets couriers unlock your front door

Just like a lock with the Amazon key app. You could give temporary permission to a friend who’s visiting from out of town or recurrent permission to the dog-walker who comes once a week. In fact, amazon is hoping that you’ll use the key with their services division. So when you start using a service for a dog-walking or home cleaning, if it’s connected and works with Amazon’s key, and you can authorize that person to come use your home while you’re at work.

So all this is part of Amazon’s push to get deeper and deeper into your home and to make it simpler than ever to order something and have it arrive quickly and cheaply. The big question left is: do you trust Amazon? Do you want them to have a connected camera in your home, that’s running 24/7 and a lock that works with their delivering people to let them in and out. Amazon is betting that for the convenience of having your packages delivered safely inside a lot of people. Well, if you’re a Prime customer who’s interested in this, you can pre-order starting today, it’s two hundred and forty nine dollars and ninety nine cents, that’ll get you the camera and the lock amazon will come and install this stuff for you.

You could also buy the camera on its own. That’S one hundred and twenty bucks now November. Eight is when you can download the apps and start actually receiving deliveries for this service and thirty-seven cities around the nation.
